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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. It ended with the nano taking control over a bunch of humans and going to Idaho.
  2. Well, tonight was the last episode of it. Show's been cancelled. Really crappy ending too. A waste of an hour.
  3. I don't recall there being a witness. I could be wrong though. Can't wait to see the fight. Hope the Prince wins. Would love to see a change there.
  4. For things like meat and veggies I always used my wife's vacumn seal. You can marinade or use a rub whatever you prefer and the vacumn seal won't let it get freezer burn or leak all over your cooler. I think you can use it for most precooked meals too. Not sure if it works for liquids though. I've had problems with using ziplock containers and bags. Tupperware works well too. I have Coleman coolers and they work pretty good. I've heard Igloo brand coolers are good too. I usually go for weekend excursions only though. Nothing over a week... I'd suggest unplugging. It's nice to have a getaway without all of the technology.
  5. And they said the South shall rise again! Hahaha
  6. There's nothing about Aryas dreams about her wolf. Wasn't her wolf the one that pulled Cat Stark out of the Trident?
  7. Happy Birthday
  8. What an awesome show. I would love to see Lagertha and Siggy one on one.......
  9. Yeah and some of the Rangers witnessed it too.
  10. Milkshake by Kelis
  11. Ghost was left at castle black in the books. Bran was never at Crasters. And what happened to the dead Ranger on the elk that saved Sam and Gilly and took Bran north? And what the hell is up with the Whitewalker demons? DAMN!
  12. True. Forgot about Gillies son....
  13. It was Crasters last son. Crasters gave all of his sons to the Whitewalkers.
  14. Well. So much for reading the books!!!
  15. Square between the
  16. It seems that you have plenty of free time on your hands. I suggest you get back to work. NOW
  17. I missed the episode. What happened?
  18. Uh, well, California
  19. Admission to Yosemite is free this weekend. I'm in Modesto which is south of Stockton. Be careful there. Try not to be out after dark, in the early to mid morning hours, around noon and late afternoon and early evening hahaha. It's dangerous there!
  20. Did y'all notice the fight scene between Rollo and Ragnars son? Rollo sliced his stomach and arm, then in the next shot the boy didn't have a scratch.
  21. But is always asking for it
  22. Winner! Double winner!
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