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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. I wish Chris Everett would have just kicked the crap out of him. That would have been FREAKING hilarious. Ooops, did I say Chris? I meant, Jim of course. out
  2. Cmon Chef, you were supposed to ask if he was dead! OUT.
  3. Modesto California, 72..... Oh, you want me to go outside?!?!? Hell no, it is too freakin hot man.
  4. I must have passed out... Damn beer...............
  5. But haven't we gone back to the Jarreau days? I love the show Southpark. They are more offensive than Jarreau ever was. Ever see Tre and Matts Team America World Police? What about Robert Downey Jr.s character in Tropic Thunder? If they are pissed about a freaking robot then why didn't they get pissed about this? What about the use of the "N" word. How can a black man call another black man that and no one get offended? A white man does it and he earns the "label" of racist.
  6. There was a talk radio host named Don Geronimo of the Don and Mike Show. He always made the comment that if you don't like our show then CHANGE THE CHANNEL!!! We always take things way too far. That is why we got ourselves in the cluster#@%$ to begin with. It has to stop somewhere though. But, alas, it won't because someone will do their best to offend, and someone will get offended, some will laugh, some won't. What gets me is that when a director references someone in a movie that is "acting" like a minority like in the Transformer movies it pisses someone off. On the flip side if all of the robots acted like "white" people someone would get pissed because minorities were not represented in the movie!
  7. Did Jeff Goldblum seriously die? I keep hearing it but can't seem to find anything on it.
  8. Dude, whatever happened to David Carradine? You know, the one of Kill Bill fame? Heeeeeeeerrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeesss Johnnie!
  9. Yeah, that is the one. Didn't she fall off of a bridge, or jump or something like that? I only saw the movie on Showtime once, and that was it. Never saw it again.
  10. People have taken this racist thing WAY too far. It is a fictional movie. I don't get butt hurt with Mater on Cars, Joe Dirt, the entire Deliverance movie. Come on, what is wrong with bending a guy over in the woods and making him squeal like a pig? I just wanted to get the above comment in a room, and finally had my shot. We can get offended by anything on tv these days. All one has to do is watch any Southpark episode.
  11. Aww it's ok. In FMJ when they are on the chopper and the door gunner is gunnin' down VC in the rice fields. Joker asks something to the effect of "How do you shoot women and children?" Gunners reply is "Easy, you don't lead em as much!" Awesome. Hamburger Hill, Apocolypse Now, We Were Soldiers are great. What about Bat 21, with Gene Hackman. What was the one with Michael J Fox, when he and three others took the female prisoner? I can't remember the title of that one, but it was ok. And the newest installment, Tropic Thunder
  12. What happened to I can't afford to pay 250-300 dollars on a jersey because a major corporation payed to have an "officially licensed product" sewn to the jersey? That jersey is probably manufactured in the same plant that the counterfit is. The counterfit has defects that the corporation won't sell to the customer. Hmmm, what is the reasonable thing to do: Grossly overpay for the real thing so some white collar executive at Reebok can buy his Ferrari and put myself out of $300 for a jersey that I have to frame and have added to my homeowners insurance policy, OR, pay $20 for a knock off that I can wear to my local sports bar on Sundays? Or how bout this, pay $80 for a licensed replica with iron on numbers or $20 for a jersey that looks real with sewn on numbers and name patch. I am all for free enterprise, but come on. Whos' to blame anyway. Me? For what? Getting the best bang for my buck? I can afford $20, but not $300. Go without you say? I am. I am not buying the "real" thing. I am buying a imitation, knock-off, counterfit (whatever term you would choose to use). I know that I am not buying the real thing, and when friends ask if it is real or not I will tell them that it is not real. Wake up. THIS IS FREE ENTERPRISE. If you want to get the real thing then go ahead. I will settle for less.
  13. Lets see now... My HANES boxers were made in Laos. My HANES t-shirts were made in the Dominican Republic My Reebok shorts were made in Egypt. My Jim Kelly 1990 Vintage "replithentic" purchased from buffalobills.com was made in Korea. My Thurman Thomas replithentic was made in Honduras. Wrangler jeans made in Mexico. I found two articles of clothing in my closet that was made in America. A Stetson hat, and a New Era hat. And that is it. Unpatriotic?
  14. Ahhhh, the wonderful feeling of enlightenment! Thank you very much for enlightening me to the truth. ALL HAIL THE CHROISE!!!
  15. Last April when I upgraded to HD I called DTV and told them that Dish was offering a better deal, and that they were going to pay my cancellation fees (in reality I never called Dish). They gave me a year free HD, $10 off every month for a year on top of the free HD, and SuperFan free for the season. I am in California, and if I wanna see the Bills I have to get Sunday Ticket....the HD only coming with SuperFan sucks, but I am not changing until something better comes out. I have had no problems with DTV, and their customer service was good for me...
  16. Can someone please explain to me what the Chroise means?
  17. That is controversy......
  18. Hey Hoser, sit down and have another Labatt, eh.
  19. As odd as this must sound I don't think it was an "intentional" suicide. Auto-erotic asphyxia.....The original lead singer for INXS died of this. What a way to go. And I see that someone beat me to it. Sorry for the re-hash.
  20. How did we get from misspelling to dangling thingymajiggers?
  21. I agree. I may be the only one, but I was wanting them to take Orakpo over Maybin. Maybe I missed something there, but I think Orakpo is going to be better than Maybin. In that aspect I hope I am wrong. I like the OL picks though. I don't get the DB pick. Not when Brown was sitting there. But, it is what it is. We will all have to deal with it now. But I am just as frustrated as you are.
  22. The look on your face closely resembles the look I get when I am on the porcelain throne. Way tooooo much fiber in my diet.
  23. McCargo, Losman..............Maybin? I can't believe that they left Orakpo.......
  24. What is the point of having a good player on the team if 1) your not going to pay him and 2) if he is just going to sit out the entire preseason and possibly a good portion or even the entire regular season. That is WAYYYYYYYYY SMART. Way to get a return on your investment. I think you should become GM of football operations Dean. Maybe that way the Bills would have all of the disgruntled talent that would make playing for the team so undesirable that they would have to move their team to Sacramento. Maybe I actually might be able to buy season tix then. I didn't say that a bad team has no good players. What I am saying is that Peters was not going to play this year if he didn't get what he wanted. The Bills obviously were not going to give him what he wanted. So, to make a long story short, Peters holds out AGAIN, and the Bills are left holding there ---- in their hand. At least by trading they will get two players that can contribute to the team this year, and another player next year. It is a win win scenario. Peters got what he wanted ($$$$ and out of Buffalo) the Eagles got what they wanted, and the Bills are at least fairly compensated, which IMO is what they wanted. From the comments that Marcellus Wiley said on Sportscenter after the trade was announced, and after talking to his mysterious locker room "leader" it sounded as if the players were getting tired of Peters act too. The source said that Peters was holding the team hostage with his demands and threats. To me that could snowball into a potentially disasterous situation in the locker for the players, organization, and Peters, and not to mention the fans. This trade avoided all of that. You can sit there and think that the end of the world is coming for the Bills with this trade but as I said before they could come out of this better off. All provided they don't screw up the draft.
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