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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. The Russians had an ally that the Germans were clearly not prepared for, Mother Nature. The Germans were however, well prepared for the Normandy invasion and had been preparing for years for that invasion. Bunkers, beach obstacles and well positioned machine gun nests with artillery and mortars to back them up versus an amphibious assault in daylight hours. Not to mention the paratroopers being scattered all over the French countryside spelled disaster for the allies. But they pulled it out.
  2. I never really got into Zep, it's just not my thing. I don't get all the love for them. Plants voice irritates the heck out of me. I just figured I'd troll to the max to back Chef up (even though I really did nothing to help his cause, and he didn't need my help to begin with).
  3. I was the first to say this, and I'll say it again, led zeppelin sucks.
  4. JW didn't say I was trolling, Fig did. But there's plenty of room for trolls. Welcome aboard the troll train!
  5. I agree with you Jim! I feel the same way about Led Zeppelin. But I'm also "trolling" I guess hahaha. I also like Mumford and Sons. I figure that's worth a warning point right? Haha
  6. It's like a free ride, when you've already paid.
  7. Nice to meet you too.
  8. Sorry for not explaining soon enough to your standards. I work 7pm-7am and needed to go to sleep. There are two lead singers that have voices that are like nails on a chalkboard, Geddy Lee and Robert Plant. Both bands have great musicians but I can't stand the lead singers voices. Sorry for "trolling". I'm trying to find humor in a rather stressful time in my life right now. It'll never happen again.
  9. Yeah but watch it anyway. There's a slight surprise.
  10. I read the books and new what was coming and it's still a stunner. Damn. Disturbing.
  11. Gonna watch it when I get home this morning. Can't wait.
  12. Keeping my fingers crossed. Go Sharks!
  13. I went with over rated AND over played. Also need to throw Alice in Chains in the under rated category.
  14. Over rated/played?Led Zepplin, Aerosmith, Tool. Under rated? Dream Theatre, Def Leppard, Iron Maiden.
  15. Just had a 21st Amendment Back in Black IPA at my local "pub" and it was pretty good. Not a big IPA guy but I don't discriminate. Also went to Costco and they are selling Dust Bowls Hops of Wrath by the bottle and Kona variety case.
  16. I will 2nd the Lagunitas Little Sumpin', but they also have a "Brown Sugga" that is awesome. Also Anderson Valley is a good beer. I haven't had one I haven't liked yet. The Boont Amber is good, but the Brother Davids Abbey Ale is also good. I haven't had their Wild Turkey Barrel Stout yet, but a guy I work with says it's very hard to get, but worth it if you can get it. If you like hoppy, then Dust Bowl's (Turlock, CA.) "Hops of Wrath" is good.
  17. And knives can kill people as well? Uh oh. Gonna have to ban those too now.
  18. Already on it? I'm already done. Rookie.
  19. I love the Bass Pro in Manteca CA. It's the smallest of the chain.
  20. Who on this board would y'all like to see go to Mars?
  21. None of these players have played a down in the NFL yet and you're already redoing the draft? Damn.
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