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A Dog Named Kelso

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Everything posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. Hasn't he only had 2 starts?
  2. You are mixing the ratings when comparing EJ Passer rating for EJ is 80.3 Orton's QBR is 39.1
  3. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/172107-marrone-said-they-will-look-at-everything-to-get-running-game-going/page__st__100#entry3301532
  4. Found this article on Buffalo Rumbulling and thought it was interesting given the topic: http://www.buffaloru...lity-in-buffalo
  5. Looking at everything and doing anything are completely different
  6. Its called innovation, they are finally trying to be pioneers!
  7. I would add to this his evaluation of Levitre and Rhinehart which lead to both their departures. I am not advocating we should have kept Levitre at his asking price, but Rhinehart I think was a huge loss and squarely on Marrone.
  8. No, Well they are not playing. It was Glenn Levitre Wood Urbik (whoever was heathy), the plan was for Hairston here but he was injured. They decided to let Levitre and his backup Rinehart(who is starting for the Chargers) walk, I would think these were Marrones calls. Make no mistake this is Hubris on Marrone's part. He wanted BIG guys to dictate the the game and Gailey's were lighter and more agile. I squarely place the O-line problems on Marrone his handling of Urbik reinforces it. If you went back to Gailey's line you would only be looking for a replacement for the Levitre spot but instead they are trying every rookie they can on that line. Here is what it should be if you were using Gailey's players Glenn <New Player> Wood Urbik Hairston Seems like that is the best way to try and fix the line reboot and leave your ego out of it. Also if back up center is a roster stop of such great importance they should get a dedicated center on the PS and get Urbik on the line.
  9. Dave and Buster's anyone? Maybe that should be their Wednesday practice location.
  10. Wow! "He is great because he can play any position as a starter, but we think he is better if we have him wait. And I really do not care if how he has played in the past"
  11. Luckily that is not something the fans will have to fear
  12. And the Fans'
  13. My apologies for the yous Regardless of its result to the rest of the team? A backup for what purpose? Only for injury?
  14. I think this coaching staff had a plan for EJ and they never got to implement it. You and others say he has to play but that was never the thought processes of the staff originally. You complain that Hackett is terrible but want EJ out there playing under those horrible conditions when he can learn more from Orton(watching him play and asking questions) than being sacrificed to Hackett play calling. So, you are basically stating you wanted Orton then and are now complaining about him? What exactly is it that you want to happen? Either you want the team to succeed or you do not. Right now, Orton, like it or not, is what will make the happen. In long run you may be right; however, the team needs to start winning and EJ doesn't need that pressure too. Let Orton take on that burden.
  15. If it is so important why was it not so when Gailey was the HC. I am not suggesting we should have kept Gailey just that if one believed that for Jouron and now Marrone why not Gailey?
  16. If he believed that then Gailey would still be here.
  17. But when they did he got 7/8 not 3. If you get down there 8 times and only get FGs then you are at 24 vs getting down there 4 times and picking up 7(8) which is 28(or more) and that is the difference. The fact you are talking about that as if it is bad to convert before the team gets there just silly and a different topic. Also, to your second point, teams knew if you take the running game away the team can not throw with EJ in there. That was evident by how he performed in the Houston game. Now that is not the case if the running game is not there Orton can move the ball with his arm. 607/2=303.5 ypg If you are going to argue against him at least use the correct facts to make your argument. We get it you hate Orton and would rather lose with EJ then win with Orton. I agree the running game needs work but if your don't have either your team is in bad shape, which is what the Houston game should show you.
  18. To be clear I was answering a question of an opinion of another member.
  19. Yes because tons of money normally cures stupid.
  20. I agree you should game plan around your players' strengths but you also have to rely on them to be proficient in the basics too and this has been a problem for CJ his whole career. This isn't a new problem that arrived when Hackett and Marrone got here, That is more my point, I completely understand what you are saying but as a weapon the opposition needs to know he is a threat to do the conventional run too.
  21. We lost because of Orton's pick and fumble in the first half
  22. He says stuff like this to mask whatever the real reason is that he is doing something, which we do not know.
  23. As oppose to: Johnson - Winner Edwards - Winner Tuel - Winner EJ(so far) - Winner I am not really sure what you are arguing other than to argue. You either have a personal grudge against Orton or are related to EJ because you would rather fail with EJ then, perhaps, succeed with Orton.
  24. Because you set up your roster based on the positions of need. If they know he should really be a WR then they could activate Brown. If a team knows he is never going to run up the middle there is not really an element of surprise is there?
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