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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. At least he realizes the system needs to be fixed
  2. I'm loving the extended sabres and bills local coverages. Thank God I don't have to hear cowherd whine ever again
  3. Well at least it wasn't weekend at Bernies. God bless Ralph
  4. no one has made that argument Trying to prove a point of why should responsible law abiding citizens have things taken away because the actions of criminals this. Guns are out there. Period. The criminals will ALWAYS find weapons to use on victims. Why should law abiding citizens not be allowed to defend themselves and family
  5. Should my car be banned because a drunk drove his car last night and killed someone ? My truck has the potential to run over a crowd of people
  6. Can't wait for them to implode and melt down
  7. When are the fast and furious documents going to be released? Will Obama ever release his college transcripts? Will Obama ever explain his deal with rezko? Ayers ? Wright ? Who is responsible for the repeated national security leaks ? Most transparent administration ever.
  8. Are you a vet ? Cause these puppies are sick.( point to your biceps )
  9. I would be happy with 1 series 3 and out with a pressure or 2 from our starters then they can ride the pine all night
  10. I like football outsiders. They usually have interesting takes
  11. I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore that the media looks after their own and gives BO another pass. They make a bigger deal about Romney being honest about the Olympics but ignore Obamas blunders
  12. Gotta give her credit
  13. Bah...why agree with science laws and design functionality when its more convenient to push a silly penis envy feminist mentality. Lol
  14. San Francisco is organizing charter flights and tour groups for the next road game in big D
  15. What does everyone think about the intent of the 2nd amendment actually ensuring private citizens the ability to keep and bear arms to protect their freedom from a potential authoritative and freedom restricting government ?
  16. I just heard the whole clip to get his remarks in context and he sounds spot on and honest over real justifiable concerns. The media is making a big deal over nothing. The media coverage double standard on Obama and Romney is unmistakable
  17. Logic and reason doesn't apply to connor. I stand by my statement that these vests had no ballistic protection. I suppose to someone easily frightened by words like gun or tactical they would quickly jump to misinformed conclusions to push an anti gun agenda. These vests are the same type used by airsoft players to SIMULATE a tactical/military look but having no ballistic protection properties. There is no !@#$ing armor in his vest. Average citizens CANNOT buy body armor in stores. I'm not wrong connor is.
  18. Where do you get your info ? That couldn't be more wrong and misinformed. He did not have military grade body armor. He had a Frigging vest on that had pockets to hold extra magazines /tools /maps etc...with no ballistic protection. A 9mm or .40 caliber pistol round would have shredded the front and back of his vest with exit wounds. More garbage from ill informed media and people who have an agenda to take guns because they are ignorant And no, I don't even own a single gun.
  19. Really? But its ok to use this tragedy to push more gun control right ? Because liberals have good intentions
  20. Mildly off topic and all but somewhat relevant.... if my currently blue light effected memory is correct I believe the intent of the constitution was to allow private citizens the ability to bear arms to protect themselves from the possibility of government becoming intrusive into their lives.
  21. And all along I thought it was the Jews? Boy was I wrong
  22. Criminals have guns, will get guns and will use them regardless of the law, bans, gun free zones etc... they break the law already do you think a gun free zone will stop them ? All that means is they know no one there can stop them
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