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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Zombie apocalypse.
  2. Whisky works great. Can't beat grandpas ol cough medicine
  3. Go big or go home. Colt 1911 beats a laptop anyday
  4. Reality took the sails out of his wind...
  5. The same applies to ethnicity/sexual orientation/religion when reporting hate crimes. The media will absolutly mention anytime a minority (black / homosexual / muslim etc..) is a victim of a perceived hate crime from the hands of white folk, but when the shoe is on the other foot and white people are victims of hate crimes from other races/religions/orientations that aspect is not reported and there is no national outrage. infer what you will
  6. One of the things about WW1 that amaze me is the mentality that it was perfectly ok to shell your enemy with mustard gas but that in the air pilots demonstrated remarkable chivalry towards their foe.
  7. Sucks for the citizens of Syracuse
  8. I believe that to be a Remington MSR (modular sniper rifle) I'm sure there was a highly trained and capable marksman handling the rifle and this security is probably very common at high profile events. I don't like big brother but this doesn't bother me.
  9. But one day he break a the cage ! /borat voice
  10. Iowa city is a city.... Iowa is a state
  11. At least they didn't leave him to die and tried to save him from the damage they caused. This is the best golf fight since bob barker in happy gilmore
  12. Gee I just throught it proves that NE Pats* can't win without cheating
  13. Yes!!!!! Pats* lose. It's a great day
  14. Can't help but think if it was the bills instead of the giants playing right now that we would have been flagged for roughing the passer on tom Brady negating the safety.
  15. He should probably be dead or severely brain damaged. You decide
  16. Satisfied to have him back
  17. I heard the interview and what I took from it was he listened to his agent and said nice things about the bills but the impression I got is he is gone. I could be wrong just what I took out of it
  18. What he said. Journalism is dead. The mainstream media really just pushes their agenda with little objectivity. I wouldn't mind them reporting this way if they just owned up to the fact that they are little more than a propaganda wing of the idealistic left wing. But no... they claim to be objective and fair.
  19. But we all just have to pay our fair share !
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