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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. !@#$ing worthless piece of **** scumbag.
  2. Lol it will be a tire fire no matter how it plays out If he sticks to his plan to tax the rich , grow government and keep spending he will tax the country to death while driving out anyone who is productive. The hardworking motivated people will be upset and when they stop contributing and the system collapses then the people dependent on the system will riot as usual Or When they realize they can't afford the campaign promises and have to scale back that will cause riots and strikes too.
  3. Ive been impatiently waiting for this movie. Wolverines!!!!!
  4. Kotalik and his backhander in shootouts was so worth keeping over briere's leadership and point per game playoff scoring. I'm so glad they kept capt. Concussion connolly. !@#$ you Darcy and anyone else who was involved in those awful decisions. I can't remember what role Larry Quinn had in that.
  5. Keep fighting the good fight. I'm actually kinda jealous I think I would enjoy being a farmer or rancher but there is no way I can economically jump in to it
  6. Don't see the moon..wtf
  7. one of my top 3 sabres games
  8. Lolz. I find it interesting to read up on what pripyat has turned into today. And thanks a lot von Rundstedt
  9. I think the odds are there is other life out there and most likely far more advanced than we are. I think there are genuine cases of real UFOs that cannot be explained away as a hoax or unusual phenomenon. And I'm hoping we never make real contact with other life forms because it probably wouldn't end well for us.
  10. Kellen Moore. I would at least settle for keenum
  11. I honestly feel and get the impression that buddy nix is purposely trying to rebuild the Bills around aggressive athletic and physical players. I think they have a clear image what type of team they want to resemble
  12. Idiot. Walterfootball is the worst. Ohhhhhhh ya! I'm drinking it
  13. True story. I worked the twilight sort for a few years
  14. Did he have Kellen Moore on yet?
  15. Florida is on the verge of full out race riots. Glad to see Obama and holder showing their leadership and keeping extremist threats in check......not
  16. Love finger lakes wine, relatively cheap and tasty. I've been to almost every winery on seneca cayuga and keuka. Very fun and quite nice for being so close to wny
  17. Don't be the slowest person in the group. Get out of cities and population centers. Besides the obvious gathering of weapons also stock up on non perishable food, fresh water, gasoline, radios, batteries etc... don't use lights at night keep everything blacked out, find a large 4x4 for escape and if needed running zombies over just make sure you reinforce the front to avoid damaging the radiator. Just a few bits of advice
  18. Or special prosecutor is under pressure to get a murder conviction. If they are most concerned to throw him in the clink they would probably be able to better prove manslaughter
  19. !@#$ing philly
  20. I would rather take a shot on Kellen Moore
  21. Ideally we probably want Florida to beat Washington and the sabres to win out. That would get us in. However if Florida does not get another point and we win out that would get us in too
  22. I finally like our unis again I hope Nike doesn't make me hate them again
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