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A Dog Named Kelso

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Everything posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. Because you only connected 21 times out of those 44 passes.
  2. I would say Rob Ryan the way the Saints D has played this year and especially tonight.
  3. What are his strengths? I am asking seriously here.
  4. That is funny as some have speculated the Marrone was actually calling the plays today.
  5. The real question is why isn't the oline the best in the NFL with Marrone helping with the couching?
  6. As if the teams he was on had nothing to do with that record?
  7. I agree there were some drops by the WRs. But I think some of those "Drops" were also scrapped out by the defenders. I do not have all 22 but I would be interested if someone could check that out. Of course, they are still in second place in the AFC East right?
  8. They point to his W-L record and say he isn't good without taking into consideration the teams he played on.
  9. For years QBs learned behind vets. It is only recently that the NFL has moved away from that, much to the detriment of the player. It is because there is no patience, not because the philosophy isn't sound.
  10. Wow .... seriously. You are giving EJ credit and basically dissing the running backs? First the only reason it was that close is because EJ refuses to "gun it" he also is to scared to "run it".
  11. So watching the game today and thinking about how the coaching staff is handling EJ I thought what would it be like if EJ learned to scramble and play fearlessly behind Fitz. He might have learned a lot about the mental side too. I am still shocked that they dropped Fitz in favor of Kolb.
  12. Anyone think if we swapped QBs we win that game?
  13. No it isn't ... it is a game of consistency if you want a winner. If you are building a team that only win because of "Big" plays you are doing it wrong.
  14. So either you are born with it or you aren't? Are there no exercises he can perform to help with that? I have to believe there are programs that could teach him to get better on this, But I really do not know.
  15. I feel I need to point out that sitting EJ does not mean that the mgt losses faith in EJ. It means they go back to their original plan of letting him sit and learn. I really do not know what the hesitation is. Sit him and put in place your original plan with Orton in the Kolb role EJ as the back up role. What they have to do though is communicate the correctly to everyone. EJ, Orton, the team, and the fan base. "Hey last year we were forced into as certain position and now that we believe we have a capable veteran we would like to continue with our original plan. We feel we were rushing EJs development and this move gives us the opportunity help him learn while moving forward with winning"
  16. WTF was that?! WOW. nice play!
  17. Who are we going to blame to loss on this week as it can't be EJs fault. Thoughts?
  18. Same place its been all year lol
  19. Winning the turning over battle and down by 7. Great game!
  20. I do not disagree that it was mismanaged just that I do not believe that the QB position was the major reason for the losing records during Chan's time as head coach, which was the post I responding to.
  21. looks like EJ has room to run on those option handoffs. He should keep one of them see what happens.
  22. I would say that the Nix era may have been worked(obtained a winning record) with Gailey had it not been for the horrid defenses. That required Fitz to play a game he wasn't equipped to play. Basically, meaning that QB was no the reason for failure during that stint.
  23. I would say it started with Donahoe, choosing Johnson over Flutie, reaching for JP while kicking Bledsoe to the curb. But I could be wrong.
  24. The main reason they brought in and fans were happy with Gailey's offense. If I am Russ I would want to have a conversation with Marrone about that.
  25. And yet that is how it is marketed and protaryed by ESPN the ratings creator.
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