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A Dog Named Kelso

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Everything posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. All of which would be things to keep the Dougs accountable for, correct?
  2. I think they lack a cohesive plan or had one(or several) and strayed from it(them). Are they win now, rebuilding, grooming a QB? Their and statements contradicts themselves. That, more than anything, may be their undoing. My thought is they thought they would have more time to whatever they wanted, but when the sales process progressed so quickly it changed their perspective. I feel a little bad for them. Ralph's passing and the quick sale changed what they might have hoped to do in my opinion. I think that can be explained to Pegula. That said, it should not have. Follow your plan, they have failed to do that from what I can see.
  3. This drives me nuts when I seen it in almost any situation and the Bills under Gailey did it too much. The back should always be in the backfield especially when they are as good as Fred and CJ. One it gives the defense more than one thing to consider and two it gives an extra blocker/ safety value if needed to the QB. I know there are teams that do it with effectiveness and even that drives me nuts. But, I do not know if that was Gailey calling that or Fitz changing the play at the line. I seem to remember the backs moving to a spot on the line from the backfield from time to time.
  4. This is interesting and shows that EJ is slightly above the mean. However; I would think you would remove QBs who clearly were not competent starters and failed to secure a long term spot. My reasoning is the goal is to see what a QB who turned into a starter number's looked like and base your comparison on those. One could also do the opposite and show what a bad drafts picks numbers would be closer to.
  5. Its funny that People say we shouldn't have EJ do too much but we complain that Fitz couldn't do that much. Play to his strengths is what everyone wants from EJ but ask Fitz to do what we know he can't. If you had Fitz doing what they have EJ doing with this Defense and talent the Bills win. Everyone seems to forget just how bad the defense was that it required Fitz to have to put up 30 or more points a game. IDK if EJ is the guy or not but to pretend as though Fitz couldn't be successful in the right situation is wrong. Chan's offense and Swartz's/Pettine's Defense would be quite the force.
  6. The QB in any game does not duel with the opposing QB he is dueling against the other team's defense. He look putrid during most of that game against that defense(look at the all 22 by Jeremy White). Now that defense may go not to be considered one the year's best but I doubt it. I agree let him play (but I think that coaches may not be letting that happen) or let him sit and learn(which is not a conviction of his ability but the original plan). The problem is I think the couching staff has him the just don't do anything reckless which makes EJ not "play".
  7. While not agreeing with the post you are quoting I do have some thoughts. 1.) This has been shown to be false in other "EJ Sucks" threads. There were indeed pundits that believed EJ could go in the first round specifically to Philly 5.) The Jets home game I would think is close to lighting it up.
  8. I am not sure if it is coaching or Manuel's own beliefs but something still seems off to me as far as his athletic ability showing during games. I remember last year Hackett saying he wanted EJ to Air it out surprisingly this year seems a little more reserved. And if you are going to run an option offense you have to make sure he runs the ball more.
  9. I would think the record would come into play as well. If it looks like they might go 2-6 before the bye week I would think the make a change before that.
  10. The problem with comparing this years numbers is that it does not take into account Wilson's history of running the read option very well. Our read option rarely includes the "opinion" portion from EJ and so it is less of a threat. Wilson whether this year or the previous 2 has kept the ball and effectively picked up critical yards.
  11. There are actually 3 positions to take and surprisingly not many are interest in the other. Which is that EJ may be to guy but needs time to develop. I am an advocate for letting him sit, learn, refine before putting him back out there. I fail to see why anyone thinks that is not a worthy option. I would not suggest what happened with JP the yoyo that he faced was unfair, but sit EJ and teach him what he needs. Yes he has had good games and bad. Every QB does. But if we are being honest about it most are less than average performances.
  12. Again I ask, If they had a plan last year with Kolb and then that plan did not surface so, hey went with plan B why have they not tried to reconstitute plan A. Most everyone can see Manuel is a "Project" QB, so follow your original project plan. Don't scrap it just because Kolb got hurt. I would think that having Orton play the Kolb role in from the original plan A would be the best for the team and Manuel. As mentioned with the quoted post there is no shame in playing behind other QBs and there maybe he should sit and learn and develop. Instead you could be reinforcing bad behavoir because he has to "win now".
  13. How do we know this to be the case? He went on from here to become the backup at Tennessee, didn't he? They had a plan last year with Kolb, that plan did not surface and they went with plan B. The thing I believe everyone wants to know is why have they not tried to reconstitute plan A as most everyone can see Manuel is a "Project" QB, so follow your project plan. Don't scrap it just because Kolb got hurt. I am not saying EJ is not the guy, but they are most likely not doing him, this team, or the fans any favors by rushing his development, just because of an injury last year. I would think that having Orton play the Kolb role in from the original plan A would be the best plan of attack.
  14. Did you think that before the Ray Rice issue? Just curious. I too agree but I my feelings came during the CBA dealings
  15. I was under the assumption that NJ law restricted them from obtaining evidence in an ongoing case unless it was directly from the authorities(but I could be wrong). Regardless, I just think it was probably easier to obtain by TMZ once the casino was closed. That is all I am saying. I am not contesting that, if they were interested, the NFL could not have gotten their hands on it. Just it may not have been as easily obtained as it was by TMZ.
  16. He really doesn't answer to the public though. He answers to 31 owners and the GB org. So, even though their product is geared toward the public he is fine as long as he makes the owners happy. The question is does this incident do so, I would think not but I think they are smart enough not to have a mob mentality and oust him.
  17. Exactly ... my point is it was probably easier for TMZ to get the tape once someone was already unemployed. Its a lot harder to give out sensitive material if an employee is fearful they may lose their job. That said, the authorities have said the tape was sent to the NFL so if true the point is moot.
  18. Those are the bigger questions that are too messy to talk about.
  19. This is talked about a lot. What is always left out is that the Casino and Hotel has closed since the incident perhaps allowing people's need for money to get in the way. I am not saying the NFL couldn't get it but it was certainly easier once there was no job left to lose.
  20. Unless the Bills win a few Superbowls while hes is still with the team, there is no way he gets in.
  21. Thought this was an interesting quote from him Wednesday Sherman called that “pretty hilarious.” “You know when a guy wants to get his name in the paper he’s going to say something crazy,” he said. Read more here: http://www.thenewstribune.com/2014/09/17/3385525_seahawks-exposed-richard-sherman.html?rh=1#storylink=cpy
  22. Bet this guy will: http://www.buffalobillsmovie.com/
  23. I don't have enough posts to be christened with the "You're an Idiot" designation.
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