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Everything posted by bobobonators

  1. I like their unis. I hate our pajama unis
  2. At least jax didnt show up this week
  3. This offense is an embarrassment
  4. What a joke. Draft manziel
  5. We'll just agree to disagree. Respect your opinion but i cant sit here and agree with you that bc we're "young" we're allowed to "lose and lose ugly". No, we're not. Aside from 3-4 players, this team is not that young. There are plenty of veterans on this team. This team was not prepared to play against pittsburgh and this team was not prepared tl play against tampa. That falls on the coaching staff and nobody else.
  6. Man the more i read the more annoyed i get about Marrone. That chris brown article really pisses me off. What can earn a player a ticket out of here quicker blah blah blah. As if Marrone has 3 super bowl titles under his belt and its his way or the highway. As if Marrone is Vince !@#$ing Lombardi with a proven system of winning football games in place. Marrone: youre a nobody in the NFL. You inherited a team with some decent talent and are on pace to win 5 games this season. To make matters worse, it appears that this team is actually REGRESSING as the season goes further. That to me is more on the coach, than the players. Because that POS display of football we all witnessed the last two weeks is an embarrassment to the fans. Its a sign that players are giving up on Marrone and the **** hes selling. Lets just get rid of all the talent bc they make Marrone's job harder. We dont want talented players rocking the boat. Players like Hogan are a coAches dream: they know they have no place in the nfl, yet some dummy like Marrone gives them a roster spot. Of course hogan will go to war with Marrone. Its more impressive when a coach can motivate talented players than some scrub off the street whos just lucky to even be in the nfl. Do that Marrone. MotivAte and COACH the talent you already have.
  7. bills fan 4 ever: interesting. but just b/c it hasn't happened doesn't prove cause/effect.
  8. EXCELLENT point by Max997. There were critical minutes (from minute 10 or so to minute 4 or so) in the 2nd quarter where the momentum, field position, and future play calling were all still hanging in the balance in this game. Denver was held to three straight 3 and outs on Offense during the same time that SD's offense was being held scoreless and game was tied 10-10. If, instead, Denver had scored in 2 of those 3 drives, it would have forced SD's hand a bit more on offense perhaps. SD's defense had as much to do with that win as the running game/controlling the clock. Watching that game I kept thinking how FAR the Bills are from beating a team like the Broncos - 1. we would never be able to keep Denver from scoring 3 straight drives, let alone three 3 and outs in a row!; 2. we just can't convert on 3rd down as effectively as SD's offense was able to..our offense would have sputtered numerous times giving Den great field position. SD put themselves in a superb position to win that game in the 2nd quarter; we would have lost that game in the second quarter.
  10. It's called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and bills fans are extremely susceptible to it in winter time due to the level of their team's sucktitude.
  11. i personally hate white on white...looks like we're wearing pajamas. The blue looks much better. Maybe we could even make our turf blue, like boise, making it that much harder for the opposing team to tackle us since we'd just blend right into the turf.
  12. Bad day in Denver: http://m.espn.go.com/nfl/story?storyId=10129112
  13. Lmfao. That was awesome. Reading post after post and im not gonna lie im kind of surprised at the responses. The majority of the responses have this snooty air about them; as if the bills were royalty and cutler was some peasant on the street to be pitied for his subpar attributes. I get where some people are coming from but very strange response though in general.
  14. LOL. Ok man, you're right. Cutler is worthless. Heck, EJ may be better already.
  15. I'm a huge Fitz fan. But even I recognize that Fitz had an uncanny ability to blow the game. Comparing Fitz to Cutler without taking into account Cutler's wins vs. Fitz's lack of wins, is unfair.
  16. Him being a punk is highly subjective.
  17. LMFAO. I love how Bills fans are picky too. No, not cutler...he's not good enough.
  18. I'd take Cutler in a nano second. But why in the world would he want to come and play for this amateur franchise? Now, imagine Cutler in Houston??
  19. Lol. It was the perfect storm this week. Rogers is just a microcosm of everything that is wrong with this org.
  20. anyone know what's going on with Urbik? Is he injured?
  21. I realistically see us losing this game. I'll take the way Henne has been playing these last few weeks over EJ any day. The offense put up points vs some decent defense. Jax's defense has been playing better as well. Jax will run the ball on us quite easily, I predict. Buffalo obviously mailed in the season already after last week's horrible performance. Id give the Bills shot if this game was played in Buffalo. Bills 17 Jax 24 BTW - did anyone notice Jax's schedule to open the year? BRUTAL. Absolutely, BRUTAL: Home - KC @ Oak @ Seattle Home - Indy @ Rams @ Denver Home - SD Home - SF LOL.. OUCH. Bills would've started 0-8 too w/that schedule.
  22. Bills should pull a Ditka and trade away their entire 2014 draft to get RGIII...throw in EJ too.
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