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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. We have some amazing capabilities but this seems a little far fetched
  2. Whatever comes in the quart cup at the chef's drive thru window
  3. That is an interesting slant you have and one worth considering
  4. They claimed it to be authentic. And it was animal planet....not syfy. So it gives the footage more credibility than I would have originally thought. I don't think animal planet is into elaborate hoaxes
  5. Dick will go down in history as a true America hero and I cannot believe he survived the war. He was a true leader with courage and integrity and put his men first. He was also a damn good small unit tactican. Some of what he did is taught at army OCS
  6. I hate the term "happy" memorial day. It's just a pet peeve of mine. Memorial day is to honor dead servicemembers who sacrificed for us. Not much that is happy about that. Everyone have a thoughtful memorial day and appreciate and remember those who sacrificed for you to enjoy the American way of life Memorial day is one holiday that I don't want to be bastardized into something its not intended as being.
  7. Did anyone else catch this I think it was on animal planet. I had never really thought much about it before and happened to catch it by chance and found it interesting What did you think of it ?
  8. The difference is when an isolated whack job Christian kills an abortion Dr or commits a crime in the name of God you have average Christians speaking out and denouncing the crime. On the flip side the media apologizes rationalises condones or just decides not to cover Muslim crimes committeed in the name of Allah for fear of PC backlash or seen as a racist slant or through intimidation by EXTREMIST Muslim groups who do in fact kill in the name of Allah to silence their critics.
  9. More and more I am starting to feel that Israel will strike Irans nuclear sites this summer. It just seems that all the evidence is pointing towards Israel being backed into a corner and wanting to act before the US election and before Iran moves farther along.
  10. Military channel. Love band of brothers. It's incredible to hear the real soldiers being interviewed between episodes as well. If I'm not mistaken I believe the real major winters recently passed away
  11. Depends how the losses end up. Are they because he is missing open receivers, bad decisions and turn overs ? Or are the loses from shootouts, special teams blunders, bad defense, bad oline. Etc... think you would have to carefully evaluate his performance and decide if he gives us the best chance to win
  12. Where abouts do you live ?
  13. Sorry to hear, that is always a painful decision to make but at least there is no more suffering. As much as my puppy frusterates me....like how she got into poison ivy and got it on me last weekend.... that is a day that I am already dreading.
  14. That stupid antiquated document that should be irrelevant that always stands in the way of progress...well lucky for the country that progressives can ignore what they want based on how the interpret what modern America should be, since they know best.
  15. agree 100% which is in my opinion why D Craig is so appreciated
  16. I <3 summer in B-Lo. It's amazing
  17. Thx for correction was that moores last bond movie ? I'll have to think of what movie I am thinking of
  18. I hate timothy dalton as bond. View to a kill would have had more potential with a better Bond. I liked brosnan in goldeneye though.
  19. That just reminded me about a time that I bought a bottle of bubble gum vodka and....oh boy.
  20. Casino royale and quantum of solace are done so well and Craig is awesome at being Bond. Can't wait to see skyfall.
  21. Shocking that TX has a better business environment than NY. Even if they don't transfer more jobs and production its probably a safe bet that new future jobs and production will be located in TX
  22. I have been a huge bond fan for years...I think I've seen every movie. Without a doubt Daniel Craig is my favorite and has saved the series from becoming ridiculous. Daniel Craig as 007 is badaas.
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