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Everything posted by BobDVA

  1. I would love it if the 2012 draft talk could wait until we are officially eliminated from contention, not Jerry Sullivan glass half empty eliminated.
  2. In Space, no one can hear you scream....
  3. Wayne Weaver makes Ralph look like an out of control shopaholic!
  4. Lee Roy was one of my favorite players back in the day. I am sad to read this news, my best wishes for his family.
  5. I remember books, my Mom said she used to have such things.
  6. Yep, we are getting him. By 2016 the bust label will have long since been applied.
  7. Thumbscrews for Trolls

  8. With Maybin gone, the haters have to turn elsewhere, therefore we find this thread.
  9. Kelsay sacks Tom Brady, breaking Brady's leg, in the process his shoe flies off striking Belicheat in the mouth knocking out his two front teeth. Kelsay becomes the most loved player on the board.
  10. I have a dream, Kelsay gets traded to the packers, then all the Kelsay haters wake up to find the company they work for has relocated to Wisconsin.
  11. Looked like Urbik did a great job against Jacksonville, and I did not see anyone running past Pears either. I think I will hold my O-line, Ralph is cheap bashing for after the Kansas City Game.
  12. Saw you on the TV too PTR, looked like you were really enjoying yourself and happy to meet Jasper, I am jealous....
  13. Shaud. need I say more?
  14. The Pan is impressive!
  15. Just another Bills Brass phony injury to cover up losing so they can make more money scam.....
  16. I loved it, absolutely invigorating. Kind of disappointed in the lack of aftershocks though.
  17. I will blindly follow and root for the Bills even if they fall to 32nd, just as I always have, and just as I always will. Do me a favor, please tell my children I love them. Hi Boys, I'm back, up yours......
  18. Evans is having a great game, it is at the half. Seems to have good timing with Flacco
  19. I feel that I should contribute more to this forum. But I do not hate Kelsay, have not an opinion on Wang, no man love for Jasper, have no real first hand knowledge as to the actual reasons Ralph does not spend more money. However, back when the first President Bush was President, he and his wife Barbara came in to the restaurant my now ex-wife and I were eating at, and sat down two tables away from us. I just knew the secret service was going to find that doobie rolled up in a cigarette pack in my jacket. But they didn't, and I never went to prison, allowing me to be here to write this story to you today... That's right Silvercrw, don't care about your story either!
  20. Nope, sorry I am not annoyed at all....
  21. I went to a picnic today, three kegs of beer, and I spent the afternoon camped out by the 1.5 liter bottle of Jack Daniels. When I arrive home, I read this post and all it's answers, then I realized I was drunk. WTF
  22. One may not bash a thread unless one opens a thread!
  23. I have much respect for Just Jack and have enjoyed reading many of his post. However, this would not be one of them. I come here to read comments and exchange views on my beloved Bills. Not the Jets, in fact for some odd reason I hate the Jets! I do not care where the Jets practice, that's right, we are talking about practice!
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