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Posts posted by bills8491

  1. Ralph Wilson is simply not fit to run this team, and his contempt for Buffalo is palpable everytime he is asked about the future of the franchise. He could care less if they win, could care less if the team remains in Buffalo long term, and could care less what the fans think as long as he gets his money.


    Well, I think it's time to run him out of town. We shouldn't just take what he gives us and say thank you because we have so little esteem we're just happy to have anything at all. If he wants to threaten us with relocation I say we respond by telling him to go to hell. Better to have this cold, greedy ass-hole take his miser act someplace else, because he's done nothing but take advantage of our loyalties as fans, spit on us, and crap on our faces when we complain.


    Ralph: Do us all a favor and get rid of the team. Relocate it if you don't think Buffalo is good enough for the NFL, or sell it now to the highest bidder and let the chips fall where they may. Just get the hell out and don't let the door hit you in the ass. Here's to you and that family fortune we paid for going bankrupt. Bills fans should say "ENOUGH" and turn their backs on Wilson's garbage he calls a team. We aren't going to play the battered wife role forever; just take it again and again because we don't want to risk being alone. We'll do just fine without you Ralph, thanks.


    GET OUT!

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