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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Hopefully every race car driver or driver of a motor vehicle will watch and learn. It's truly a heartbreaking and avoidable scenario, and arguing for the sake of arguing is beyond disgusting. Nobody knows what happened other than a man, in an unsafe manner, exited his race car to confront another driver and was struck and killed. Intent or not on all parties involved MANY lives have been ruined, and one life lost. Mods, please lock this thread.
  2. http://m.espn.go.com/wireless/story?storyId=11344688&ex_cid=espnapi_affiliate_Prism
  3. Showing him up how? Waving a finger? Are you serious or just trying to keep the s--- stirred?
  4. Well if the Bills don't want to keep getting dissed then they need to start winning some games huh?
  5. Ok. It still doesn't answer the question of why/what would piss him off enough to "brush back" Ward.
  6. For all of the "hot headed" theorists. What would Stewart be pissed about? At most one could (and some have) said that Stewart caused Ward to spin. There are conflicting accounts of that as well but let's say Stewart wrecked Ward. Why would Stewart get pissed? The one that should've been pissed was Ward, and obviously he was pissed. Stewart didn't have time to lose his temper. Even if Ward waving his finger at him pissed him off he had what 5 seconds to "retaliate" or "brush back" the guy? Five seconds to notice the guy, process what was happening, and act?
  7. And Tony Stewart was pissed about what exactly?
  8. In the main video I saw the camera was in the grandstands. The accident happened on the other side of the track. It's quite possible that the sound of the car "gunning" it was on the start/finish side of the track nearest the grandstands.
  9. So how does target practice relate to driving a race car, on a dirt surface, at a poorly lit track, at night hitting a guy wearing a black helmet, and black firesuit compare? It would probably be more like this. You're driving a race car, during a race, on a DIRT surface on a poorly lit track. You touch another car, that car wrecks. You drive back around the track at a slower pace (40-50mph). While coming to the point of the crash the car in front you swerves to the left and standing there is a man in a black fire suit and black helmet, what do you do? A. swer…….too late, you just hit him.
  10. There are plenty of clowns on "the wall"
  11. Just banish the team to Toronto already. And on the bus ride play "Bad Medicine" on a continuous loop.
  12. This team needs three QBs on the roster. NEEDS.
  13. My emotions while reading this thread: Confused face Laughing face Sad face SMH face
  14. Huh? Would you rather them wait a few minutes to determine if it's a lifeless child or a doll?
  15. HAHAHA. I know the lady that was interviewed (Cindy Hunter). Her husband and I play video games together.
  16. Marathon on now. Runs until the new season premier Saturday @9 eastern!
  17. I like the MM remake of Sweet Dreams, also the Johnny Cash remake of NIN Hurt.
  18. They did the same thing with San Francisco Bay. The financial district was built on the landfill of the 1906 earthquake.
  19. I lost all respect for LaConfora the day Ralph died and he started going through all the the "hypothetical" scenarios of what could happen to the Bills immediately after they announced Ralph's passing. That just rubbed me the wrong way. He should just stick with soccer.
  20. Is this an advice thread? You must be in some serious pain. Vicodin and beer. No he won't. But he'd have one helluva good time for 2 minutes or so.
  21. EJ sacked for 10 yard loss. Fumbles. Defense recovers. EJ carted off the field with knee injury. The Jeff Tuel era begins.
  22. Didn't Barbarian do that already?
  23. This. Like it or not Dareus is in the wrong. He's a pro, he needs to act accordingly. His team relies on him. As for Sapp. He was one hell of a defensive tackle, a hall of fame member. He did his time in the league. Dareus should be listening when he talks.
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