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Everything posted by bobobonators

  1. The pats are so ahead of us its embarrassing
  2. Bills cant even recover a fumble
  3. Nate hackett - cant call goal line plays and cant call short yardage plays.
  4. Well at least Pettine HC convo will end now
  5. Dareus is a POS. keep justifying how he lives up to his draft pick. Fat POS
  6. Ya guys. We dont need a TE
  7. Dareus an idiot. What a loss
  8. Being on the field is the only place to be. In the game. Being in the booth is useless. Theres no positive spin on ej missing time. Correct me if im wrong but ej was also in booth after cleveland injury and he waz horrible in pitt game when he came back.
  9. Geno looking good today. Nelson w big catch for jets Sucks so bad that EJ hasnt gotten reps
  10. Schobel needs to be there before Freddy; Moulds too. Ruben Brown
  11. Patriots @ Home cover against the Bills. Bills 13 Patsies 27
  12. I know it sucks to say this, but I see us having no worse of a shot against the Pats with Thad in there.
  13. Key to beating Patsies in Patsy land is to go straight up to Brady and Bellicheat and punch them square in the face. It takes more than talent, it takes a certain attitude to beat those two clowns. We possess neither; not yet at least.
  14. Once we finally get one hot Jill, she should immediately go on the wall; a rare breed indeed. I definitely see Kyle Williams going on that wall one day - especially if he stays here another couple of years. Like others have mentioned, there are others in line before Freddy is even considered.
  15. Respect everyone's opinions. Since there are only a few of us who disagree with Freddie being on the WOF, I'll continue the contrarian point: Yes, Freddie is 3rd all-time for the bills with 5,067 yards; however, he's lightyears away from #1 and #2: Thurman had 11K + and OJ had 10K+. Freddy is lumped in with a bunch of average players after #1/#2. Eric Moulds is #2 in receiving and he's not on the Wall. Heck, Lee Evans is #3 in receiving and scored more points than Freddy and he's not on the Wall. Moulds/Evans are #8 and #9 in points scored in bills history while Freddy is #17. Both Moulds/Evans produced on some pretty bad teams too. Neither are on the Wall. The biggest thing for me against Freddy is that he's just not on the field that much. Out of his 7 seasons with the Bills, in 3 of them he's played in 10 games or less; that's almost half his time as a Bill. And when he has been on the field, he hasn't been the featured back Maybe if he reaches 10K total yards receiving/rushing I can see it..but I don't see him reaching that mark by a couple of thousand. He's a nice guy. Really professional, etc. but there are a lot of those. 15 years from now, when you're sitting at the stadium with your son/grandchild and you go through all the names on that wall and give a brief description for each, what would Freddy's watershed moment be as a Bill? I'd have a hard time to muster something up other than "he played hard/was a good leader". Maybe that's good enough, I dunno. Just waters down the significance of the WOF, in my opinion.
  16. DPBERR: Not speaking for others, but I'm fully aware of the distinction between the HOF and the WOF. Bringing up Pat Tillman and Brian Piccolo is way out in left field. Fred doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same breath. Those two players left behind a LEGACY that transcends football. Fred has not. So i respectfully disagree. Because if Fred doesn't have the stats, and surely hasn't left behind a Legacy (at least not yet), then what does he have? He played hard? That's not good enough. What "incredible intangibles" does Fred have? Not trying to be an ars...
  17. lol. A bills bar in France. I don't see it. No way. Never.
  18. UGH. Seeing Pettine in Dallas would hurt. I don't see Jerry firing Garrett though. And not being a homer, I would literally prefer to DOMINATE on the defensive side with the Bills for the next +2 seasons than go to that train wreck of a Defense in Dallas if I'm Pettine. Pettine, if he wants to be a HC, will get plenty of options in the future without ruining his career by going to Dallas now.
  19. The last decade + has been an abomination. Freddy is probably as close to deserving of that honor as I can think of when looking at all the garbage we've had on this roster over the last decade. But just b/c he's been one of our most consistent and better players during this horrible stretch doesn't mean that he's worthy of being put next to LEGITIMATE Bills all-time greats. I just don't see Freddy's numbers stacking up. He has been with the bills 7 seasons now, and has only played in 16 games in three of those seasons. If he plays this weekend, this will be only the 4th time in 7 seasons that he plays 16 games. Aside from 1-2 seasons, he has never been the feature back. In other words, he's never carried a full work load for an entire season. His high for rushing attempts in a season is 237 in 2009. That's pretty low when looking at starting RB's across the league. He has averaged 160 rushing attempts per season over his Bills career. He has made the most out of each and every attempt, but 160 rushing attempts is nothing guys. He has been, and continues to be a true class act and a good football player overall. But wall of fame? I just don't see it.
  20. I think the one thing that Pettine has against him is that his specialty is Defense. He'd be more sought after if he was an offensive guru IMO. But ya, it would really blow if he bounced out of here so quickly.
  21. He'd have to give me a few more years. Right now I'd say no.
  22. LMFAO. A floating stadium. It would surely sink.
  23. I hear ya BuffaloBill. Not really sure what can be done in terms of making it easier for perpetual losers like the Bills, Browns, Lions, Raiders, etc to land a "franchise" QB. I thought Detroit had gotten there's a few years back w/ Stafford, but he's turning into a trainwreck. As crazy as it sounds, I think some franchises have such a rich history of losing that it's pretty hard to crack through that, even if you find a decent QB..something will always tend to go wrong. As simple as it sounds, I think the most effective way to succeed in the NFL is to hire the right GM who in turn hires the right coach and assistants, who in turn implement a system that works. A system can work without having an elite QB. An elite QB hides an average team's weaknesses, but if you are able to build up a team as a whole with a great system in place, I feel you can win with an average/to above-average QB - certainly you can make the playoffs..winning the super bowl is another story. We can go down the list of QB's who are nowhere near elite and who managed to make it all the way to the Super Bowl. Every year average QB's make the playoffs...even Tebow can win a playoff game in the NFL. Lets hope we have the right coaches in place.
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