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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. And jBoyst while he snorkels for
  2. Last year I bought the DDP Yoga (Diamond Dallas Page, the former pro wrestler). It's tough. He starts you off easy though. Typical me, I started doing the yoga for fitness and it was working, then my companies softball season started and I stopped thinking softball would be enough fitness wise. I was wrong. I'm just now getting back into the yoga though.
  3. Sweet! Hahaha
  4. I think it's only illegal if you're selling it and not paying taxes on it. If it's for your "personal consumption" then I think it's ok. If it's illegal either way then I have a lot of friends that I can blackmail now hahaha.
  5. Just saw this. Wow. Don't think the Bills will try to sign him, but he'd be a great addition to the team?
  6. I noticed that too. Figured the guy was just chilling.
  7. Did they even pick the new mods yet?
  8. I hope they don't think I look like Hitler.
  9. Optimal brewing temp is between 68-76 degrees. Brewing in my house. I don't run the heater often. Getting my beer to the low end was a task. I stored the keg in an ice chest in my laundry room (warmest room in my house). I have a room that I set up for the brewing but it was too cold to use. Now that we are getting some warmer temps I'll use it for my next batch.
  10. Thanks! My dad used to be heavy into home brewing and he ended up giving all of his equipment to my cousin. It's fun. The Mr. Beer is most certainly a gateway to bigger and better home brew options. I can't wait until I get home to open another bottle!
  11. Tim Tebow, Hope Solo, Vladimir Putin, and
  12. Shortly after Christmas I brewed my first batch of beer. I received a "Mr. Beer" kit for Christmas from my in-laws. Well, saturday I opened my first beer. It turned out good, for a light beer. So I ordered some more bottles, and their Doppleback. This weekend I'm going to brew that. It took a while cause the temperature in my house is relatively low. Actually too low to brew beer. It took about 4 weeks in the keg. I lost one bottle in the carbonation stage. For some reason it didn't carbonate. It was the last bottle that I filled so I'm thinking that it had too much sediment from the bottom of the keg. Anyone else do the Mr. Beer? I think I'm going to give it a year and then maybe move up to actual home brew. Depending on if I like it or not.
  13. Great show, but a scientist with a mullet? C'mon. Really?
  14. Them drink while tied up to a
  15. Only if they don't trade for Harbaugh
  16. playing Mannings
  17. That's awesome!
  18. We went to the race in Sonoma. While walking the town square we saw Fatback McSwain, Sterling Marlin, Ricky Craven, and Scott Pruitt (day before the race). Race day I saw Tony Stewart, Kyle Petty, Jeff Gordon up close. Almost tripped over Stewart while I was looking at his "show" car. The accessibility of the drivers to the fans is awesome.
  19. I hope none of the players read this board. Well, except for Jason Peters and Whitner.
  20. Try injecting the marinade into the chicken burger!
  21. Rain delay, tornado warnings? Sheesh. Time to sneak in a nap.
  22. Caramel, mocha, soy frapuccino with orange drizzle on a toasted
  23. Go Smoke!
  24. What's the process like? I'm picturing the Mods locked in a room with the rest of us waiting outside for a sign. White smoke, or black smoke?
  25. Kelsay? Donald Jones? I'm just throwing names out there. Not sure what their hit is if any.
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