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A Dog Named Kelso

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Posts posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. Just to be clear there isn't a $400M buyout. There is a $28M buyout in 2020 and that is it (I think $28.4M actually).


    The $400M would be the result of someone suing Erie County in Erie County court and winning a case that Erie County violated the lease.


    The $400M should never have been mentioned because it is TOTALLY irrelevant. The buyout is in 2020 and only for a few month window.


    Sorry but this does not make sense to me. I understand that this is the correct reading of the lease but, basically, it is saying if the county violated(basically does not hold up its end)the lease then the victor(if its the current occupant) is responsible for a 400 million dollar penalty. If the county violated the lease and lost a court battle won't the court rule that the lease document is void?


    It seems to be saying "hey if I screw you over you get to pay me 400 million for the trouble I caused you." doesn't it?

  2. The central point here is dead on. Revenue generation will take priority over game day experience. There will be much finer amenities with the new stadium for the fans to enjoy but the overall game day will look different than we have been accustomed to.


    Perhaps but revenue generating items can be incorporated into a retrofit. Those who claim a new stadium is needed for that are not considering this avenue, I think.


    As for where to play during a retro. They may be able to get the NFL to help out with scheduling for a year so they play all their late games as road games. However, Playoffs would be an issue if they were to make it is that season.

  3. This is why this is such a long shot. $25 million to spruce up the park. $30 million just to fix up one bridge. Throw in the costs of the much more massive infrastructure projects many here are proposing (widening highways--and bridges!, extending or creating railway lines, etc) as well as mundane rehabbing of sewage, pwer, etc and you can see how incredibly expensive turning NFNY into a desirable habitable tourist destination will be.


    Notice special mention of erstwhile Bills savior Howard Millstein, who promised much and brought nothing (not withstanding, the AP's contention that "he knew what he was doing" re: somehow knew that the Bills next owner would like to buy his property for a new stadium decades after Millstein purchased it). Millstein could have done anything he wanted with that parcel and all his access to huge sums of money. He hasn't seenthe value in such a play.


    What this proves that if the market (private development) found a reason to invest in the NY side of the Falls instead of the Canadian side, they would have well before Ralph Wilson died and his team was in play.


    According to the DOT the bridges in NF are being replaced and updated regardless. So those cost are not part of a stadium plan. Widening of roads will occur in any new site the only location that will no need major infrastructure cost is rebuilding in OP.


  4. to beautify the US side though is another huge money expense on top of the roads, land acquisition, and stadium. A billion dollars in Buffalo, a city that had 100x the pulse NF has and it still will need significant work/luck over decade(s).

    Stadiums, especially football do not typically result in a positive economic impact. I would say having a stadium and all the lots associated with it is a 'waste' of the area there. If NYS was pumping a billion dollars into NF, it could be much better spent. Look at OP. We have a few bars/restaurants and gas stations. Thats all thats needed around the stadium.


    I agree that there is little to no economic impact directly from a stadium. However; if the State is going to try and funnel money to a project on the magnitude we are discussing its a lot easier to swallow from, a tax payers perspective, to say the are beautifying and creating new infrastructure for NF then just give money to build a new stadium.


    Simply put, there is no way the state is going to spend at least 200 million changing the "infrastructure" of NF to accomodate a rarely used stadium (spare us the talk of "Bowl Games" and concerts--they would be too rare to make an impact). Also, stadiums and convention centers don't revitalize blighted towns. Put it in Buffalo or leave it where it is.


    I am not advocating it go in any specific location that being NF/OP/ Batavia or Buffalo; however, unless its built on the current site in OP there will be an infrastructure cost.

  5. Its just not logical. I dont think it would save people from Toronto any time getting caught in the boondoggle that will exist there no matter what they do. As I mentioned too, most people from up there stop and stock up on supplies before the tailgate. That doesnt/wont exist between the border, casino, and venue... at least to service that many people at once. More may open, but they would have to somehow do business the other 345-355 days a year. So people would have to go through traffic, drive further inland to get their stuff, and get back into traffic and park. Many would probably loop around and use the Peace Bridge and stop on the way anyways.


    This would be true in any new location though wouldn't it? How many people visit the Falls every year and head to the Canadian side? If you were to beautify the US side as part of a new stadium build you have a large amount of traffic to supply those new business the other 345-355 days a year wouldn't you?

  6. Here is an article that actually presents information beyond the surface "7th wonder" and "closer to toronto" positions





    We're talking 9 or 10 figures in acquiring land and rebuilding/rerouting roads before a shovel even hits the ground on a stadium.


    The biggest reason in the article is traffic i.e. infrastructure which can be worked on, the other 9 are stretching. Wrong use may be the other large reason but again It has to go somewhere, if you build it.


    Buying land is a separate issue that they will face no matter which direction they go.


    The fact of the matter is traffic capacity will have to be addressed no matter where you go.


    Niagara Falls has merit. So does downtown buffalo.


    Hell a very compelling argument is moving it makes no sense at all because as the lack of corporate money in buffalo damages the value proposition one of the new mega stadiums and if the answer isn't retrofit forever on the cheap then a new stadium for the bills may as well be in TO or LA.


    But people that want to present "unsolvable" problems as reasons for not doing something just aren't really adding value to discussion.


    It seems as thought many believe this is only an issue for NF. Wouldn't you need to make infrastructure investments everywhere besides Orchard Park?

  7. Infrastructure issues can be worked on. It is not a though they are going to dump the stadium there and say "ok good to go", at least I would hope not. The State will do its part in creating better through put and they don't have to account for it as part of the stadium budget.


