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Everything posted by sweatpantsjoe

  1. Update, found an old tweet of mine. You know CBS doesn't think much of your team when Spero Dedus is doing play by play for the game. Sep 19, 2010 -reallyjoetodaro That was indeed the Packers game. I RULE! http://www.allmytweets.net/#reallyjoetodaro
  2. I'm pretty sure Dedes called the Bills / Packers game in 2010.
  3. They have him already, only his name is David Nelson minus the headaches.
  4. It would be a logistical nightmare if they put the same events in both cities. However, if they split the events, evenly keeping travel back and forth over the border to a minimum it could work.
  5. I just checked on the Directv Search, NFL Network is replaying this game like 4 times next week. Must be all the RG 3 hype.
  6. Moats is now the starter. http://www.wgr550.com/pages/9034669.php?pid=257478
  7. I think he's the best running back in the game.
  8. Looks like a million bucks for one year. I wonder how much of that will go to child support.
  9. If you want to watch the game live and live in Buffalo, GO TO THE GAME! Thats the only way you're going to get to see it live. It will be blacked out on the Comcast Channel, it will be blacked out on the Online Subscription thing for $20 and it will be blacked out over the air. The only way you can watch it live is if you're there, or you find an illegal stream.
  10. I love the show. The fact he's live from training camp and will be live from the stadium during the season is a huge plus because any player can drop in at any time. Same goes for the Sabres show. And the guests that Murph and Sylvester have had on have been great. Just awesome programming over at WGR now. And yeah, I enjoy Schopp and the Bulldog as well as Howard Simon. I can not stand Jeremy White though.
  11. I was happy when this regime brought him back. It made up for the organizations blunder (or what I thought of at the time) of letting go of Bobby April.
  12. Move George Wilson back to WR and have him play iron man football. #problemsolved
  13. Yeah you know, the game where Edwards was 9 for 26 with 3 picks and Bradshaw and Jacobs ran for a combined 300 yards against the Bills Defense. The Bills really did dominate those Giants that day.
  14. You've literally been.....for almost over 20 years?
  15. I just received an email from Directv that they were upgrading me to Sunday Ticket Max at no extra charge. I logged into my account online and sure enough it has me as subscribed to it. If you're a Sunday Ticket subscriber and you didn't receive the upgrade, I suggest you call and look into it.
  16. woo who! he gave me a shout out!
  17. Yeah the NFL blackout policy is in effect for pre-season games as well, however they are shown locally on tape delay. I think WBBZ is going to carry the telecasts this year.
  18. Wow, it doesn't take a lot to impress you people.
  19. Made my phone call. I'm a brand new customer so I'm only paying 34.99 a month for Choice Extra package plus 3 free months of premium movie channels and free Sunday Ticket so there wasn't much I could get, but I ended up getting $10 more a month off my bill for the next 3 months. I'm happy with that.
  20. Didn't seize the site I order from.
  21. I was in my early 20s while he was with the Bills and I saw him downtown on Chippewa street all the time. What is he even talking about when he says nothing to do? He was always down there. and when I say always I mean even Fridays before a game. (I never did see him on a Saturday during the regular season) And yeah the people were brutal, but you're dealing with drunk people. Man get a clue.
  22. I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm usually wearing a Bills or Sabres hat and people come up to me all the time and say how they're from Buffalo and what neighborhood they're from and we instantly we find ourselves talking about the Bills or Sabres. I really miss Buffalo, being in Southern California is nice during the winter months, but I really want to move back and hope to do so soon.
  23. The Bills / Raiders game was on the local CBS out here in LA LA Land and they switched to the Pats / Chargers game before it ended. I had Sunday Ticket so I was able to switch to another CBS game and catch the ending but those who didn't have Sunday Ticket missed the David Nelson TD.
  24. I'm really starting to think the moderators need to make everybody take a wonderlic test before the allow people to post here. Anybody with a score less than 10 should be blocked. I'm pretty sure the person who started this thread's score would be less than Frank Gore's.
  25. The Bills have won 2 road games in the last two seasons. I don't see them all of the sudden becoming a team that goes into other stadiums and wins.
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