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Everything posted by sweatpantsjoe

  1. So......4 Jets fans that post on an internet message board hate Fireman Ed, so that means the entire Jets fan base also hates Fireman Ed.....
  2. And you can hit them over the head with a chair and it doesn't phase them.
  3. I'd love to have him, but there is going to be 31 other teams trying to get him. Including the Raiders. I just don't see the Bills outbidding Daniel Snyder for his services.
  4. That's BS....the Saints would have called when they knew a deal with imminent Seattle. Not to mention, the Saints backfield wasn't banged up as they were at the end of the season when the deal was made.
  5. Get over it. He's done it plenty of times in the past and he does it practically annually in the Pre-Season, which are a lot more tickets to buy up than a regular season game against the Pats.
  6. Yeah, they're still like 27th in total offense.
  7. First, they have to beat the Pats in order for you to see that.......something that's not going to happen. Which is another reason why Sully's article is true.
  8. I just want to beat New England. I don't care if they win or lose the other games, I really just want to beat New England.
  9. embracing my 1/4 Polish heritage by referring to somebody as a "dupa head"

  10. I thought we were going to see the Colts implode last season, they're just a season behind......last season was perhaps the most untalented AFC Champion since the 85 Patriots. No talent at Wide Receiver, Running back and on defense. Manning's the only reason they'e even in a playoff hunt.

  11. He almost got one against Big Ben, but got held. It could happen.
  12. man.....Stevie Johnson has gotten the Bills more press than Kevin Everett did when he became crippled.

  13. It's either going to the be the Chargers or Vikings. I really hope it's an AFC team so I don't have to wait every 8 years to see the Bills play.
  14. This Terrence Pegula sounds too good to be true.
  15. I blame God for this thread.
  16. Spiller has looked good when he has gotten chances. He stopped dancing around like he did early in the season and has looked sharp when he's was spelling Jackson. Jackson is also on the wrong side of 30 and probably only has a few good seasons left. Not to mention, if they're going to an 18 game schedule next season, you are going to need at the very least two feature backs just to get through a season. I like what I've seen from Spiller, and would like to see him used more in the passing game when he returns.
  17. I think a more fitting Joker phrase for this weekend that he should write on his T-shirt would be "This town needs an enema."
  18. The number of terrible towels will out number the faces painted as the joker thats for sure.
  19. I'd like to see this offense run some series without him, just to see if they're as good without him before I make judgement they don't need him.
  20. The Bills only have two things going for them, one owning the greatest comeback in NFL history, and the other being their win streak over the Bengals. Hell yes I wanted them to win.
  21. After following Thurman on twitter and reading some of his tweets, I wouldn't even take his advice on which restaurant to eat lunch at let alone let him run my football team.
  22. Didn't CBS try this a few years ago with Jason Alexander playing Tony Kornheiser and Malcom Jamal Warner playing Mike Wilbon? When will they ever learn?
  23. Yeah lets let the guy who throws at the receivers feet when they are in the flats and throws behind Jones on a shovel pass to be the face of the franchise. I'm sick of this Fitz is the answer discussion. He's just not good,
  24. At Angels games in Anaheim, they don't allow any drinking in their parking lot. You get caught drinking they take it away from you. The policy works though because I never see people throwing up on themselves or being belligerent at Angels games. Dodgers games on the other hand....well thats a whole other story.
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