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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Hilarious. I thought YouTube took down the Hitler parodies. There were some real funny ones about the bills
  2. I do remember him gushing about Spiller when he was drafted. Like it seemed beyond genuine. I think he had a man crush
  3. As a veteran, thank you for your service your country appreciates it. Merry Christmas and welcome home I was lucky, err....unlucky enough to catch the bills cowboys game on AFN. UGH..
  4. Trade for the guy who couldn't beat out sanchez or the third stringer?? Hah. What type of organization would trade for a player like that. Tarvaris who??? Doh
  5. Ughhh another wasted season
  6. Omg... I literally just groaned out loud and mumbled incoherent obscenities. I'm terrified of this
  7. Why did we trade for this guy???
  8. Listening to the radio as I'm out and about....already people trying to turn this into a political issue to push gun control. Holy crap that didn't take long. They didn't even release the killers name or even confirmed number victims yet
  9. Literally sick to my stomach over this
  10. My first thought was holy crap please dont be a belsan style terrorist massacre. What type of a sick kitty shoots up elementary kids. I'm !@#$ing sick to my stomach thinking about this. This is just terrible
  11. Ooooo ya!!
  12. That's pretty cool though. Where is courtney love going to reappear???
  13. No that's not what I'm saying. What I was trying to vaguely summarize is that by and large we have become a nation of entitled wussies. Would we today have lines around the block waiting for recruiting offices to open ? I doubt it. More likely we would be looking at why its our fault we got bombed and what we did to deserve it. Do you think by and large the public would step up to work hard jobs in factories, buy war bonds and participate in nightly blackouts and forgo needed items because of rationing ? Hell no we wouldn't. We are too selfish now and would want everyone one else to give up luxuries except for ourselves.
  14. It's sad to realize if we are attacked again a la pearl harbor 2 our reaction as a country would be much different. The majority of Americans would want someone else (other than themselves) to the greatest generation
  15. I think they are valid concerns. What assurances have we as fans ever been given by the organization for anything close to representing a plan to keep them in buffalo.
  16. Just remember their butt can't get pregnant
  17. Coupon - Because it sounds awkward when someone pronounces it differently. Buffalo bills have the longest active playoff drought - self explanatory You're a racist - this is so over used and thrown about all Willy nilly and other than to overly PC types has no meaning anymore.
  18. How does it work in the private sector? Employees contribute more for benefits, might have to give up some benefits, under performing employees are either let go or not given raises, budgets are trimmed, un necessary expenses eliminated. Etc....
  19. He should have notified police ASAP not waited...
  20. I too am curious. I don't see the obvious link
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