    I am not advocating for NF just saying that infrastructure is not as large an issue as I think many have made it out to be. Expensive, perhaps a show stopper no.

  8. How much time does it take to make a billion dollars? There is a lot of speculation that someone(or group) would willingly overspend to reap the rewards of a larger market. The only way the one can recoup that is to resell the team. If a person wants to waste money on buying a team I am not really sure the small ongoing returns, from the larger market, would really matter to them.


    It all seems like a ridiculous notion:

    Here is a extra 1.5 Billion to provide a price premium, moving fees and lease termination so I can make an extra 20 million a year?

  9. Fair enough. I hope he turns into a Hall of Fame player and that the Bills never look back. But this was a pretty reckless trade to make for a non-QB and if I'm a Browns fan, I feel very good about the chances of next year's pick being a good one.


    Having multiple high picks does not ensure a team will succeed. Look at the Browns and Jags for that. How many top 15 picks have they had it the past 7 years? The correct picks are what matters. Losing one first round pick(if you are picking correctly) is better than five(if you are picking poorly). If the Bills believe he is a player worth two 1st round picks the question isn't if he is worth it, the question is do you believe they made the pick correctly.


    Also, where were the concerns of Watkins by these experts before the draft?

  10. Perhaps if the Irish lived in relative peace and harmony for millions of years and then out of the blue a foreign culture came in and methodically eradicated them utilizing means of mass genocide rendering the few remaining Irish who were never given an opportunity to adjust to this new culture in a corner of South Dakota with very little means to fend for themselves, and meanwhile this new culture invented a silly game where men hit each other and throw around a ball made of pigskin and they used an offensive term for the Irish (which Irish, clearly, is not an offensive term) as a team name in their game and still to this day, in South Dakota, the Irish were completely forgotten about, were and still are living in abject squalor, their promises of peace and treaties long since ignored and their once proud culture destroyed forever, then maybe you would be offended by that as well.


    I don't care one way or the other, If the Native Americans en mass deem it racist it should be changed.


    That said, your belief that Native Americans "lived in relative peace and harmony for millions years" is silly. There were wars between tribes just as there is/was in any civilization. That should in no way influence whether the name should change or not.

  11. I post that map in response to people who think the GI bridges are the only way get to NF. I agree that roads would need improvement. But also keep in mind not everyone would be coming from Buffalo. And the further are from the stadium the more diffuse the traffic becomes.


    A proper traffic study is most definitely needed.


    Something that has not been mentioned is that Milstein is Thruway Authority chairman perhaps these things are already being looked into ... or have been resolved. Rubber stamp for highway improvements to and from NF, if he wins the bid for the Bills.

  12. One minor caveat to the above: the 7-year benchmark is not an out clause...it just lowers the penalty to $28M for breaching the contract--it doesn't change the contract terms. This was done to allow for a lower-cost out for the team in case a new stadium is completed by that time. Such a new stadium would (presumably) appease a court of law that no irreparable harm is being done to the County (assuming they stipulate) and allow for the lease to be broken with only a minor compensation to the County. It's as though the County is saying: sure, if you get a stadium built that tells us you're staying by year 7, we'll stipulate that you're staying here and take a relative pittance ($28M) to let you out of that lease.


    Also, I believe this is a one year arangement in year 7 and goes back up for the remaining years

  13. So from all the stuff I have read and heard there are a few things that tend to stand out. While I do not care if it is a renovation or new build I doubt anything will be done outside of Erie County. My thought is with the "Advisory Committee" 1/3 is representation for Erie County. Obliviously; if it is a fear of the Bills leaving altogether then sure, but that is really not a reality as there are plenty of places within Erie Count to house the stadium.


    I hear a lot about the site lines for the current "bowl" of RWS, it seems to me that there are blueprints that would allow this to be recreated in a new build, correct?


    Of course there is cost, but it seems as though the state, county and the Bills, have committed to funds to a project so we should assume a new stadium is an option, how extravagant is another question.


    And lastly I think the public works of any project are not really looked at when fan talk about new builds. The water front(while I think would be awesome) I am not sure has anything adequate at the moment does it? The ability to get thousands people in and out, water, sewer and electrical capacity for such an endeavor. Surely, it can all be added, but if cost is an issue would it not make sense to start with a locale that has that or at least much of that infrastructure already in place?


    I do like the ideas of the tie in with the Bulls I think that is a really good idea to explore.

  14. The issue with signing Wilfork (should he become available) is no one will know how healthy he is until he steps onto the field. If that ever happens even. The guy is re-habbing a serious Achilles tear as a 340#, soon to be 33 year NG. His days as an effective NFL player might well be over.


    I think all trades and signings require a physical so I would assume they would only go through with it if he was healthy.

  15. So what your are saying is that Bills fans won't show up if you lose one game? They had a home playoff game for crying out loud! At that time they played in two straight Super Bowls! How can anyone argue fans would show up if we only were good when they couldn't be bothered to show up then??




    I don't disagree with you; however, at the time the Ralph(Rich back them) actually required about 7000 more fans to attend, then now, when they didn't sell out for the playoff game. The real question is if the Bills produce a winning team will the average of those tickets that fail to sell finally be purchased.

  16. "If that is the case, then why did we spend a first round pick on the guy?" Previous front office staff clearly though he was a player to build around. That is my point. We cant waste first round picks on guys then have the next regime toss them away. The front office from player personal to head coach and position coach have to be on the same page and be stable like Baltimore, NE, Pitts and other franchises with a long history of winning .


    Problem is the head coaches for those staffs do not change. So its hard to compare what happens here to what happens in those orgs. I do agree with you that the wanton disregard of first round pick the bill has shown is pretty disturbing.

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