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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Then willingly squandering away your constitutional freedoms is double stupid.
  2. Exactly. It is the right of the governed to be able to bear and own arms. An armed population would prevent a tyrannical government who might be tempted to further restrict their rights and enforcing a monarchy or socialist type government. That was exactly what the founding fathers intended to prevent happening.
  3. This is a disgusting piece of shady half assed poorly thought out and written legislation to push an agenda and further intrude on private law abiding citizens rights. I'm literally disgusted at this. This is so stupid. This law won't do anything to stop mass shootings. !@#$ NY and any politician who voted for this. To put in perspective how stupid this law is, the extremely popular Ruger 10 .22 (has a 10 round rotary magazine) will now be affected by this legislation. Wtf are you kidding me.
  4. And they have high speed rail!
  5. I'm so glad hockey is back. Very excited.
  6. Aaron rodgers 1 ( including QB) Calvin Johnson 2 JJ WATT 3
  7. I remember being at a strip club in Honolulu that was like that...but my memory of that night is a little fuzzy
  8. She's just trying to work her way through college....
  9. (Assuming we don't trade for or get a QB in free agency) then I want them to get the best QB available at #8
  10. Ugh.... I don't even own a gun right now but I'm fearful for what this douchebag is going to try to ram through err...bypass and around. Now is as good a time as any for me to go start buying the guns I've had my eye on for a while. I wasn't in any rush before but I am now. I'm sure its too late to make a difference (since it will take me about 9 months to get cleared) but its time to apply for NY pistol permit. Just hope I will even have a change to LEGALLY purchase one next year.... sigh.
  11. Shannahan showed a complete and utter failure of leadership and a total lack of personal integrity
  12. Shannahan is a selfish tool and I'm glad he's not our coach
  13. Love that the sabres prospects had great showings! Congrats to team U-S-A. What rant did don cherry go off on now?
  14. As we have an outdoor stadium I think real turf would be cool
  15. Why does he have to be the favorite?
  16. How did you like knoxville
  17. Stalin killed more people than Hitler.... It all depends on what group the victims identify with what the mainstream PC response will be. Mock out Jews, Christians, whites, Asians and your good to go. But, Mock gays, blacks, Arabs, Islam, etc...and the PC police will hound you. One is "funny" the other "hate speech"
  18. Chip Kelly is still my #1 choice
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