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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. No means more alcohol
  2. The double standard from the media is sickening
  3. Yes he could be ahead of romney...had he in fact acted like a real president protecting Americans as you said. But the problem with that concept, is that obama is an empty suit of a fraud. He does not view America the way we view our country. He views us with contempt and is all to quick to blame us and apologize to terrorists for the American way of life. In the heat of the moment he showed who he was. He cared more about calculating his re election odds than about doing his job. Sure you can argue he web after bin laden, but he had months to contemplate it and from reports, it took considerable convincing and pressure from his generals and advisors to go after bin laden. Obama is who he is.
  4. Apparently once again unions trump the good of the public.
  5. After that interview I'm pretty convinced they are going for a QB this draft
  6. I almost wonder what are the chances the NFL expands again ?
  7. That sounds like a pretty nasty reaction you get
  8. In hindsight Chickenpox sure was a B word huh... Thx for the advice maybe ill try that tomorrow
  9. Is this thread about bush or Libya. Stay on topic. Bringing up bush is contributing nothing. It's no different than saying all this could have been avoided had Clinton just taken bin laden when Sudan offered him to us. How different would the last 15 years have turned out ? Should Clinton have been charged with dereliction of duty? Stay on topic. No one gives a **** about bush and everyone is sick of hearing about how its bushs fault for obamas feebleness
  10. Apples to oranges. Huckabee is upset at Obamacare and the potential it has to impact forcing religious organizations to go against their core principles and to preserve their beliefs in the right to life. What's racist about that? If huckabee came out and said any white person who votes for obama deserves to go to hell, well that's entirely different and would deserve to be criticized which is exactly what Obamas reverend did.
  11. If your black and a racist its ok and will condoned and no one will publicly call you out for what you are. But if your white and validly criticize obama over substance ....your a hate mongering evil racist.
  12. Going with super...he seems bitter at Houston and will play with a chip on his shoulder. Then if he plays better he can say, look see it was my wrists fault not mine for the poor play prior to this.
  13. Worst few weeks ever... just finishing recovering from an infection where my wisdom teeth were removed and now I have shingles on my scalp and head. Ugh....
  14. Oh you mean the live feed from the hi-res and infra red cameras from the drone/s orbiting the compound for the bulk of the assault? Or The phone calls and pleas for assistance explaining exactly what was happening on the ground?
  15. I think 6 to 7 hours. A long time. Plenty of time to react.
  16. This team is lost. Either change the players, or change the coach. Ugh is this the sabres or the bills??!!??
  17. What are you not getting???? What makes him gone??? What is your version of events in Libya, and why shouldn't the American public be furious and DEMAND answers?
  18. Reminds me of Michelle's "all this over a flag?" Attitude
  19. Never. Ever. The worst part is its lied about, covered up and then douche in chief jets off to Vegas, leno and jay-z. Priorities??? Wtf
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