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A Dog Named Kelso

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Everything posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. Those were different coaches and different people in management. If he helps in a position of need suck up your feelings and sign him for the remainder of the season. Then in the off season fix the problem!
  2. I would think that maybe its closer to this. I think we can all agree Marrone has some bias against certain player so its very possible that anything from KO's insight might sway him one way or the other. .Were there not reports of KO saying in practice "if you do not do it here I will not throw to you in a game"(paraphase)?
  3. If he tells Marrone ... "I will not throw to him in a game" ... What is Marrone going to do? Once on the field Marrrone has no ability to force Orton to throw the ball to MW. Sooner or later a team would figure that out, no?
  4. This is just a theory and I neither agree or disagree with in being the correct way to handle the Mike Williams thing. Its possible that Orton does not want MW out there. A lot of people are blaming Marrone, but its very possible that KO has seen something that he does not like. I seem to remember him saying if you can't do it in practice I am not throwing to you in a game. Why have someone in the game you know KO is not going to throw to, might as well suit up someone else.
  5. That did not happen here but high profile HCs, when hired, do indeed request a certain GM be brought in with them.
  6. Here was an out of the box idea ... not that I think anyone would have done it, but on first down(on the 15) kick the field goal,knowing they were unable to score in the red zone all day, to save time and then have your defense get the ball back and go get another field goal to win. That could have been a novel concept.
  7. So basically they played the odds that were .2 % difference and was the higher likelihood of winning. My only issue was that they could have run for or passed for a first down and then had a few more shots at the endzone. For those saying they should have kicked the field goal look at what happened at that end of the game. They had 16 seconds left from the to get in field goal range and needed to stop the clock after the KC possession. It was not going to happen.
  8. Thanks ... that was along the lines that I was thinking.
  9. Yes because he did not do it for the Vikings game so obviously he is incapable. He had a poor game. It happens. There are several things people can point for the loss ... one of them being Orton's decisions on the last 4 throws. But let's not overreact.
  10. Versus a team that hasn't given up a rushing TD all year. Seems like the more correct decision when you think about that.
  11. I thought there were more rules around that(i.e. condition that allow it to move forward). But, I could be wrong.
  12. The thing is the Bills have the same members for the line they had under Gailey(outside of RG), Marrone refuses to play them in the same position. If he would move from the Bigger is Better thought process, he would only have one position to fill instead of now he is trying to fill 3.
  13. I don't think people realized they would be letting Chad go too. That was why people were comfortable with Levitre leaving.
  14. I do not believe that is true. The Bills have the same members for the line they had under Gailey(outside of RG), Marrone refuses to play them in the same position. I am not sure why but there are a bunch of vets who know how to handle stunts, pulls and screens. The only thing that would need to be determined is who to stick in at RG. I don't understand Marrone's reluctance to try this other than he thinks he is smarter than everyone else. Thing is it is really doing the opposite.
  15. Not if Johnny Football is there. He has stated he will not resign if Manziel is there. Good for him, he has seen that show before and he knows the outcome.
  16. Its been 3 weeks need to start the uncertainty of the franchise otherwise the fans have no identity.
  17. I think a (585) Food and Sport needs to be the next on the list!
  18. I am not disagreeing with you. I stated over and over again in this and other threads that the issue was how they managed the Cap for that contract. You are intertwining the Cap and the Actual pay out. Those are different. He was payed as a starter ... which was the job he was performing. Had they kept him on the team they would not have the Cap issues they do now. They would be paying him a lot for his value, but they would not have dead money plus extra monies and cap hits toward the QB position.
  19. Short answer "Yes" ... Tell her is sounds like fun but you want to wait to answer on Thursday ... in the Bills lose either you should be fine to go.
  20. If you read my post you would see that I stated the real problem with the contract was the salary cap issues. Not the actual money spent. And they could have mitigated that by keeping Fitz instead of taking on both Kolb and Orton.
  21. Anyone laughing at the Bills are not being objective. He essentially was paid middling money to be a middling starter. The salary cap hit was worse than the money they paid Fitz. He basically played 4 year at 27 million dollars. That said you do not give Orton anything until he helps change the teams fortunes. By the same logic your would not pay Brees, Rogders, Rivers.
  22. Seriously? ... These kids have no real consequences that makes them believe they can get away with anything. That allows them to push the limits ... that does not meant they are born criminals. Sadly, it is an indictment on how they are taught more than anything else.
  23. True and false. Each season should not be detertimed by any of the seasons before. Basically it is a new team with some of the same players and coaches and some new ones However; whether you believe it or not, there is a cultural/psychological aspect to continual winning or losing. Once ingrained it takes quite a lot to get it turned around. Buffalo has had teams good enough to make the playoffs or at least a winning record in that last 14 year, I am sure. Were they great? No ... did the that enough talent to go 8-8 or higher, yes.
  24. I know he is the whipping boy at the moment, but I doubt he fails to see anything. He is someone who does this for a living and has been doing so for quite some time. My would think there may be other, unknown, reasons why this is(has not been) not the O-Line formation.
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