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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. How old are you guys? What type of bar scene do you like? Check out duffs for wings, pearl street brewery for a fun bar and for a mall the galleria in cheektowaga has the best selection of stores Best advice for buffalo is nothing is more than 20 mins away
  2. Loved he went after sanchez. I think he has all the physical ability and football instincts. Give him a chance and it will show. If our line puts pressure on opposing QB our backfield will look improved. Williams I'm less optimistic but he is still developing...mclovin...ugh
  3. That sux...he is a very dependable possession WR who moves the chains
  4. As frusterated as I am with "QB envy" I can't hate peyton. He seems like a genuinely good guy
  5. Wtf is choice even doing on the field? Spiller was fantastic.. lost in his fumble is if Fitz hit him in stride and not underthrown him it could have gone for td but he still went up and made a nice grab just couldn't maintain possession
  6. You have to try to rush for 190+ yards and somehow manage to get blown out
  7. You need an elite QB to win in this league...and we don't have one on our roster
  8. Is that you need an elite QB and we are no where near that, and we are st least 1-2 years from drafting a college stud and quality free agent QBs are very rare and highly sought after....so ya....here we are still looking for our franchise QB
  9. You said "Chicago" I always knew you were a racist pig!!! /overly PC sarcasm
  10. This. I'm not rich or wealthy yet just middle class Someday I want to be very well off and I'm trying to WORK my way there. I'm not jealous of others success but rather want to join them. That is what makes America. You should not be penalized and discouraged from hardwork and success.
  11. Since when did caring what Americans want matter? If that's the case Obama wouldn't have to use shady deals and kickbacks in a completely democrat controlled congress and senate to cram unpopular and unwantedlegislation down our throats. I'm not even going to defend a blanket statement about all republican policies because I don't agree with them all. But the fact of the matter remains that when the !@#$ is Obama going to claim ANY responsibility for this country, the economy, unemployment, the debt and his failed policies. Clearly he is still in the mindset of just vote "present" that way no one can hold your record against you. Just blame everyone else to shirk all responsibility. Yes we can! Hope and change!
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