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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Let's get real. Our DOJ is so corrupt, the more likely outcome is if the state's attempted that, the federal DOJ would sue the individual state's to get them to stop. This is all a part of their plan.
  2. I've never seen Putin throw a baseball, but I don't have to. I know he has to be able to throw better than Obama too.
  3. Putin seems like a fun guy. He's always on an adventure
  4. @jboys That is an interesting wrinkle, as I don't think that is SOP by any means....I haven't quite made sense of all the reports yet but the events don't seem to jive with me very well. Thx for sharing. (trying to be vague and not quote directly)
  5. I just went on a bar / pedal bike tour last night around canalside, very fun. Lots of local craft breweries are now in the bars. (hamburg, resurgence, community, flying bison etc..)
  6. What's the deal with this game? I guess people are literally getting hurt over it trying to catch them?
  7. I read elsewhere that Putin even somewhat disappeared for over 6 days unexpectedly. Not sure if there was anything to it or if he was just sick And Putin also schooled some foreign media members basically telling them they are idiots and the world is heading towards ww3 but no one is paying attention or asking why. On my phone so I just searched for what appears to be a similar story. Take it for what it's worth http://yournewswire.com/putin-warns-journalists-we-are-heading-towards-nuclear-war/
  8. What is wrong with these idiots that they feel entitled to illegally shut down a major interstate, and throw things at police (rocks, a Molotov cocktail, construction rebar, etc...) And call it peaceful and be surprised that people are arrested. I would say you should be arrested as soon as you take over the freeway. Period. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/07/10/at-least-5-police-officers-injured-during-protests-in-minnesota.html My thinking is that these millennial idiots are so entitled and clueless that are not even self aware enough to grasp that their actions have consequences. This one in Rochester had about 400 "protesters" and 75 were arrested but they claim it was mostly peaceful. Wtf? How does an activity where 20% of partcipants get arrested is peaceful? http://wivb.com/2016/07/09/74-arrested-in-rochester-but-protests-otherwise-peaceful/
  9. Other than the media mistakenly labelling him as the shooter, no. On the other hand, if I'm at a rally and there is a gun battle, I would like a legally owned and carried AR-15 with me too. Speaking of AR15s, the news is now reporting the shooter actually used an SKS. Since an SKS is not an assault rifle, it will now give the gun grabbing politicians and special interests "more ammunition" to make a push for banning all semi auto guns. You watch.
  10. Absolutely filthy. I haven't seen someone in blue and gold with such silky smooth mitts and skating since Danny Briere. I'm pumped thinking of reinhart, eichel and nylander as the young forward core for next decade. Sign me up.
  11. Here is a story Not getting much attention about another cop being ambushed http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/07/09/missouri-police-officer-fighting-for-his-life-after-ambush-shooting.html And another black guy intentionally targeting random white people out of hatred http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/07/09/authorities-say-tennessee-shooting-suspect-was-angered-by-black-mens-deaths.html Its getting terrible. What the neck is happening? Are people trying to start a race war or something? Who knows what will happen in baton rouge this weekend either...sounds like that might be the next powder keg to go. If you're following the law, nothing "should" go wrong. Except the media ran with the story that this guy was the shooter so it might take a little while to get past that.
  12. The irony of the protesters (at the very on set of the ambush) didn't know what was happening and one second were screaming at the police to literally running behind them for protection. I think that irony is lost on them. Watching these BLM jackasses celebrating this ambush while it was in progress made me almost as mad as watching Muslims celebrating when 9/11 happened. That's what it reminded me of and I'm disgusted by it.
  13. They don't care. They are not interested in being objective, just pushing an agenda.
  14. So I'm sure our righteous attorney General and the uber transparent Obama administration along with the prestigious FBI are no doubt preparing to label BLM a domestic terrorist organization right? Right? . . . . . . . . Crickets.... . . . . . .
  15. So right at this very moment, the attorney General and Obama administration are diligently working to classify BLM as a domestic terrorist group right? Right? . . . . . . . . Crickets......
  16. Do you not agree that Obama's constant political rhetoric has fanned the flames of anti police anger?
  17. Bad. Waste of a roster spot. A regular kicker should be able to get touchbacks 85% of the time. What A a kickoff specialist good for, a 90 or 95% touchback rate? A net gain of 5% increase in findings doesn't justify a roster spot to me. I would rather see some type of gadget 2pt conversion specialist with that spot. That would add more value. Or check even a depth player at a critical position where we don't want to release a talented player
  18. Morning updates on Dallas protest gone wrong. Over 10 cops shot, at least 5 have passed away so far. Multiple shooters. 3 suspects in custody and 1 died of self inflicted gun shot sounds. Not good. RIP to the officers killed in line of duty, wish the others a full recovery. This summer will continue to spiral down the tube...not good.... Very sad.
  19. Now reports are 3 to 6 cops were shot by multiple shooters from an elevated position.
  20. Breaking news of protests in Dallas turned violent. 2 cops reportedly shot
  21. Don't F with the SAS. straight bada55. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/sas-hero-takes-out-3-isis-jihadists-armed-only-gurkha-knife-fallujah-1568888?utm_source=yahoo&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=rss&utm_content=/rss/yahoous/news&yptr=yahoo
  22. The fact that a sitting president campaigns for a candidate who is under investigation by the FBI for damaging our country,AND, the current attorney General just happened to have a secret meeting with salt candidate whos under investigations husband who is conveniently former president......tells you everything you need to know. The system is broken. Period. The political elite do as they please with no repercussions and laws to not apply to them. Even more pathetic is tens of millions of American idiots will vote for her just because she has a V and a D next to her name, enables this criminal behavior and treason. Our country is doomed to fail if these actions are permissible and given a pass.
  23. The increasingly oppressive big government progressive mentality that is becoming so rampant in our country is becoming a significant threat to start his country is. It is destroying our identity, exceptionalism and inherent liberty. It needs to be called out for what it is. These tools are nothing more than wannabe communists in sheep's clothing masquerading as the democrats of your grandfather's time when a Democrat wasn't a socialist but just had different stances than republicans. The republicans of today are what democrats were 40 years ago and the democrats of today are nothing more than poser socialists.
  24. Never been to NZ but it's on my list of places to go.
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