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Everything posted by bobobonators

  1. As soon as Roman puts pen to paper the first move I make is kick NH down a flight of stairs.
  2. If Adam Schefter says it, it's going to happen.
  3. This is the beginning of Bills dominance and relevance in the AFC East for the next 10yrs.
  4. I'm personally THRILLED with the prospect of sexy Rexy, Roman, and Scwhartz leading this team. Talk about playoff experience and high octane/motivational coaches! What a great 2015 so far.
  5. How many OL on this team were here during the Gailey era? Was the O-line this bad during that era? How many OL did we draft last year at relatively high positions? What was Marrone's "specialty"? And what was the result? None of these questions need an answer. We all already know the answers.
  6. Haha seriously. But what's Bills record vs pats during brady/BB era? 3-23?
  7. I see what youre saying. Personally id rather have Reich be in the OC role a couple more years before giving him a HC position.
  8. Big names. Huge egos. Sprinkle in family. Potential disaster.
  9. Wasnt Reich OC this yr? Maybe im having a brain fart
  10. How many people think it was a coincidence we went 4-0 vs nfc north this year? You guys think schwartz had more to do with that or st. Sh*tforbrains? Id be happy w schwartz as HC. Better than many of the clowns being considered.
  11. Haha - i actually believe that 100%. Who here thinks that Marrone would dedicated a solid 15 minutes to add all the contacts to a mass text? No way, Vince Lombardi sh*t for brains is too busy for that.
  12. If i was a det fan i would be freakin LIVID. Foaming at the mouth.
  13. The difference between the ny daily news and the ny times is like the difference between the new england patriots and your local HS team. But i get what youre saying.
  14. Still cant believe we coulda had hilton
  15. Hey BPA, did you mean to attach a link?
  16. Do we know that Pegula wasn't aware of Marrone's opt-out clause? Or is this just an assumption? I'm asking seriously b/c I haven't read an official article saying that the owner/mgmt was not aware of it. I'd assume that they WERE aware of it until I'm told/read otherwise. Whether he would exercise it or not is a completely different animal.
  17. Seeing how he alienated other players, I don't doubt it one bit. Marrone seems like the type of human being who will continuously cut off his nose to spite his face.
  18. That's fine. But how could a consultant have predicted that Marrone was going to opt out months later? There was nothing preemptive that could've been done about that until the opt out is actually exercised.
  19. Marrone probably stormed out of the locker room after those games too.
  20. Exactly what "ahead of the curve" actions did you want them to take? Are you assuming that they KNEW Marrone was going to opt out? I don't know that. I'm under the assumption that they DIDN'T know he was going to opt out. So if they didn't know he was going to opt out, what the heck did you expect them to do? Start interviewing candidates BEFORE he opts out, just in case? According to reports, an extension was in place with Marrone, but yet he bounced anyway. So what do you WANT? Elaborate. I for one, don't need the owner making an announcement saying "Everything will be alright, fans". We lost MARRONE not freaking Vince Lombardi for christ's sake.. No announcement needs to be made for that scumbag in order to make me feel better as a fan. But that's just my personal opinion.
  21. I must've missed that. Where did he say he wouldn't have drafted EJ at 16? I was always under the impression that Marrone and Nix were both on the same page with EJ.
  22. I would take any serviceable veteran QB to compete with EJ at this point. There really aren't many options. Foles would be awesome. But if we trade for Foles, EJ is essentially done I'd imagine. Would Kelly want EJ? EJ for Foles? We have to wait until we get a HC/OC (i assume NH is gone) before we can begin to talk about QB.
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