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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Can't wait for the closeout Kelsay gear to hit the racks. What can I get for $10
  2. Dude, come on. So Cal doesn't care about what team goes. They just want a team to further boost their "image". They want a cheap team. They want a team that they can send all of their customers too. This is the same area that had the Rams and Raiders playing at the same time. Neither team sold many seats. LA is a basketball town, and it will only use football as a customer service tool. I fear that the Bills will be the next Detroit. 0-16 anyone?
  3. Your wrong. The Nintendo Wii has made a HUGE splash in retirement communities everywhere. I think they are playing Wii Sports, baseball I assume.
  4. I am going to wait until after the draft to make my decision. I have been a bills fan for 29 years (since I was 2) and have seen a helluva lot of losin. If I do not see any improvement in the franchise after the free agency period, draft, etc. then I am going to rethink my contribution to DirecTv Sunday Tickets Superfan Package. I will always be a Bills fan though.
  5. Dude, its freaking Christmas man, lighten up. Why do you have to be THAT guy? You know, the one that would pick apart even the most funny video posted by guys that can't sing. They are obviously poking fun at themselves, and showing a sense of humor. Marshawn was hilarious. Dude looks stoned ALL THE TIME. That was hilarious, and Justin Jenkins hahahahahahaha. All of them were funny though. Trent looked like he was taking a dump while singing that.
  6. Why? We don't need another wide receiver. I think that James Hardy could be a good player in years to come. For some reason Buffalo didn't write him into the offense too much, and no it isn't because he sucks! Josh Reed is a stud, small, but a stud. Evans is great, Parrish is good both on offense and special teams (McKelvin can't do all of the return work). Steve Johnson is a big suprise to me. Buffalo doesn't need another receiver. They need linemen, Peters needs to go. I hate his attitude, and the fact that he held out for a bigger contract. Trade his ass for draft picks and pick up some young linemen. I thought that Walker did a good job at left tackle with Chambers on the right side. I think that that is the only reason why Peters came back to begin with. Once he saw that Buffalo was doing fine without him he must have figured out that he was expendable. Maybe that is why Buffalo has not offered him a contract yet. Langston should have gone to the Pro Bowl over Peters anyway. But with all that said I still feel that Buffalo has good enough talent to win, and win big. I just think that the coaching really sucks.
  8. Do you watch the NFL or did I suddenly and unexpectedly forget my understanding of the English language? Both (Jets and Fins) are fighting for the division title after coming no where near to even licking the mud off of the Pats cleats. Both have better Quarterback play, even though on of them (Farve) leads the NFL in interceptions. Both are a helluva lot better now than they were last year mainly because of the quarterback. What was your point again?
  9. Happy they won. Still very dissappointed in the season. Looking forward to the draft. But one thing that caught my ear. On Monday Night Countdown it was revealed that this was the only win by the Bills against a team with a winning record.
  10. Isn't he the one that brought Bills greats like JP "j-e-t-s jets-jets-jets" Losman, Willis "OW my knee" "The Bills would be better in Toronto" McGahee, John "bulging disc" McCargo? I think that ESPN should fire Mort so that he and Donahoe could sit and talk football together.
  11. I think the Bills should go for Joe Paterno. Think of the marketing possibilities on that one. They could rename Ralph Wilson Stadium to Geritol Colliseum or something. Ensure anyone?
  12. Dude, are you serious? How bout this..... Edwards or Bledsoe? Flutie or Collins? BJ Hobert or Van Pelt? Hamdan or Nall? Did I forget anyone? Maybe we could nab Michael Vick next year, or McNabb and add their names to the list.
  13. Smash Mouth. Unleash the Beast!!!!! I want a hard hitting defense, and an offensive line that will make any defensive lineman piss their pants. I want guys on the O-Line like Steve Wisnewski, Kevin Mawae, and guys on defense like Ray Lewis and well the rest of the Baltimore Ravens D.
