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A Dog Named Kelso

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Posts posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. No even I cant put him in top 5 but I will fight tooth and nail against anyone saying not top 10. He started the no huddle everyone today wants to run and no QB will EVER turn around a city, team like he did and lead his team to 4 straight superbowls.


    Actually Sam Wyche and Boomer Esiason with the Bengals started the no huddle. The Bills were the first to employ it as their offensive style.

  2. I always wonder whether the greats of the 80s and 90s like Montana would be nearly as good in today's game, with free agency and less stacked teams.


    Imagine Montana without Jerry Rice, John Taylor, Roger Craig, Brent Jones, and a ridiculous defense.


    I just doubt that he would have the same success if you put him on the Patriots, throwing to Julian Edelman and Aaron Dobson....

    We don't have too all you need to do is look at his success in KC.

  3. I think it is a lot more far reaching than just sports. I have conversations with younger people who cannot do basic arithmetic or put together a simple articulate thought without stuttering or adding "Um", "Man" or "like" several times. Forget the college level, while the problem is brought to light because of higher profile for athletes of these schools, it is most likely starting quite a bit sooner.

  4. How's this:


    Atlantic: New England, NYG, NYJ, Philadelphia


    North: Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Pittsburgh


    Mid-Atlantic: Baltimore, Carolina, Tennessee, Washington


    Southeast: Atlanta, Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa Bay


    Midwest: Chicago, Green Bay, Minnesota, Saint Louis Cincinnati


    Mid-South: Cincinnati Saint Louis, Dallas Kansas City, Indianapolis, New Orleans


    Mountain: Arizona, Denver, Houston, Kansas City Dallas


    Pacific: Oakland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle


    I like this but would make the above changes

  5. I saw this in the comments section of the article about Dareus, does any one know if this is true?

    Darius' brother was MURDERED and he has issues leaving the protection of his home because of it. He's not out boozing or playing video games. He's struggling with a phobia that can be cured.

    Not the part about his brother but the part about the phobia, I had not heard that before. If so, that is not a maturity thing.

  6. A compromise for both parties ... get the game back from them and add their name to the field(i.e. Rogers Communications Field at Ralph Wilson Stadium).

    Sounds like a perfect plan to me :flirt:


    How would y'all feel if the NFL stepped in and made a proposition of their own.


    Keep the Toronto game, but rotate the home team. Make it the Bills one year their opponent the next. The Bills get their payday and the NFL gets to keep their second international game.

    Better yet make it an away game for both. I believe they do this for London.

  7. CKLAPKA: just so I follow.


    Under your scenario, in NFC, GB, SF, Hawks, & Eagles would be guaranteed a playoff spot this year. Got that. And then Saints/SF would make the "wild card"/or whatever we'd call it hereafter. Got that. So under your scenario, Hawks would be #1; Panthers #2; SF #3 (tiebreaker would have to go to Panthers since they won H2H); Saints #4; Eagles #5; and GB #6.


    So SF woulda played GB (in SF) and Saints woulda played Eagles (in NO).


    But what I don't follow is the logic of this on a whole. Because on one side you're saying, who cares about the division when ranking the playoff games (SF>GB despite SF not winning their division) but on other hand you're also saying we do care about division b/c we're excluding other teams from playoffs despite having a better record than a division winner (GB > Cardinals despite not having a better record than the Cardinals)


    That, in my opinion, would be not much different than the current system. It would still be flawed. Your scenario would be fine by me, but if we removed divisions and just had 2 conferences. The entire point of winning your division is obviously to get into the playoffs, but to also have at least 1 home game.


    Your scenario may take away from some divisional races towards the end of the season b/c you're removing any incentive to win the division other than the obvious: making the playoffs. Because there may be a scenario where there are 2 elite teams in a division and by Week 16 they may already know that regardless of W/L, they're going to have a better record than a 7-8 team who may only win their division at 8-8 and they'll get that home game over that 8-8 team.


    My point, I suppose, is that in reality the playoffs are a different entity then the regular season, as such, they can be treated that way. And I agree it is still flawed for picking the teams with the best records to enter the Playoffs. However, teams with the best records are not necessary the best teams, injuries schedule differences also determine a teams make up too. There will never be a perfect system.


