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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Dude seriously? First of all it was the "Honey Badger" from Call of Duty: Ghosts, second, it's the R3 button for the melee attack, C). He only got caught 'cause he was trying to t-bag the victim. (Sarcasm). On a serious note though, a couple friends of mine bought multiple PS4 systems and are now trying to sell the extra systems (3) for $600-700. They are having no luck selling them.
  2. I don't know. I'll have to look again. In a few... My wife's gonna start asking me why I'm singing "shake your love" in the bathroom. How am I gonna explain THAT?!?
  3. OMG Debbie Gibson did playboy?!?! THANK YOU JESUS!
  4. Not her at her hottest. But there's just something about her...
  5. That was Tiffany dude….. However, tonight, Debbie Gibson be "only in my dreams".
  6. So does this mean he can use the "N" word and be ok now? I can see where this little experiment can backfire.
  7. The mayday girls hot! http://youtu.be/U03ILzoMbMY
  8. (Crickets)
  9. They do it (or used to) in my part of California too. I've had pranks pulled on me (as a volunteer) that downright scared the crap out of me. What'd I take away from it all? Never, NEVER, fall asleep.
  10. I was there!!!!!! Lot of Hall of Famers on the field that day. I was in the end zone that the Niners scored in on that play. It was chaotic. Met Derrik Holmes before the game too. I liked him, thought that he was gonna be a good bruiser back.
  11. But he has such small hands. EJ won't develop if he is hurt and not playing. This team would be fine they just need smarter QB play. For this team to be close in all but one game this season with two rookies and a practice squad QB with a combined total of 1 start in the NFL between the three is pretty good.
  12. I think the Bills are too predictable with their runs. On the 2 yard line they bring FredEx in and give him the ball on consecutive plays. They did that with the Bengals too. Change it up. I also don't like seeing the QB run anymore. Sorry, don't like it. Too risky and too important a position.
  13. Man, it sure is tough to win in the NFL.
  14. Ok, so you have a locker room with 53+ guys and not one of them can stand up and say knock it off in a not so friendly kind of way? 53 men, can't keep 1 in check? Really? 53 tough as nails football players cant keep 1 alleged bully in check? I don't buy that for a minute. The entire NFL knows Incognito is a grade A douche. I just don't think that we are getting the whole story.
  15. I'd take him on this team at left guard any day. I think some of the leaders in the Bills locker could keep his butt in check.
  16. D) he gave his original jersey number (8) to a punter.
  17. I think the real question is why were you exploring his website?
  18. I went to a gym down the street from my house. One night after I finished my laps in the pool I went to the locker room to change. On the way to the locker room I jus happened to glance into the sauna and noticed two grown men commiting sodomy. Never went back.
  19. I'm 36. Still don't get them but I hydrate like crazy after I'm done drinking. As I get older I also will have a glass of water between beverages. I will say the one time I didn't hydrate was messy. Very messy. But still no hangover. Stay away from a drink called the four horsemen.
  20. Yeah. We have an entirely different thread dedicated to it. If you type in Game of Thrones in the search bar the thread will pop up. When the new season starts another thread will be started dedicated to the current season.
  21. Not that funny this week.
  22. It looks that way. I wonder if there will be a connection to the pig getting sick and the boy in the shower.
  23. I don't get hangovers. When I drink I make sure to hydrate like crazy. I force myself to drink water. Lots of it.
  24. Well? Did anyone watch the premier? It skipped around too much for me. I felt there was something missing in the "run" portion.
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