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A Dog Named Kelso

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Everything posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. I would assume the reason for letting the JBJ group replace their bid with a non-relocation clause is a back stop so that TP doesn't offer less. The thing is ... if they all kept quiet about who pledge what, we could be done with the other process and the binding bid would be in with everyone not know what others had submitted.
  2. Forget about EJ what about Geno Smith?
  3. I understand this but there must be a person that was somewhat amazed that, allegedly, a 1.3 billion offer came in. I know the clippers went for 2 billion but it is silly to compare that sale to what is going on with the Bills. It seems like they may annoy some of the bidders and, though unlikely, those bidders could withdraw. I doubt the NDA stopped anyone from bidding.
  4. How much did the Bills value rise in just 50 years? Jerry Jones bought the cowboys, basically staring the new sales cycle for the new guard, in 1989 for 140 million, I think they are worth 2 billion today .. 20x? I was throwing out a multiplier, choose one, I chose one that was low (of the rise of the Bills). My point was if I know my house was going up in value by some multiplier and I had an extremely healthy annuity stream I would be pretty happy.
  5. Thus why I added the "Almost without fail", nothing is a certainty. The point is, barring a catastrophe, the value of the franchise will rise or at the minimum stay the same.
  6. The initial investment of a professional sport team is somewhat irrelevant. The belief is that since it will appreciate exponentially it is better than having the money in other investments. So, a income stream of 20 million dollars a year is not bad. Who wouldn't like to get 50k back a year from your home while knowing (almost without fail) that your home is going up in value buy 100x when you decide to sell. What you have to know is if the owner builds their own stadium that is where asset will lose money and not be recouped, This is one of the reasons the NFL has the public pay for them.
  7. I think there would be a lot of question to answer and a lot of legality to wade through. I would suspect that TP could sue and perhaps prevent that sale. Its funny ... I doubt in his wildest dream Ralph would not have thought the team would sell for what TP is offering. If this were a private sale my assumption is it would be done already. Also, does anyone else think in this era of technology a candidate should have to wait for an owner's meeting to vote on membership? Talk about a stupid waiting period.
  8. Then wouldn't Trump's statements have breached it too?
  9. Sorry but don't all coaches fall into these categories?
  10. So ... Are we say Ralph would not have kept the team here if it were not for Brandon? Or are we say owners really have no leg to stand on for moving the team regardless of who acquires it?
  11. Luckily this is an even year ... hopefully the rules allow for the purchase regardless of the month.
  12. I really do not get it. If JBJ wants to fix this issue and help Toronto get knowledge so they might work through an expansion application in the future(Let's make the assumption that is the plan[true or not]). Then the JBJ group really only needs one from the Toronto delegation and he should drop the other and add either one local billionaire or (several lower rich individuals like Miami has). It seems so simple to fix this for JBJ and he really doesn't seem to get it, how can he be such a great business mind and not?
  13. Or maybe they were hoping for x amount of bids to come in and then narrow it down to 3 and move those forward. The fact that only 3 came back with one of them a group thought to move the team out of town they really only had two. Only having two may be throwing off their initial plans. Its very possible they want to avoid the looking like they are favoring any local candidate. If that is the case getting at least one more bid would go a long way in that endeavor. While the JBJ group has certainly messed up their bid they (and maybe some NFL owners) could come back and say this thing was rigged and that is why you would want to show it wasn't.
  14. Way too new I am talking old school: Holy Frak!:
  15. "Frack" has being a swear word long before oil companies were looking for gas people ... not literally(but before people started referring to it as fracking)! ;-)
  16. So after listening to that ... Bulldog made no claim as to the validity of Fracking being good or bad. He made a broad statement that perhaps the "Good Will" Pegula is displaying by buying the Bills, Sabres, and the doing the Harbor Front project would afford him power in Albany. That may or may not be the case ... and that is less a left/right issue and more of a "is this much 'Power' good or bad", question. Sure you can say he is your savior but, and maybe Bulldog has a point, ignoring other things is not necessarily smart. That is less political than the OP made it out to be. Throwing "Lefties" around is far politically charged than anything Bulldog said.
  17. They can incur debt for things other than the initial debt of buying the team. They just can't do it for the financing of the team. And the percentages of that do not have to measure out as the ownership does. I believe it is unlikely but we should not confuse the requirements for buying the team with that of other things a group(or person) would want to finance.
  18. They can not just say "... it did not work in Buffalo". There are rules in place to prevent teams from just uprooting. I think if the local communities are working with the team in good faith to keep the team in its current location they can not just move. This is not just the team talking with the counties or state it is also the NFL so, the JBJ group couldn't just say "They aren't helping" and pull stakes without NFL picking up the phone and checking out their story.
  19. Not positive but I believe it shows intent. Not sure if that would matter in this case but ...
  20. So here are some questions ... who pays the penalty if the lease is broken before the sale? The trust, the Wilson family, or the new Owner. If, entering into negotiations to sell the team to a group known to want to move the team breaks the lease, then would not the current owners(i.e the Trust or the Wilson Family) be the ones sued a thus owe the 400 Million dollars? Seems to me that might sway anyone in the trust from voting for more money. Also, I would suspect that Morgan Stanley should not allow any bid to go forward if they know it would break a legal agreement that the team is currently operating under, no?
  21. This is exactly why you would get involved. I can think of at least one owner who was a minority owner before getting their own team. There may be more, IDK.
  22. I don't know if this is true or not but I thought that TG added something to the sale of the Sabres that prevents their move. If so, couldn't that be the same as what the Bills do? Certainly the other party has to sign the document but I believe it can be added to a contract. There are many contracts that state certain provisions need to be maintained to keep the contract from being voided. One does not have to sign that contract if they do not wish to follow those provisions. Maybe some with a better legal background could comment.
  23. Why would JBJ give a rats ass about being "The Man Who Brought NFL Football To Canada"? I am not saying you are wrong I just do not understand the connection? He is a Jersey boy what would bringing the first team to Canada get him? Seems like he would get more hate from his US then anything.
  24. I am not sure Forbes knows everything a person has assets of. If JBJ bought shares of say Apple when it was 12.50 a share in '97 he could easily have enough to pay for his share now(and that is just one company). I doubt anyone really knows what his finances are or everything he has invested in. So to say the math doesn't add up seems a little misguided. We have no idea what what he has done with his money and since he has had a lot since the mid '80s anything is possible. I would suspect that if he knows the rules of the NFL ownership requirements he has the money needed to be the primary owner.
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