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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. The democrats. They will be able to enroll more people in social programs. They will be able to raise thresholds for qualifying for handouts due to inflation. The more people mooching off the gvt. The more the democrats can demagouge the issues to keep getting themselves re elected shifting the country closer to socialism since people won't want to loose their "free" programs. Just my ramblings....
  2. Stunning. An Obama appointed official trusts the Muslim brotherhood more than US Marines for protection. This is simply outrageous.
  3. Something like this...."Islam is a religion of peace, if you criticize it I will have to kill you to defend its honor"
  4. He clearly has more important things to do....like....um...fundraising in Vegas baby!! It's not cheap to support 4 years of perpetual campaigning
  5. I can't even comprehend how ridiculous of a counter point this is that is irrelevant
  6. There is also talk that this may be a planned attack coordinated by our friends from the Islamic brotherhood or al qaida. This was to coincide with the anniversary of Sept 11 and the mob was chanting " Obama we are all osamas" or something similar.
  7. I'm saddened there is not more outrage that soverign US soil was attacked and Americans killed. Where is the outrage? The retaliation? This is an act of war. The Egyptian government at best is inept, at worst condoning. Why have we not cut off their financial aid already?!? The Islamic fundamentalists view us as being weak and our constant apologizing and lack of leadership only embolden them further.
  8. A red swingline has more respect than our.empty suit
  9. On rush limbaugh today he played a clip of several media members preparing for this conference to interview Romney. Apparently they didn't realize one of their mics was on so there was an actual recording of how there was collusion in the media to try and trip him up with their questioning. I think one if the reporters was a chick from cbs !@#$ing minor league pathetic. And this same press let's our empty suit spend 4 years fundraising and campaigning while dodging as much responsibility as possible. He is never held to account for his actions and record.
  10. She's kinky and likes the rough stuff. She could be one scary dominatrix
  11. Yes!! That's the match. I remember him hating and always interfereing with the 123 kid but I got him.mixed up with doink the clown. Jerry cheesy weezy and sleezy. Vs doink dink wink and pink was the funniest match ever Just looked it up.1994 survivor series. The royal family vs. Clowns R us
  12. One of my favorite wrestling memories was a special tag team event with jerry the king lawler with his crew of little kings vs the 123 kid and his crew. It was great
  13. She has crazy alien eyes
  14. Look up "Alabama hot pocket" on urbadictionary.com
  15. It's probably Guam. Duh. He hasn't visited yet because he doesn't want it to tip over.
  16. Your seriously blaming the film maker. Your unbelievable. It can't be the people who are allowed to act like savages and enabled by apologetic douchebags. No. It's the film makers fault because the radicals are the victims.
  17. Are you gone??? Putin can't wait to have Obama give in to him in a 2nd term. Putin wants Obama.
  18. Are you out of your !@#$ing mind?? If some douchebag Christians every decided to storm a consulate to defend the honor of God and kill people I would sure as Hell call them out as being whackjobs. But see the irony is its ok to mock Christians and most are used to it by now There is no compromise or mutual respect with these people so you can take that cute little coexist sticker off the back of your car. Of all days for this to happen on 9/11/2012 we !@#$ing apologize to these scumbags. Wtf. Seriously wtf has happened to America. We should be kicking their asses and filling their worthless bodies with 5.56 the second the step foot or climb a wall to our compounds. How's Arab spring working our with theses civilized peace lovers?
  19. She's crazy
  20. Your confusing history with pessimism. What is the bills record the last 10 games ? Who was president the last time we made the payoffs...do you remember what millineum it was in? How many poor seasons have we suffered through??? I love the bills but with as high as the expectations were this year and how bad things have been for so long that if this season is anything like week 1 it will get real ugly fast
  21. I'm pretty sure that supporting a team that has been incompetent for over a decade is immediate qualification for wearing a paper bag. The buffalo 'ills
  22. Let's give vince young who has close to a 1.5:1 win to loss ratio a chance to make something happen for us. Oh wait.......
  23. Constantly playing 8yds off a WR is part of their scheme. Not covering the number 1 WR in a critical point of the game is either a bad play call or blown assignment
  24. This. How can us idiot fans identify obvious problems but coaches are so rigid in their gameplanning to realize they need to change something
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