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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. That may be. But when I picture him I picture Tyrion, with half a nose. I'm not sure why though haha
  2. Yeah, Littlefinger went off to marry Sansa's aunt in the Vale right? I don't recall them mentioning that in the show. Also, back to BillsFan-4-ever's post about Robs wife. IIRC, she, and the Uncle and his Frey wife were being escorted back to Casterly Rock as prisoners, right?
  3. That was this jackwagon, and I did it intentionally. Hoser
  4. @ BillsFan you are correct. But Joffrey made Tyrion ride the pig. I was thinking about it last night and it sounds like Tyrion might flee to Pentos with Shae now instead if the dwarf girl. That should be an interesting shift in the storyline now because of what happens with Tywin and Shae in the books. That whole scenario should happen within the next two episodes too...
  5. Getting straight C's and
  6. This whole story is fishy to me.
  7. I wonder how much the storyline is going to change now? Will they introduce the pig, dog, and the girl "imp" later?
  8. If you didn't read the books then you may not want to look here. Spoilers will be most likely shared... Mods, will this be allowed?
  9. Underwear
  10. I was waiting for that also. Actually liked the shows version better than the book. But it makes me wonder what's going to happen down the road.
  11. I thought it was going to be a few episodes also. I wonder how far this seasons going to go in relation to the books.
  12. So am I...she's smoking hot! I wonder what's going to happen with Athelstan?
  13. What a damn ending! This seasons going to be a great one.
  14. Blood eagle. Ouch. I love the show too.
  15. My condolences CG.
  16. A giant vat of
  17. So, which one of you..... Never mind.
  18. and pole adjacent dancer
  19. Plezmd, where in this quote do I say anything bad about the CEO? I'm not arguing the validity of the layoffs. I get that it happens. I was laid off, my dad was laid off after 20 years of service and sacrifice. I'm saying that sending a congratulatory email to the CEO after the layoffs is disgusting, don't do it. Reason being is that peoples lives were turned upside down as was mine and my dads when he got laid off. I'll continue this later but I have to get back to work...
  20. Should caption the photo, "Don't forget leg day at the gym"
  21. In the background was the bride laughing or crying?
  22. across the great state of
  23. Hmmm, so lets all stand around and high five each other 'cause our friends just got laid off and we didn't. Hey, they took one for the team right? Tell their spouses and children that. Just so you know, you're right. I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about congratulating someone for laying someone off because it's not something a reasonable, or caring person would do. Go ahead and email your congratulatory email to your boss Pooj. When your times up (which I hope it never is) then feel free to email him again and congratulate him on doing what was "necessary". Best advice, like CBF said in a prior post, "let your work do the talking".
  24. Just like we regret not drafting Tim Tebow, Jimmy Claussen? Or Russell Wilson, Colin Kaepernick?
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