    I understand the suggestion to eliminate divisions for a more accurate account of record to playoff berths, however, the divisions provide a benefits of rivalries that are manageable and timeless. Its hard to hate 15 other teams, much easier the focus on 3 not to mention the history there. We may not care as much about rivalries now that the Bills have been bottom feeders for so long but the AFC and NFC Norths show their benefit to the regular season.


    Your final point will happen from time to time, I suppose, no matter the selection process. But, I believe you will see more teams working to get a higher seed to perhaps get a playoff home game. This year the Chiefs would have play their starters in the final game so they would have a chance get a home game instead of the the Colts or Bengals.


    I am not sure there are any perfect solutions. It all depends on what any given person believes is a priority.

  8. CKLAPKA: Teams don't have exact schedules. If you're going to do what you state, you will then have to take into account strength of schedule if you really do care about "fairness".


    What would the point be to winnng a division? Might as well do away with them..which might not be a bad thing.

    Selection into the playoff would remain the same. The only benefit of winning one's division would be a guaranteed spot in the playoffs. There would still be good teams left out of the playoffs as Arizona this year; however, the teams reaching the playoffs would be seated according to there records and tie breakers as they are now. I am sure that the NFL can figure out how to deal with tie breakers, they do it now for the final seeds.

  9. At the end of the day, it's impossible to have a perfect system. Most reasonable thing to do is that division winner gets home game, regardless of record (SF @ GB for example). There are countless factors that go into a team's W/L record over the season and sometimes one could argue that the 9-7 team that won their division had a much tougher strength of schedule than the team that finished 10-6 and second place in their division. Not saying that was the case this year, but that scenario could occur and then would that really be "fair" to give the 10-6 team a home game over the division winner at 9-7? Not sure. At least this way, it's easily known: win your division and get a home game.


    I am not sure that is true. The most reasonable thing to do is not award them a home game but only guarantee them a spot in the playoffs. Once the playoff contenders are set the league should then seed the playoffs awarding the teams with the best records(regardless of being a division winner) the home field and byes. This will also change the dynamic at the end of the season where teams rest players because they can not win their division.


    Adding another team does not solve the problem of a team with a worse record hosting a better team. And I believe it is a different issue entirely. I am not against the addition of another team but really it does not solve the problem that I believe they are trying to fix.

  10. If Marrone keeps Crosman .

    And the team is not markedly improved next season Doug will have hung his hat up .

    Maybe he feels that some attention to details and his hand in the matter will prop up Danny. Hell if i know.

    But for fun lets try two things.

    Lets list what we might consider core ST players beyond returners.

    I have not given this enough thought but one comes to mind.

    M.Easely has been a stud and found a niche. i kept seeing him hearing his number , and the guy has great stats. awesome really

    Lets see now.beyond that....

    Summers ? maybe yes

    Wingo. no reps

    Hogan? i only noticed the miss against Blount



    not sure who else might be significant. Maybe this is a real problem. And i would blame that on rookies and new faces. And of course new system with said rookies and new faces.

    Did i just defend something ?




    Who is out there to replace danny crosman ? Honestly , someone who might take the coaching position ?

    Maybe the reason we have Danny , for better or worse , is lack of options.


    I look forward to you kids retorts to my query

    There is a lot of talk that it is the same core as last year. Maybe we should list which are new players and which where here last year. Then you can argue that it is not the core but the coach.


    Ha ha, just giving you a hard time. It wouldn't bother me as much if Doug wasn't all about accountability. He hires a guy that was bad previously and he takes the unit from 9th to 30th (the biggest drop in the league). Crossman has obviously had a negative effect on that unit (how much can be debated) and should be held accountable but he is Marrone's buddy. It is extremely hypocritical and a blow to Marrone's credibility.


    And Detroit went from 30th to 20th ... a pretty nice jump in his absence.

  11. Thanks Mike Schopp. :lol:


    Got any other:

    "I don't want to get into the details of the game...because I don't know the details of the game",


    "I have a show to run, and nobody wants to hear about the Xs and Os discussion...um...because I can't do it, so let's pretend I have a choice instead = I won't do it, and, in fact, let's project my views that "nobody wants to hear it",(read: my inadequacies), on all Bills fans."


    analysis for us? :lol:


    This board...is not about this sort of "scoreboard analysis".


