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A Dog Named Kelso

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Everything posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. That is a phase we have haven't heard in a while. Nicely done!
  2. Brandon: Tuel isn't the guy Marrone: He read the whole play book and know's it better than Hackett! He's F#@king staying Whaley: Dammit! I guess the I have to release Thad! (Throws arms in the air)
  3. He is serious and don't call him surely
  4. Anyone thinking of how the steelers QB situation was before Roethlisberger? That just popped into my mind and I didn't like it.
  5. I find it interesting that we get a new QA coach and many feel all the QBs have regressed this year and no one is really mentioning that coach. I have heard comments about Hackett but none about the QB coach?
  6. The best part is that some do not know when the sarcasm reigns. I really feel someone should make a emoticon just of this question.
  7. Has it? I am not sure I have seen that question before. Well even so I really think some one should look into it and get us all an answer. Seems like they should let him know too. He may have to sell something.
  8. Seems like with 2 o-line coaches they should be the best in the NFL
  9. Thanks ... hope after tomorrow we see more.
  10. Are there any new images of the updates?
  11. The first article is him restating what he has said all along the second has someone referencing a source that goes against everything he has said in the past. Which is more likely? Someone does not drop a billion dollars after just coming to the realization they are "in it to win it" ... seems unlikely from a person like Golisano who is prudent and deliberate with his words and actions.
  12. That might be but we should probably tell ourselves we will find out after the Owner's meeting. This way if it gets announced early we are happy; otherwise, we aren't disappoint before then. That said, I assume we will hear the name before that meeting with the headline being "The Owner's are expected to vote on whether of not to approve X as the next owner of the Buffalo Bills".
  13. This is pretty much what he has said since owning the Sabres. I am not sure why he is getting involved now except maybe he doesn't take the accounts of the Pegula's bidding for granted.
  14. I thought, and I could be wrong, I read somewhere they actually have to have it to the NFL finance committee sometime in Sept if they want it to be considered for a vote in October. Can anyone confirm this?
  15. It can not be that far behind the times as new of Leweike leaving just surfaced in the last couple of days.
  16. The fact that this came to light at any time during the bidding process shows how disorganized the TO group really is. Its been reported and there have been clear signs to the fact but, wow. Even if you want to fire or whatever Leweike you wait until after the process is over. It seems like they have no idea what they are doing, I do not understand how these hugely successful people seem to be making every mistake imaginable.
  17. If someone is going to use the majority of their wealth to pursue a venture like this they should do research on their own. A call to any individual much less anyone in the know who tell him it doesn't matter where they move outside WNY there will be a huge backlash. Also, I fault JBJ on two counts first, as an NFL fan he should know how loyal fans are regardless of market. Second, even if he initially believed that Bills Fans considered Toronto part of their radius, as soon as he learned otherwise, he had chances to make changes(outside of empty words) and didn't. Either of those two scenarios show him as obtuse as to what he is spending his money on. If he can't figure those out I am skeptical he would put a winner on the field, regardless.
  18. No one was talking about hindsight. There have been multiple reports that groups from different parts of the US withdrew when they saw it would be not be likely to move the Team. That point was the time to reorganize not continue on a course that has ultimately imploded and made him look foolish. Also, as a fan of the NFL, JBJ should have known full well the repercussions of a team moving and the bad blood that is stirred up. As you can see there are still people talking about teaming up with each other. Instead the JBJ group continues to try it plan to purchase and move the team otherwise they would have been able to persuade Kelly to join. Or at least not have him make the statement he did.
  19. He could collect many smaller suitors he does not need two large contributors. Gunlock, Wegman(don't think he would do just a suggestion of fiscal availablity), and one of the Jacobs family. Point is there are people who he could amass locally and still be the primary owner. He could even keep one of the Toronto investors for financial reasons with all the other partners if he wanted a team and did not care that it stayed in Buffalo. There were many options but he seemed clueless to the reality.
  20. I do not disagree per se, but we have no idea what the motivation or objectives of a new owner might be. All we can do is guess.
  21. lol I thought we covered this a few times already?
  22. I went back and read Cathal Kelly article that JW referenced during this interview. This is what they thought was the biggest hurdle to the JBJ group when this started was "Their biggest issue at the moment is unique. It’s the Toronto Argonauts." http://www.thestar.com/sports/football/2014/03/25/ralph_wilsons_death_opens_door_ever_so_slightly_for_nfl_in_toronto_kelly.html
  23. I am not sure that stipulation is part of that clause but I haven't read it in a while.
  24. His ego and greed would would have been better served cutting ties with those from Toronto and regrouping with wealthy locally when he found out moving was not an option. I am not sure even if they wanted to the NFL would let them. They would not want to set a precedent where a stadium does get public funding.
  25. I am not sure it is more than what they have to do. According to the current lease the team aka "Mary Wilson" can not knowingly sell to someone moving the team. That would put her on the hook for the 400 million if the team left.
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