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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. !@#$ing scumbag. If those were one of my kids I would have snapped
  2. Because there are 2 sets of standards for hate crimes
  3. Idiots... they will either die when they stress their body too much....or fall asleep
  4. Pics?
  5. typing from my phone where it tries to spell what it wants for me. Dont hate !
  6. Dareous popularity will soar.... soon we will all be saying Michael jasper....who was that guy ?
  7. and all along I thought the liberal litmus test was blaming everyone else for your failures including the evil rich 1%, while demanding that everyone pays their fare share to be re-distributed to those who need it most. And if you disagree your a racist. But to the OP your friend is clearly confused thats it's possible that there people who share things in common that he likes, that have different political views.
  8. Where about in SC ? I briefly looked into rock hill SC. Seems like nice realty and uber cheap taxes. How far of commute to charlotte is it ? Haven't thought much about Texas. I was trying to look at areas within a day drive back to buffalo. What are some advantages to living there ?
  9. Then in this example your right in the 98% of the time when the police don't make an inexcusable mistake and its a gang breaking into your house to kill you rob your house run a train on your wife and molest your children before killing them....then the situation is different What is the more likely reason some unknown group is butchering your door to break into your house for unknown reasons ? Police incompetence or crime ?
  10. Senator / candidate Obama told everyone exactly who he was and what he wanted to do. But the trouble is no one listened or asked him tough questions in our rush to wipe away our "white guilt" to elect an eloquent speaking black guy who Hollywood and the media loved.
  11. Your giving me a craving to have a bottle. Ugh...
  12. Where did u hear that ?
  13. So....your telling me its easier to become wealthy now than in 1912? Ya I guess it is easier living in an age where most people don't live on farms have automobiles , computers and there are things like the internet , corporations, technology and airplanes that we can use for our advantage for financial gain. Yes all praise to big government!! ............ Not. Yea all those farm hands were hauling in crazy money .50 a day. (Just making a point not exact wage )
  14. Not losing sleep over it. On the bright side we get to play his defense twice a year
  15. Maybe Herr Obama will send his minions to organize the "occupy youth" brigade I know its way far fetched but I'm glad these idiots lack any cohesive ability to organize for a clear goal. If some type of strong motivating leader was ever able to organize these camps who knows what they could be convinced to do
  16. Seriously pulling the race card for that ?? Unfreaking believable. This is our stupid media pushing their race bating overly PC garbage even farther. Jesse Jackson needs to shut the !@#$ up he's a racist. He hates non black people. Love how the left whack jobs are advocating violence against a female over that. This country is seriously screwed
  17. imagine the stench in that Oakland jail... ugh
  18. Yes... and why I hate pissing my money away in NY on taxes and other crap that is ridiculous and just contributes to a cost of living that is way higher than it should be. I could get so much more house for the money while paying less taxes elsewhere. NY just wears on me with everything costing more than it should, school taxes, property taxes, sales tax, state income tax, vehicle registrations/inspections, gas prices, utility prices, toll roads (thruway and grand island bridges) just to go places, etc..etc.. etc.. So it seems like there is a lot of love for the Columbus OH and Richmond VA regions? I would have never thought to include Columbus on my list but after such strong feedback I will investigate it. Does OH have state income tax? what is the sales tax in Columbus?What are property taxes like in the area? How are property taxes in Central VA ? Does VA have state income tax? what is the sales tax? anyone here in Tennessee ? either Nashville or Knoxville areas with any input? what are more "suburb/exurb" areas in NC either near Charolotte or Raleigh that are not too far of a commute? what are their property taxes like? So far I really appreciate everyone's input and advice, it is very helpful. (and yes I'm not at all interested in Cali as their taxes are worse than what I'm trying to flee NY for) but I digress, feel free to tell your relocation sotries and advice from anywhere you have moved!
  19. What's the general plot ? No spoilers please
  20. People like this guy are fed up and coming out of the woodwork because of their disdain and hatred of the class warfare and entitlement mentality Obama has been pushing. Obama is out in 2012 if it continues.
  21. Coples scares me and this is a pick the Bills need to nail we can't have another bust we lose too much talent wasted on bad drafts
  22. Then don't make dumb posts. Clearly ask your question so others know what you are talking about
  23. "Transparent" Chicago politics alright... yes we can! Hope and change ! Deficit of trust ! Perpetual campaigning ! Get in the back of the bus !
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