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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Powerlifting, and iron man. Nice. Imagine if he just focused on one.
  2. I love chick-fil-a totally see how it's at the top. Papa John's and little Caesar's? Really?
  3. Imo pysyk played a lot of bottom 5-6 protected Minutes against teams 3rd and 4th lines. He looks good on paper for smooth outlet passes but to me, didn't pass the eyeball test. He seemed very weak defensively in his own zone and could never tie his man up in front of the net. I don't know about the clots, even more locally on the sabres Cody McCormick is retired because of effects from his blood clot.
  4. I disagree. He's not incompetent. He's doing exactly what he wants and fundamentally changing America, just not for the better. Race relations are at a modern era low. He is knocking down conservative white Christian males wherever possible.
  5. That would be illegal. Detachable mags and has a "thumbhole" style stock. Lol omg this state sucks. Can't wait to move.
  6. "Because all fuc*/ng he11 is going to break loose" -commando I thought the Rocky mountains would be a whole lot more Rocky -dumb and dumber So you're telling me there's a chance -dumb and dumber You're my boy blue -old school Live for nothing or die for something -rambo
  7. All I have to say is I think this country is screwed. Everyone is constantly told they are victims and some other group is the cause. People on different sides of an issue can no longer have debate but instead feel justified in trying to use violence or throw out token labels of racism, homophobic, islamaphobs, transgenderphobs, etc.... Its to the point of being absurd. You can't even have frigging intellectually challenging discussions in college and universities of higher learning anymore that doesn't follow an allowable agenda driven narrative. Different groups now disagree over everything and each side is digging their heels in and doubling down on their positions. It doesn't bode well for the future of this 50 state "Democratic republic".
  8. Pretty slick dust cover on the AR the girl has. Black rain ordnance lol clever. I was just looking at an "nysafe" "legal" black rain ar15. I 100% agree with everything you said. Strange times were in lol..... Maybe you can settle for an M65? Might be more your style. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M65_atomic_cannon
  9. Not sure if it's true, but I heard a story about a guy being denied his ny pistol permit, allegedly, because he went through a stressful divorce and was dealing with anxiety related to that event and was on anti anxiety medication.
  10. Our founding fathers were wise beyond their time. I'm sure you heard (I'm paraphrasing) a government that fears it's citizens is freedom, people that fear their government is tyranny. IMO citizens should be able to own any weapon short of nuclear/chemical/biological devices.
  11. He's right, and you're a racist.
  12. Somehow I think the irony is lost on him..... Good Lord.. Its willful ignorance to push an agenda. Period. Lets call it what it is. There is no desire to report accurately.
  13. At least they didn't say pressure cookers or SUVs are the problem.
  14. Its politics at its worst, but again, when have American lives ever mattered to Hillary's career before?
  15. Pink pistols 1. Hillary and liberal media 0.
  16. I saw idiotic Bernie Sanders quotes that we need to ban these automatic weapons.
  17. You can buy an assault pressure cookers at any department store without a background check. Its not the weapons that are a problem. But it's the ideology that needs to be recognized and called out for what it is, and crushed with extreme prejudice.
  18. Absolute disgrace. As usual right on que, Apologizer in chief comes out to blame our freedoms and apologize for Islamic terrorism against victims being helplessly slaughtered.
  19. Thanks.....I guess? I've become very skeptical of anything a progressive forces upon others. There is always an underlying motive of consolidating more power. I'm just learning to look for the mechanism or vehicle being used to accomplish that goal.
  20. I'm so angry at the progressive agenda pushing machine for using this despicable act of heinous terrorism on US soil where many Americans were killed wounded and emotionally harmed to push their agenda to strip Americans of our freedoms and constitutional guaranteed rights. I'm disgusted. Have they no shame? Any idiot that goes along with this bull **** and blamed our selves and our own freedoms for "allowing" terrorists to be terrorists don't deserve to be citizens of this country and have their freedom protected by the constitution.
  21. So disgusting on many levels. I'm so angry over this
  22. Its also an effort to change the demographics of suburbia to allow more progressive candidates to be able to win elections... Its a way to get a bigger piece of the pie.
  23. As horrible and evil as half the country knows her to be, she will win. You can't beat a Santa Claus that has a V. Voters like getting free things given to them and people want to say they voted for the first woman president. Who cares if she's an under qualified criminal.
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