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A Dog Named Kelso

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Everything posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. Come on guys its not as if they have lost kiko and say Daerus .... Oh wait :-(
  2. I do not understand removing any content from the page ... or I should say all content, that is just bizarre. If you just left what was there or removed specific information that would be less suspicious I would think. no?
  3. It looks like they pulled their content out of their web pages. Very strange ... very strange indeed.
  4. Not sure if it has been asked since there have been multiple threads regarding the sale but can MLSE even acquire the team due to their NBA and NHL franchises or does there also require an NFL team be in that city?
  5. So technically they are ready for potential bidders to sign an NDA ... then after that they can look at the valuation done on the teams financials, then decide to make a bid. Do all bidders have to sign an NDA before any one gets to do a once over or do we think its a first come first serve thing?
  6. Perhaps they could change the name to the Washington Red Indians, and limit the amount of change needed .
  7. So a lot of people have opined that the lower bowl would be fine and the upper decks and narrow concourses would need to be rebuilt. Also, with the limited construction time the team has between seasons, I am guessing those could not be rebuilt over one off season? If so, could one side be completed at a time in between two seasons? As the prevailing opinion is that a new stadium is the likely out come this is probably more academic but just curious after looking at the aerial shots of the renovation currently taking place.
  8. How do you know the numbers of Native Americans offended? Apparently it is enough that their chosen leaders have spent capital and effort to let many people know they are offended by the usage of the word. That is the purpose of the ad, to inform that they find the word offensive. And as I said, whether others find it offensive or not does not matter, it only matters if Native Americans find it to be so(and it appears they do). What Caucasians, African Americas, Hispanics or any other people outside of Native Americans think really does not apply.
  9. As was I. It is an interesting discussion of what-if, no matter how unlikely.
  10. It is irrelevant what the fans or cross section of americans think. What is relevant is what native americans think. That is the point. If it offensive to those which word is describing(and it appears to be if you have followed the discussion), it is offensive. If the word is offensive then having a name that uses that word is offensive regardless of how the fans, owner or cross-section of american think.
  11. So if one had followed this on going discussion I would find it very hard for them to determine that the name is not offensive. And that the reasoning that it is only PC is not correct. While my earlier statement that the organization could use and education campaign still has viability, as I stated earlier, I think now it will look more reactionary then anything else. Had it been conceived and executed before this ad going out and the politicians getting involved it could have been received in a positive light.
  12. Obviously we do not have to; however, neither does Snyder the native American leadership does. I do not care what the name of the teams is called, just look at the New Orleans and Charlotte NBA teams to see it hardly matters. I would say given the numbers in your argument they should have waited to bring forth a complaint. That it should be an internal debate inside the group until they formed a broader consensus. The minority should not dictate to an outside faction its views, it may illuminate the issue but it should be the majority that proceeds. Now one can say that this is not how real changes occurs, and I would agree. As an example, if this country waited for a majority of citizens to become comfortable with civil rights laws they may not have become a reality. So, a similar situation could be used where their elected leaders(if that group is more than 50% in agreement, which could mean far less than your number of 1.3 million agree) it should be deemed offensive. So is the Ad created by the majority of those leaders? I will say that I think the energy could be spent on more concrete issues facing Native Americans, but I covered that in an earlier post.
  13. Are we sure? As you indicate in your well thought out statement "The issue comes down to who determines what is correct". Do we know if this has changed over time or if those in the minority of the group are making the most amount of noise on the subject? I would argue that to go along with your premise of "emotions of the moment" you must add who campaigns that emotion the best. I have not stated it here but in previous threads on the subject, I really have no opinion on the matter either way but if en masse the native American population deem it offensive then it is. But not because loudest among them said it is. There is, of course, a difference and sometimes that is lost in all the noise. The question really becomes how do we determine that honestly?
  14. As it was pointed out by Rocky Landling the organization that created the plaque was founded by the same person who received the honor with the wonderful remarks regarding the name. My point was more that if the plaque was actually provided by a valid native American entity it would have far more weight.
  15. You are certainly correct that the organization has handle this very poorly. And my suggestion of an education campaign may be way too late in the process to do any good. That process probably should have happened when the rumbling started. Now it may just look like and be portrayed as a last ditched effort to save the name. My statement was more directed at the earlier poster that commented on what I was justifying more than the your post.
  16. That was not the argument. At no point was there ever a statement to "re-educate" native Americans. I understand there is passion on both sides of the issue but people do a disservice to either side of the cause if they boil everything down to the lowest level of any post or fail to read all the posts a given contributor made on the subject.
  17. If such a plaque does exists, I would think its very presence provide great credence to Snyder's position.
  18. If you have read any of my other posts you will see I have not justified anything. The point of that post is that the ad clearly states they do not use that term and in the past, more than 100 years ago or not it was nearly a badge of pride and distinction from the context of those quotes.
  19. Thanks, I had not seen that one. I know the other survey was old which is why I asked.
  20. Do they? http://www.annenberg...l-it-offensive/ I should point out, I have no emotions on the matter either way. I am not a fan of the team(nor their name) and I have no native american blood in my ancestry. I do agree with "What a Tuel" and believe their efforts and resources would be better used on more concrete problems that native americans face.
  21. Except the logo was not introduced until the 1970's
  22. Excellent point and this has been a issue they have been battling a long time with names of sport teams. That said, it is an easy tacit and one used by many leaders of varies groups to focus on issues that are seemingly benign to remove focus from far more important concerns.
  23. Interestingly, the ad itself states they never refer to themselves as, then they show the helmet but these quotes seem to indicate otherwise: This, I think, hurts the validity of the ad some.
  24. I am not sure if that is correct, one could tell a story that the name was usurped by individuals in the past but its original meaning and the meaning they wish it to signify now is one of respect and dignity. This way the past is not rewritten as much as it is admonished for its behavior, acknowledged and corrected. True it would take a marketing and story writing genius but I believe, if done correctly(this being the real issue), it could be done. The questions then are 1.) is it worth that for the sake of the name? And 2.) Will those who are offended now be able to accept the name?
  25. Some of those are amazingly similar to discussions we hear daily!
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