  14. Yeah, true, but you know that the Bills can't sign him at any cost. They can't afford that guy. Plus, I like Stroud and Williams in the middle. I think that they are doing a good job. To me there defense is fine, and I wouldn't touch it. I think the offense is screwed up. Maybe take the money you would put on a Haynsworth and go after McNabb, or a center (What ever happened to Melvin Fowler anyway?).
  15. The bottom line is you never know. You could get a coordinator and it could go either way. You could get an experienced HC and that could go either way. Marty Schottenheimer is out there, but he can't get through the playoffs. Brian Billick, Cowher, Nolan, Marriucci just to name a few. Cowher and Billick have rings, but look at how many seasons they coached for their respective teams. With Cowher you run the risk of being stuck with another Kordell Stewart for 10 years, and Billick didn't have any luck with quarterbacks since he left Minnesota and the Moss/Culpepper connection. Hell, Bellichek was a crappy coach in Cleveland, and look at him now. What about Ron Rivera, remember him? Former DC for the Bears the last time they went to the Super Bowl. He is the DC for the Chargers now. He was a HC candidate a couple of years ago. What about someone like Jason Garrett, or try to lure Mike Singletary from the Niners. Oh, yeah, thats right we are talking about the Bills so scratch most of these. I would prefer someone with a Defensive mind. Too bad Monte Kiffin is going to the college ranks. Hell what about the DC for the Eagles (Jim Jones?).
  16. I alwaez thot Dick waz smart. That man is a pur geneus. :worthy
  17. Speaking of gift, does anyone want a JP Losman jersey for free? I would like to get rid of mine. I bought it his rookie season, because I wanted the Bills to get rid of Bledsoe. Um, so, dya want it? I got a Bledsoe jersey too. But I am going to just rip the name tag off and write Parrish with white out on the back.
  18. Either way you look at it something has to change. DJ has been there for three years, and has shown absolutely no improvement. None.
  19. What have they got to lose?
  20. Wow, we have hit a pinnacle. On the way home from work I heard Dan Patrick use the term Lossman when describing JP. Then on Monday Night Countdown's "CMon Man" segment Keyshawn also used the term Lossman. I think we have finally made it! I am so proud. Hire Jim Kelly as head coach!
  21. Dude, are you serious? Do you really think that the Bills can afford all of the above mentioned superstars? I am sorry, but you need to come back down to reality a little bit. I don't think they need more guys in the middle, Stroud, Williams, and Johnson did good. Evans, Reed, and Parrish are good receivers too. They need consistent play. I think they have the talent, they need the coaching. You aren't born with consistency, it is something that you learn. It is time for the "teacher" of the game to start teaching something other than mediocrity.
  22. I just cancelled mine. And what kills me is that the players love the guy.
  23. Yeah, I just saw that one too. Now I am really depressed. 3 More Years!!!!!!!!!! Just freaking wonderful.
  24. Dan Dierdorf said that when he interviewed JP Losman he (Losman) said that he was auditioning for other teams. With that said why in the hell did he start? Who in their right mind would start a quarterback that has admitted that he does not want to be with this team next year? Why would you start a guy that said he simply wants to put together a highlight package for other teams to view next season? The Bills still had a chance to go to the playoffs, albeit a VERY SLIM chance, but they still had a chance. Why would you risk a potential playoff run by starting Losman? Why? WHY? I have a Bills fan since I was two, and I was born and raised in California where I still reside. And this is the crap that I cheer for every Sunday? This is why I spend a large amount of money on DirecTV Sunday Ticket? When is it going go get better? When is our beloved owner going to realize that he needs a good coaching and scouting staff. On the bright side, I do love me some Marshawn Lynch. That guy is a beast. I know he missed a few catches but lets face it, he was going to get creamed in the end. Maybe next year will be the Bills year. Maybe. (sigh) maybe...
  25. Is it just me or does the Almighty Hamdan look like Frank Reich? ALL HAIL HAMDAN!!!!!!!
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