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A Dog Named Kelso

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Everything posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. I think the hostility comes from the fact that really the team was flush with RB talent. That pick could have been used for another position of value. That along with the switch to the 3-4 was a set up for failure(could have used the first round pick on a defensive player suited to the new scheme). Spiller has talent and in a vacuum the pick is a good choice; however, one needs to look at the selection and consider all the factors involved with the decision of that pick. I totally agree with this. The problem for this team is the constant changing of schemes and continually finding and releasing personnel to fits new schemes. I understand the need for an overall vision to ones team but one of the reason, I believe, for so much failure of HCs in the NFL is this bring my scheme with me instead of maximizing talent and working schemes already in play when they take over. I believe this probably is a college idea that works against less talent defenses. But in the Pros this is a silly idea. Again, there current asset is Spiller as a feature back who works better from screens and linemen movement which this line can not do. This is an example of throwing out something that was working well under the previous coaching staff to implement your "vision". A good HC should incorporate what was working from the before and fix what was broken. Then over time can work on incorporating their "vision". Unfortunately, more often, then not they throw out everything and start from scratch. Also, the likely hood they get injured in the same game is remote. If Wood goes down you move Urbik in .... if Urbik goes down you then and these other players as a stop gap. They woud need to look for another back up center either way.
  2. Not giving an excuse for Orton's bad play of late, but I was just wondering ... is the Dolphins' game the one where he hurt his thumb? I am just wondering if that has not fully healed yet ... basically trying to keep EJ off the field and playing through an injury? Does any one remember when that was?
  3. I think this has a lot to do with it. When he was less worried about turnovers and sacks he was making more plays. Again, I think this a coaching thing ... I think it is the same thing that was drilled into EJ.
  4. The second half proved it was no longer working ... they should have pulled Geno for a series or two and seen if Vick/Simms could have done what was necessary. Even if it was Idzik's call for Geno to play, in the end, if they won, no one is calling for Rex's head. Any of the Jet's QBs could have just handed the ball off and probably the other 2 could have provided a decent play action threat.
  5. as for 1.) Orton is a ten year vet to think there was not reliable tape is not very accurate. Its more likely that they had a very limited game plan and he executed it to a "T". The expanded playbook means learning routes and tenancies more quickly Per week. That is most likely why he played so well against the Jets after having extra time to assimilate the game plan. As for 2.) they have changed the offensive nearly every game Orton as been in the lineup ... I do not think anyone has figured out what Hackett is doing ... least of all him. That is not a knock on Hackett(I know some think he deserves) more that he is not sure what his offense is really in mastery of when it comes to his playbook.
  6. I read that too. If I know I am getting fired anyways I would hardly be listening to Idzik for my marching orders; especially, once I realized the game was very winnable. Pull Geno and get Vick/Simms in there for a series or two.
  7. I stated last night there was no reason for him to start if they were not going to let him play. Play Vick or Simms ... Simms might have even been the better option. They should have tried a play action once or twice if either of the other two were in there. That said that INT was from a deflection by the receiver it was; however, thrown into triple coverage, but was on the mark.
  8. If I am Woody Johnson I fire Rex immediately after the game. There was no reason for Geno to play if he is just going to hand the ball off.
  9. lol the Bills luck they tie and the Phins are still ahead of them!
  10. Why is Geno in there if they are afraid to let him do anything but hand the ball off?!
  11. I was not commenting on what he said he would do. I was commenting on what you stated. There are execution issues that are occurring on this team of which you can not deny. That is something that has to be account for when measuring the Coaches. I am of no illusions of Marrone's faults. I have been vocal about them in this thread and others. However, making statements as if you know how the team would execute and respond with a different coach is wishful thinking. If people could have had Shanny instead of Gailey they would have jumped at the chance, that doesn't mean there would have been a different outcome to those 3 seasons.
  12. I don't get this statement. First the KC game was all but won outside of poor player execution and mistakes, how does that show Hackett is in over his head? For the most part this team has been in positions to win in every game. Wouldn't the scores be more lopsided if he was truly over his head? That said, I believe an experienced OC may gave had better game plans against certain teams over the last 2 years but I do not know if you can say he is as bad as some of the OCs the team had under Jauron.
  13. You have no idea what the team would do under a different coach. You are making projections that have no basis in fact. The core of the D was here under Edwards/Wanny they did not produce this kind of effort. 8-8 while is not what anyone wants would be the first non losing season in what ...9 years?
  14. While I do not disagree with you, if the team believes it is a playoff caliber team that tough schedule should not be as tough to the team. They would need to show that can beat some of those tough teams. I agree playing competitively is necessary; however, the Bills have had there fair share of "morale victories" over that past 15 years. If they want to move forward and prove they have, they need to show they can flip those "morale victories" into actual ones.
  15. It seems to me that with technology you should be able to build a stadium similar to the old Cowboys stadium to cover and heat the fans and leave the field open. Geez maybe even put something like perforated Plexiglas up between the field and the fans so that the sound goes through and they stay cozy. lol I agree, but I do believe it is a certain advantage to the home team. Especially, against dome and southern teams
  16. They stirred up themselves .. it was sarcasm against a coaching decision they decided to rush to EJ's defense.
  17. Wouldn't it be based on who is spending the money? I mean if TP really wants an open air stadium and he is paying to build it how is it that it would be a dome/retractable? Not questioning your knowledge I just do not understand. Also, Retractable roofs seem to have issues closing when it is cold out(at Least the skydome) which make one wonder, what is the benefit to the Bills if it is going to be closed during the times of the year when it would give them any advantage?
  18. Metlife stadium is open air in the biggest market and was built in 2010.
  19. The initial post hardly was mocking EJ as much as it was showing how asinine it was putting him in there to hand off the ball. Orton could have just kneeled down then punted it back to the Jets. If they are going to put him in there maybe allow him to actually play. I think that was the point of the post. Of course, that has its own issues. People might start calling for EJ when Orton struggles, but most likely they will do that anyway. That was a perfect opportunity for EJ to go out and sling the ball around.
  20. lol that one Toronto game doesn't look too bad when you are losing at least two to weather .... nvm ... yeah it does
  21. Snow berms last for a week at higher temps in the spring and the are only 3 feet high ... physics is your friend. It will not take care of itself on its own ... and for showers you would need a lot as they would tire quickly.
  22. Yeah it will make it harder to move once that cycle starts ... ice is harder to remove than show.
  23. 1 rec 16 yards! We should have traded for him before waiting for him to get cut. Does this mean 4 TE set are coming against the Jets?! Boy I hope so!
  24. With the options available last year it is not as though Kelly took a mobile QB then either. He took Barkley. I think a lot of people misunderstand Kelly used a certain type to maximize wins in College. He seems smart enough to know there is a different formula to win in the NFL. Thus his "system" probably evolved and I doubt he was cursing Foles inability to run last year.
  25. Wait is that a 4 game, 6 game or season suspension? Ummm what are you implying?
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