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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Coaches. Brady only has another solid 2 years left, after that who knows
  2. As a fan I stand by my jaded opinion until proven otherwise. When has he made any public appearances? Addressed fans or the media ? Anyone reporters made comments that they have spoken to him ? No one has a clue what is going on at Bills HQ because nothing gets out to the fans. And pb topic I'm sick of Ralph refusing to comment or talk about what the future plans are for this team. It's asking an awful lot of fans to have blind faith and keep supporting a franchise when we don't even get enough respect to have any of our valid concerns addressed for future ownership and location. If you happen to somehow be a friend or family member I don't mean any disrespect and you will obviously have more inside info than I ever will. But as a fan its frustrating. I want to know there is a stable ownership plan and this isn't weekend at Bernies. And yes...Ralph robs every citizen in Erie county. We subsidize his franchise with millions of dollars in tax revenue but he won't even sell the naming rights to his stadium to offset the costs...just keeps asking for more. Maybe you can shed some light on the inner workings of the organization so we all have a better idea what is going on?
  3. Honestly I'm.trying to be sincere....Ralph probably doesn't know where he is, what jersey the bills wear or what he ate for breakfast today.
  4. I'm sick of looking forward to the draft
  5. Apparently real investigative media has been oursourced as well. But mitt's tax returns But mitt's dog on the roof But mitt is rich But mitt shot first and aimed later
  6. Interesting theory. Cheaters will be Cheaters pats* for life.
  7. The most transparent administration strikes again!
  8. Would love it. Makes perfect geographical sense. Baltimore should go east and bills in north.
  9. I think cribbs just had his head taken off...yikes
  10. I hate the pats* they will always be a dirty tarnished *.
  11. Let's be honest....somehow they would still blame bush...blame the stupid video no one saw....and then divert everyone's attention to a story about nothing over a Romney non-gaffe
  12. Because he is right more often than not. Since you are such a Rush expert...what does he do that is racist? Sexist?
  13. 3rd is right
  14. Honestly I'm terrified that there are enough idiots in this country who know more about honey booboo and American idol than about this election and are just going to vote the celebrity chief back in and screw the rest of us.
  15. I lost on pats* over Arizona
  16. Lol .....I don't even know what to say
  17. Crayonz is all knowing
  18. Everybody knows its the 57 united states of America This Is why he sticks to a teleprompter.
  19. It's tough for BO to admit he was wrong and "shot first and aimed later" it was much easy to blame our own country and apologize than to admit he was wrong and it was the work of Islamic terrorists . Way to lead from the rear...again. I cannot wait to feel like we have a competant president again not any empty teleprompter reading suit.
  20. Weak. He should be suspended. He undermined the authority of the league and that's all he got.
  21. This was also my first reaction
  22. Are you delusional? He told the R's to piss off. He had 2 years of D controlled everything. He is the most partisan president in modern US history.
  23. Anyone please post a recap
  24. Coincidence the pats have a losing record AND the league is using replacement refs.... it is interesting.
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