    Or, perhaps it's as simple as: I don't want to see a guy get re-injure himself in a game that means so little?


    You know...common sense/logic vs. emoting?


    EDIT: Not saying you are doing this...you are actually analyzing things, rather than thinking...linear.


    This is a perfectly good assessment of Graham. However, this past game? The balls were way off, or, were thrown into a 50/50 situation, and yeah, Graham didn't win. He didn't lose(i.e. interception) but he didn't win.


    This is crap. You don't know this at all, and there's exactly 0 evidence that supports this "final conclusion". We aren't even close to having enough to even start the RJ argument, never mind delivering a final verdict on it. This is a perfect example for defining what "outrunning your coverage" means. No surprise considering the source.


    EJ is doing exactly what at rookie QB should be doing = going through every read, and being too slow at it...right now.


    Thad, especially last Sunday, began by trying to go through his reads, failed at it, or, realized he couldn't make the throw that some of the reads required, so, he skipped them for the rest of the game.


    This is what I saw when I was there, and, this is what I saw watching the game for the 4th time on Rewind.


    If I have to get out the "fancy pics" and show posters....dare me. When whoever gets done talking? The above will still be true. So, they can keep talking, I have plenty of patience...but I also have a handy gif creator and my Rewind account is paid in full. :lol:


    OK .. I dare ya :nana:

    Just because it sounds like you want to use that "gif creator" and get the most out of the account. :thumbsup:

  12. Woo hoo we are playing great during yet another meaningless game in December! Call me when this team actually is in playoff contention at this time of the year. Not only have they missed the playoffs 14 years in a row, they haven't had a meaningful game in December in 10 years. It is pathetic and fans have the right to be cynical at this point. Getting excited over beating the Dolphins to go to 6 and freaking 9 is supposed to be some sort of consolation? That is laughable! Get in the !@#$ing playoffs !@#$s!


    Technically their first game in December this year was a "meaningful" game they just happened to play as though it wasn't. However, it did have playoff implications and they lost.

  13. Colin Brown was the worst starting offensive lineman in the NFL prior to his release. He personally killed a whole lotta' drives for a team that was playing much better football then than we have been seeing in November and December. Justin Rogers struggled too, but the difference is that injuries thrust him into the lineup. Yeah, I thought that Aqib Talib should have been the Bills top target in free agency but at least they had the requisite 2 quality starters under contract before draft day. Can't say that about the LG position. They brought junk to camp. Colin Brown WON the starting OG job in camp. Legursky got hurt later and has come in and been *better* than Brown but is still a major liability on the OL.


    I am not sure this is correct. I thought that Legursky got hurt in the final preseason game against the Lions. This was why Brown was in there so long.

  14. Excerpted from another thread and posted here:


    Here's a list of the most recent first round QBs and where they were drafted:


    Matthew Stafford 1st overall 2009

    Mark Sanchez 5th overall 2009

    Josh Freeman 17th overall 2009

    Sam Bradford 1st overall 2010

    Tim Tebow 25th overall 2010

    Cam Newton 1st overall 2011

    Jake Locker 8th overall 2011

    Blaine Gabbert 10th overall 2011

    Christian Ponder 12th overall 2011

    Andrew Luck 1st overall 2012

    RG3 2nd overall 2012

    Ryan Tannehill 8th overall 2012

    Brandon Weeden 22nd overall 2012


    Only two of those players have established themselves as bona fide quality NFL starters, Stafford and Newton. Both of those guys were taken first overall.


    Of the other players drafted in the Top 5, it's looking very likely that Luck and RG3 will have great careers and it's looking more and more certain that Sanchez and Bradford are gonna be busts.


    Then you have players taken outside the top 5 where EJ was selected:


    Josh Freeman, Tim Tebow, Jake Locker, Blaine Gabbert, Christian Ponder, Ryan Tannehill, and Brandon Weeden.


    I would take EJ over any of those guys. Only Tannehill and Locker have an argument and Locker is in his 3rd NFL season.


    Then you consider how well EJ has played especially considering he missed half the preseason and 5 weeks of the regular season.


    Then you consider that the Bills traded down and still got Manuel.


    Then you realize that people posting on this board and expressing disappointment in EJ's rookie season really have no idea what they're talking about because they have no idea what a rookie QB in the NFL is realistically expected.


