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A Dog Named Kelso

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Everything posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. I agree with this. I was impressed by both TT and EJ and would be ok with either starting. The only question is how will either play when game planned against Cassell is the only QB that did not have a scoring drive in a preseason game and really do not know how you overlook that when you are making a decision.
  2. Actually if they just listened to Rex the entire camp they would know. He has said that all three were doing well on several occasions. They decided to ignore that because well ... he was in the dog house last year.
  3. Good thing there is nothing EJ can do to get the start for week 1. lol
  4. Its a sad state if someone feels chased away and defensive because someone people ask question about their writing. There is nothing wrong with JW tweet what he did as long as he states it as opinion. I really do not understand the need to to hide opinions and state them as fact and then defend them as if they are. Introspection is what is required when questions are raised about a work productt running away or getting defensive. I get questioned all the time at my place of employment, sometimes I may have made an error, I discuss the matter, do what it takes to remedy the issue for the inquisitor and then move on. I know we all hate to admit it but knowing everything and always being correct is a rarity I think few of us actually obtain.
  5. I am not sure that asking a leading question then him parroting that back in part of his statement is him "seeing the writing on the wall"; especially, when his first statement was that he hadn't. Does he now that the press planted a seed, perhaps, but that is a little tail wagging the dog isn't it?
  6. A lot of posters are talking about the 2 minute offensive skills of EJ and the play style of Cassel. I only post this because it is him(Cassel) playing the Bills in that situation. It the captions are interesting: Its been 6 years and I am sure he has learned much I just found it interesting.
  7. The context of the my statements are in response to Metz' revelation.
  8. As I already said, whether EJ plays or not, they have to account regardless for that because of Tyrod.
  9. I would say this is the advantage more than who is under center.
  10. I understand what you are saying but you game plan for 2 QBs at this point in time regardless. Cassel and Tyrod, EJ would fall between the two of them(from a game planning stand point). And if he is traded then the point is mute anyhow..
  11. lol true ... its just the complete falsehood of it all. Its like politician who says, "I never said that" .... look here is the video of you doing exactly that!
  12. Here is a quote from Rex early this year that seems to contradict the trail bait suggestions: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/25136686/rex-ryan-lets-not-dump-ej-manuel-after-two-years-look-at-aaron-rodgers I am not saying it happening it is just completely different than what they have been saying. That seems to be where the press has gotten it wrong ... not listening to what they are saying and assuming they know what is going on.
  13. There is actual video of Rex at the combine(I think) saying something completely different. That he loves EJ from what he saw when the Bills played against him. Sully is unreal.
  14. That is the truth with the whole game plan though ... unless you are planning a radical change to the offensive paradigm(i.e. not having a QB at all), I do not see how any of these three(as to which will play) is really a concern for an opposing defense. I mean that is terms of "messing" with their plans.
  15. I could see the mess with Indy argument if it was a week over week situation, but they have basically all summer to come up with plans to combat any or all of the three.
  16. Not questioning your source, but this argument seems pretty weak. Aren't these professional football teams? I am sure they are going to be prepared for any of the 3, regardless. To use this as an excuse to play EJ first seems juvenile and should really put Rex in a bad light as far as I am concerned. Also, the trade value argument goes directly against Rex's claim they will probably keep all 3.
  17. Good post! But stop with the logic ... it isn't helping those reporter arguments.
  18. While not the title of the article it was the message in your tweet.
  19. I agree with you; however, If you look at arguments against EJ these posters certainly did use what came before as fodder for there reasoning, but failed to use the same reasoning when anointing their "choice"
  20. Yes ... I realize that but there was a middle group of posters ... and that thread came afterward. And I thought, according to some of the post it was started in jest.
  21. Which is why I find it so interesting that anyone has anointed "their choice" as better than the other candidates. It is amazing to me that anyone would be doing so. People on this board suggested just what Rex is going to do on Saturday. Stating it is the prudent thing to do, no that EJ should be the starter week 1. The response them was "why give reps away" or "The starter of the 3rd pregame is basically the starter"(paraphrasing there). Now those same people are arguing its just a preseason game, they're shopping him or well there real ones are not really in there. The process seems to be playing out reasonably and the coaches can now evaluate each player without the caveat of "yeah but he was only lighting up the 3s". I am really having a hard time understand statements like "What happens if EJ plays lights out and the other two don't". It shows that they want "their guy" and don't want one of the others. Let process play out and hopefully who ever emerges is good enough to guide the team deep into the playoffs.
  22. CHAN GAILEY! .... come on Schoop.
  23. Not sure he is back pedaling he is basically trying to make every effort to say its there is no reason for this to occur and give examples as to why. lol
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