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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Humanoid sex robots. Giggity Giggity
  2. Remember N'Orleans was a "chocolate" city so it was championed by all the social justice liberals. Well and as far as the media is concerned Bush was the anti Christ because he was an "R" and Obama has nothing but fairness and good intentions because he is a "D"
  3. This place is squatchy as hell
  4. Just keep drafting QBs every year till we find a franchise guy
  5. Must be drinking the special koolaid
  6. Read the article and thought it was well done
  7. Ralph needs to fire himself. Aside from a new owner this team will never change
  8. That's a lot of loot.....Mmm make it rain in the club
  9. I'm right there with you in my frustration and hopelessness. I made the longest rambling incoherent rant I've ever posted basically feeling very similar to you just the other day.
  10. Why would he come back to buffalo when we blew him off. Not happening.
  11. I'm more disheartened now than under jauron because the result is the same but its more YEARS wasted. It's more of the same bad movie
  12. Nothing to see here folks move along
  13. To put this in my perspective I'm about 30 years old. The last time the Bills made the playoffs was the previous millenium and right now we are worried about the world ending next month in the year 2012. If the Bills were undefeated right now it would be a sure sign the Mayans were right all along, but alas the Bills are right where they are comfortable so the world will trudge on. Thats right the last time the Bills were in the playoffs was 13 years ago. It was 1999 and BIll Clinton was president. Seriously. Think about that. How much has the world changed since then? The only thing that remains constant is the Bills continual disappointment and heartbreak. That's right heartbreak. I like many of you have been "born into" a Bills family here in WNY. I love the Bills, which is why I am upset right now with the state of the franchise. I remember being a kid, in December with lake effect snow storms sunday morning playing outside waiting for the "big Bills / dolphins game" and how much I hated the dolphins because bryan cox with his stupid neck roll made fun of the WNY area and how excited I was that obviously Miami was a warm weather team would be at a disadvantage because of the weather conditions. I remember going to 4 straight super bowls as a kid in elementary school and the emotions that went along with it. I didn't realize how big of a deal that was at the time and I will never see it again in my life so I never got to truly appreciate it because I just thought that was the way things were supposed to be. I remember hating Jerry Jones' aerodynamic hair. Fast forward to today. This team is incompetant. They are forever striving for a heroic late season march to medicority. This team is all but irrelevant in the national scene of the NFL and is often times forgotten and ignored because we don't matter. We have an owner who, well, your guess is as good as mine since know one knows whats going on with him. Is he alive? what is his condition? what does he say about the current team ? is he holding anyone accountable? does he care? does he know what day it is? who is REALLY in charge and pulling the strings? Don't even get me started on the future of this team. The Bills brass want more hundreads of millions of dollars of tax payer money but they wont even disclose what the plan is for the team once the 94 year old owner is no longer amongst us. This is a very troubling scenario. How can they expect us to continue to keep pumping money and energy into this team and becoming emotionally involved when they can't even tell us what the future holds or give us any reassurance that we will even have a team. Where is the love? How poorly run is this team. It would be like asking stock holders to invest in a company when you don't know who the CEO is or if they company will exist next year, but it's worse we are emotionally invested in this team. This team is run second rate. Seriously what is this team doing. We are so outclassed at decision making its a joke. Case in point, our QB situation this year. what the hell are they thinking? we extend Ftiz, we then bring in vince young (who has a winning record in the NFL), keep thigpen and wildcat specialist brad smith. proceeed to cut vince young before he plays a single regular season snap. realize the wildcat wont work and have no purpose for brad smith, thigpen is terrible and has no business stepping foot on the field. The bills realize all this and trade, frigging trade and give up a draft pick for Tarvaris Jackson rambling about how they've liked him ever since the combine when he was drafted. Then bring him in and refuse to dress him ! wtf is going on. Fitz doesn't have it. this is a rudderless ship..... who is making the decisions? why is no one held accountable? speaking of acountability, don't even get me started on our drafting blunders... and terrible weekly coaching decisions because this rant would never end. I love this team, I buy merchandise, i look forward to sundays every fall to attend games, or block off typically a great fall day when I could be doing so much around the house but decide to sit inside for 4 hours and watch at home. I am emotionally invested in this team but i've hit my limit. My son said to me, "dad why do you like the bills so much, they suck." And he's right. I am not raising my son to be a Bills fan. He sees the frusteration it gives me, why would I want to put him through that. I am loyal to this team, I love this team, but I hate where the team has been and currently is. We as fans deserve better. There is going to be an entire "lost generation" of Bills fans. no one in the 5-20 year old range right now are going to become Bills fans. What have the BIlls done other than lose during this time period. How will the Bills secure their future fans to come back to them? I'll probably still watch games on sunday's if I'm around but for the foreseeable future I am done going out of my way to ensure I find a way to watch them. Odds are there will be numerous blackouts to end the season and I won't mind. As far as I am concerned nothing will change until we have stability at ownership, upper management is held accountable and the team gets on the right track with a competant coaching staff and a franchise QB, until then it will be more of the same. I love the team but realize it all starts with the owner and the culture that has been created. The team is either going to pack up and move to LA, toronto, etc... or we will have a new owner committed to re-energize the franchise and put a winner on the field. This 7-9 disappointment won't go on forever. But what if we all look back in 15 years at what used to formerly be the Buffalo Bills (currently the LA Bills) and look back at 7-9 with envy thinking these were the good ol' days. good god. Here's to 13 years missing the playoffs.
  14. I would draft 3 QBs every damn year until we have a franchise QB.
  15. Chan wants to outsmart himself.
  16. This. I feel like I am watching a bad sequel of jauron-ball
  17. Wrong. It starts with the owner.
  18. I'm in. The bills need to do whatever it takes to get a franchise QB.
  19. Where to start....so many problems and only 1 billboard...hmm....
  20. It all starts with ownership. Period. Nothing will change until the team moves or we have a new owner. Either one is preferable to suffering mind numbing season after season living with false hope sure to be crushed in futility and stuck as an eternal 2nd class NFL Organization.
  21. WHEN I move out if NY it will be to either the mountain west or southeast. Any of the following TN NC SC GA VA(not near DC) CO UT WY ID MT OR SD.
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