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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. This is very.troubling if the injury bug returns
  2. Lol...any specific reason? Career? Love the outdoors? Hiding from a crazy ex ?
  3. Off topic but how did you end up in Alaska?
  4. Sounds like you have your head on straight. Follow your own advice and do what makes you happy
  5. Clearly electing a race baiting black president the media covers for has done wonders for race relations in this country
  6. I'm thrilled he's dead. But it shows obama ONLY issued a kill order on bin laden. It was never part of the plan to capture him.
  7. How far do you think the Obama regime would be willing to go to retain their power in November?
  8. Sounds like its getting the message out so far.
  9. How much did you drink? This is a rambling incoherent rant that is strangely amusing
  10. I'm a weirdo... I love "radar now" I love being able to tell what the local weather will be doing anywhere anytime
  11. I just read about these whackjobs last night. More and more I'm really starting to wonder where this country is headed in the next 10 years.
  12. No Obama loves black people. He is using bush's weather machine to weaken isaac. Had he not used divine intervention Isaac would be a category 6 ready to destroy n'orleans all over again. Good thing its Barry in control and not evil racist bush steering katrina right to the lower 9th ward
  13. Dude girls wanting space means they want to ride new pole and not feel guilty over it....she probably honestly doesn't want to hurt you and she has a comfort level with you so she wants to let you down easy and perhaps keep you hanging around in case she decides she made a mistake. Don't pay attention to Facebook status....it doesn't mean much other than a sentimental comfort blanket for you to be able to sleep at night as long as the status doesn't change regardless what is happening in the real relationship. Honestly take a step back. Evaluate your life. What you like, what you want to do etc... plan for life without her and start moving on. If she realizes she loves you great she will be back. If not then you didn't actually lose anything. Go out and enjoy life. You are in a great time of your life with minimal responsibility. Enjoy it now or regret it later
  14. All you would have to say is your vehicle is so big you didn't feel his skull crushing in on your brush guard and kept driving
  15. Huhhh heh heh huhu heh heh....hey butthead they said vagina....cool
  16. Wow....this means they have no. Confidence in VY or thigpen. Yikes
  17. Just be yourself. If you are happy with yourself you will give off self confident vibes and chicks dig it. Don't second guess yourself. Your MDP and you do what you want. Chicks dig confidence. You don't have to be wealthy or good looking just be yourself. To prove my point think about how many times you see an average or below average looking guy with a girl way above him. It's because more than anything women want a self confident guy. All you have to do is be yourself and don't apologize for it.
  18. I have the wgr550 app for Droid
  19. Best code ever
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