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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Hmm... I think any of the following would be cool and fun. A lemur, sloth, serval, fox or a descented skunk
  2. Very interesting developments
  3. Seems to good to be true. Rest of country must have low expectations for buffalo. The oddsmakers try to get action on both sides of the line
  4. Darren sproles makes it. But no Fredex ? Seriously?
  5. Well done. "Yippie Kay ya" - the Barrack great hussein Obama supreme dictator of all the universe let's Bruce Willis borrow his phrase
  6. "Surprisingly mental health found no psychiatric issues what so ever" lol
  7. It's may... I think you'll be fine. Throw some blankets down on ground to insulate you from underneath. Layer clothes as needed. Get a decent sleeping bag. And start drinking. You will be more than warm enough. Heaters in tents are usually bad ideas....
  8. I have been considering getting a Bengal cat or other hybrid. Anyone have any experience?
  9. I do not use that service . How old are you ? How long do you plan to work ? What % are you contributing? What type of plans / funds / options can you select from ? I'm sure whatever background info you can provide will help people give better advice.
  10. Just saw that Earl the former owner of Earl's just passed away. RIP
  11. Just....wow. who the Hell does this guy think he is.
  12. I believe the flight controls were covered by fabric or canvas so it probably deteriorated over time. But I'm curious as to what happened to this guys wingman and the rest of his squadron. There should be more clues in documentation somewhere
  13. Bad navigating, pilot lost situational awareness, heart attack , hypoxia, possible battle damage or impaired flight controls, who knows...
  14. It's an objective analysis and slightly reassuring, its not doom and gloom
  15. Good article. It's a sad state of affairs when voters can be bribed with others money and can't see passed entitlements and pork to make tough but correct choices for future success. As has been sad...people get the type of government they deserve. It just takes 50% +1 and with a large portion of voters who have no attention span and care more about who was voted off survivor and can only focus on a 30second long demagouge ad throwing grandma over a cliff and making kids eat dog food. When enough people believe that crap this country is !@#$ed
  16. Yes the ever popular cheapshot all encompassing racist claim! Thanks for displaying your extremist hateful narrow minded viewpoints to us.
  17. Interesting back story.... And I'm pretty sure Bud Adams is insane. Anyone have a link or pic to where he flipped off the Ralph crowd ?
  18. Showmanship. Very curious on where exactly he will be walking on his walk over the falls.... Edit, actually just thought in my head how amazing it would be when its on prime-time tv and as he is walking the wire with cameras on him some hackjob daredevil gets wheeled out of a shoddy trailer in his homemade kevlar barrel to go over the falls in prime-time
  19. Sad day for car enthusiasts Horsepower sells cars...torque wins races
  20. I don't understand how there can be serious discussion and negotiation of HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars collected from taxpayers on this potential deal when no one has a clue what will happen to that franchise and investment when Ralph passes away which is inevitable. It's easy to be attached emotionaly to this because its our beloved sports team. But imagine how you would feel if this was money taken from taxpayers given to say the NY Islanders who may pack up and leave in 2 years. or given to a potentially failing corporation like say solyndra where the public had a high possibility of never benefiting from the money.
  21. 2012 eclipses every buffalo sports heartbreak with another kick in the balls. After best off season in a decade beating the pats twice and off to an unbelievable 14-0 season the city is fanatical....on December 23rd 2012 the world ends 2012 eclipses every buffalo sports heartbreak with another kick in the balls. After best off season in a decade beating the pats twice and off to an unbelievable 14-0 season the city is fanatical....on December 23rd 2012 the world ends
  22. wish him all the best and thanks for his time here in b-lo
  23. Still in the spirit of 5may I can't wait to get home for a glass of tequila
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