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Everything posted by bobobonators

  1. LMAO. I officially can't stand the guy. Rarely does someone I've never met get under my skin.
  2. I for one believe in the Pegulas. In over their head? Nonsense. You don't become that successful in life and get in over your head. They're smart enough to know their limitations and hire the right people to make the right decisions for them. That's what successful people do. That's what they'll do. Give them time for christ's sake.
  3. We've all lost someone to cancer. It really sucks. Poor guy.
  4. I voted "yes" but I don't have a strong opinion and understand everyone's argument to keep him up there.
  5. What I find interesting is that Marrone apparently was VERY happy with the EJ pick. But after half a season with EJ you're telling me he got so angry that we didn't draft another QB that he stormed out of the room? Marrone is either bipolar or a complete hothead. Or both.
  6. I personally dont even care at this point. To me NH is so closely tied to the FILTH that is Marrone, that i want nothing to do with him. How long have these two clowns been together for now? Ship him out.
  7. So are you saying you wanted pegula to start their HC search before Marrone even opted out. Just bc the opt out clause was there doesnt he was going to use it. Everyone was paying attention and id like to know how many people expected it like you say. It was a surprise to everyone.
  8. Maybe hes now a Ravens fan
  9. Welcome to journalism. Youre going to have a short career if you start naming sources that dont want to be named. I agree
  10. Haha. Can we PLEASE start bumping the threads from 1 yr ago where people started ripping Marrone bc of his demeanor? Id just like to keep tabs on who was right and who wasnt. Because i know many of us were right.
  11. Not gonna lie, reading this thread makes me question some people's sanity.
  12. Haha . CAM awesome.
  13. Arizona done. I really feel bad for Arians. Got screewed last year and gets screwed again this yr
  14. Arizona is not the same team they were 5 weeks ago. All of a sudden Cam should get props for winning a whopping half dozen games or so in a putrid division. Theres nothing superman like about that.
  15. Really? And theres no denying Cam has had a disappointing NFL career to this point, considering where he was drafted and how much hype he had.
  16. Yup. Cam is pretty inaccurate too, but can make up for it elsewhere to a certain extent. EJ is inaccurate and can't really make up for it elsewhere.
  17. And that makes all the difference. The end.
  18. Schwartz and Rex together wouldnt work. I cant see two defensive chiefs like these guys are cohabitating. No way. Schwartz would have to go. And what would the point of that be? Rex Ryan in buffalo doesnt make much sense. Unless u guys want to let schwartz walk too..
  19. I'd take Chip Kelly in a nano second. And if Marriota is there at #3, I would have us trade any of our DL, this year's 2nd, and next year's 1st round pick to Jax to draft Marriota and have Chip Kelly run Oregon's offense. And then I would wake up from my dream with wet underwear.
  20. If we brought in Rex Ryan as HC and Schwartz was DC, who would win out in deciding scheme? Schwartz doesn't run a 3-4. Also, if we brought in Rex as HC and Schwartz was DC, we would need to sign God as an OC.
  21. If we kept Spiller no point in keeping brown, IMO. I'd rather just go Spiller/Dixon/late rd draft pick.
  22. Well said. I wish him nothing but the worst. =) (just like I do for every other NFL coach who's not on the Bills)
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