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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Heard Russ Brandon took him out to Tempo
  2. I think they will put the right people in place. I would like to think they've learned quite a bit so far and they are smart people.
  3. Only if he brings Ernie Adams with him
  4. They are the alternate universe buffalo bills.
  5. The Indian burial ground
  6. Only if we get Ernie Adams too Most of these guys all flame out once they leave "the patriot* way" since other teams have not made a systemic organized effort at cheating.
  7. Whoever gave him a guaranteed brinks truck full of money without any sort of conduct or suspension clause needs to be fired.
  8. Hey-ho Brandon's got to go. Time to light the torches and sharpen the pitch forks
  9. It's 20frigging16 NFL and this guy still has never passed for 300+ yds at almost the end of his 2nd season. He has like 70yds today into the 4th qtr. Are you frigging kidding. I reallllly wanted Tyrod to be the guy but he's not. He is what he is and we've learned this over the course of this season.
  10. Let Whaley do his job.
  11. I'm done with him. I'm no longer holding out hope. He was a better thrower last year and has regressed. I would seriously take my chances with EJ. At least he would have a sense of urgency when we're trailing by multiple scores in the 4th qtr.
  12. It might have been more accurate than most of us realized.....
  13. Math says to go for it every time now.
  14. This debate is a sham
  15. Hillary's email server, welp nothing to see here times up moving on.....
  16. Kaine getting lobbed a softball These debates are such a partisan sham. It's embarrassing how badly the media wants Clinton to win.
  17. Pence is the adult at the kids table
  18. I really like pence so far I'm sick of this liberal hack moderator. She keeps cutting off pence and let's Kaine talk over him.
  19. The Heck with it. Im 100% perfectly ok with being a bully to NE. Hell I will revel in this after this game. These jerks have been stealing our lunch money and cheating my entire adult life. F- them. I want more of this. I loved the physical play today backing it up. I loved their fans crying and whinning.
  20. Now they are forced off their horse and get to see what life is like without an allpro qb. Welcome to the suck. Can't wait for Brady to retire, these fans will deserve what's coming.
  21. I'm in. Looks pretty sweet. As far as timeline goes, does this chronologically take place between 3 and 4? Edit nevermind I just backread and saw that was already answered. In pumped Vader will be back. My 8yr old son who's into kylo wren will now get to see a more modern probably more badass version of Darth Vader. I'm convinced he's pretty much the greatest villian of all fime There is this trailer too https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=McPq8FPgl6c
  22. Oh really? Then what would you call them? They are breaking our laws. They did not follow our established immigration process. They are here illegally. They demand that we accomodate them. They fly the Mexican(or other country of origin) flag and denounce America. Look up the aztlan movement. Mexican citizens want a reconquista of their previously held land. They want the southwest to be Mexico North. Its a "peaceful" invasion. Period. Spare me the immigration nonsense.
  23. Once hillary makes all the illegal invaders into U.S. citizens there will NEVER be a republican president again the demographics will have changed too much. It will cause the supreme court to get stacked with progressive activist judges who will legislate from the bench. The 1st amendment will go on the grounds of encouraged hate speech, a,d the 2nd amendment will be right after it. The 4th amendment will also be declared obselete for our own protection. We will be well on our well to being a full out totalitarian socialist police state regime. That is the future of Hillary wins.
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