    Edited by San Jose Bills Fan, 07 December 2013 - 09:33 AM.


    Add to that they really thought he would sit and be mentored by a veteran QB which did not happen. I believe he looks to us like he is coming along slowly but he may be ahead of the plan from what OBD thought they would have from him this year. They wanted to "develop" his raw ability as I recall.


    Also, they targeted EJ ... I think they took JP because he was what was left. There is a big difference there. Getting what they want vs settling should give you more hope I would think.

  15. I would add one more thing. There is a story in the news this morning about the death of Stevie's mother and how Marrone, upon learning of her passing, spent hours talking with Stevie and giving him the choice of whether or not to play on Sunday. Stevie described it as a kind of father to son talk. Marrone a tyrant? Doesn't look that way to me.


    Do you have a link to that? It sounds like an interesting read.


    I read a quote from Graham after the game basically saying that sometimes what Stevie says or how his antics come across seem selfish but in the locker room they feel he is a great team mate. For what ever that is worth.

  16. I found it!


    Letting Stevie Walk Would Only Add To The Bills Dysfunction (Dec 4, 2011)


    And here's another Sully gem:


    Fitz Deserves To be paid Like A No.1 (Aug 5, 2011)


    Again, I don't have an issue with Sully changing his position or being negative, etc. I have an issue with pretending he never wrote what he wrote.




    And now he says that he said just the opposite:

    The chatter about winning rings hollow after awhile. Two years ago, when I advocated not re-signing Johnson, I said he had separated from the team one too many times. Now, I’ve lost count.


    Its one thing to change your mind do to new facts or information. It is totally different flat out lied you said something else.

  17. My biggest issue with SJ is he gets hurt alot. Between his durability and dropped passes, he has dependability issues and this team doesn't need that.


    Perhaps but this is the first year he has missed games. There are plenty of issues you can bring up if you want to complain about SJ, this; however, is not one of them.

  18. Running read options with a QB who runs so infrequently is something I can't understand. Defenses don't have to take EJ running seriously.


    And like 714 up there said, EJ was not much of a runner at all in college. That was partly due to scheme, but he's never been proven as a natural runner.


    Along with EJ's propensity to not throw downfield, and when he does it rarely goes well, where is the upside?



    If he is not going to run then they should be running a different offense style rather than the Read Option. He needs to run more often or change to a different style.


    He also needs to let the ball fly more to open up the running game and in turn open the passing game up further. I am concerned that they have told him to do this but he is to scared too. I seem to remember reading an article were the coaches said they want him to "Air it out". Does anyone else remember that?

  19. Which combined with his salary, history of causing the Colts to cut Manning, and undeserved reputation will render the Colts unable to get rid of him. EJ may or may not develop but we have no such albatross when it comes to him.


    What stops them from getting rid of him? If they parted ways with Manning I am pretty sure they will part ways with Luck if he is truly that bad. They also pay Manning ~20 million in a year he never suited up. I am not sure how you get that Luck is an albatross if he do not work out?

  20. Playing at home in December is an absolute advantage.


    Last Sunday we had a 4-7 Buffalo team desperate for a win in order to stay in the playoff hunt playing a home game against a dome team who has been struggling all year...IN A DOME in front of a mixed crowd.


    I'm not guaranteeing that the Bills would have won this game. However, a 14-0 lead at the Ralph in December amidst the cold and noise against a dome team who has packed it in this year in a game that meant everything to a Bills team trying to break a 13 year playoff drought is a huge deal. The MERE CHANCE that playing at the Ralph could have kept the Bills playoff chances alive this year is enough reason to prove how damaging this series is. What rubs salt in our wound is that every team we needed to lose Sunday did. I think that fires me up as much as the loss.



    You don't know they get a 14 point lead if they played at the Ralph. I am not disagreeing that there in advantage just that the dynamics of the whole game changes. We have no idea how the Bills would play in that weather and if they would score 31 points.

  21. Just another year where we go 6-10. Hey, let's make the argument we'd be 7-9 with another home game.


    This. While I am not a fan of the Toronto series, the way to fix it is to win. That will create fans of the team in Toronto and make it a home field atmosphere. The problem is the team doesn't with enough of the other 15 games it has every year.


    Of course, winning would fix all sorts of ills.

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