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Everything posted by bobobonators

  1. it's just depressing to realize that what's supposed to be the clear strength of this team is now a weakness. It's demoralizing to say the least. The dog and pony show with this team never ends.
  2. Thanks. Bet he wishes he never left this game.
  3. Haha! Unreal. Was the hit severe? I mean we rarely see QBs go out for 1 play. Mallett may not be tough enough for this league.
  4. Why was ryan mallett removed?
  5. It's kind of disappointing that after only 4 games with the Bills, so many people on here are already so cynical and critical of the HC. There is surely a correlation between "building a bully" and all of these penalties - but I highly doubt that the HC emphasized committing personal fouls. Personal fouls are on the players - they should know better.
  6. Love seeing class acts do well! 👍🏼
  7. 7 of the last 10 super bowl winners come from medium to smaller markets. You sound like you've lost it. Where was the New England market before tom brady? The same place it will be after Brady. I hope you stay home on election day. The world is out to get you. The top 5 TV markets in the country are NY. LA. ChicAgo. Philly. And dallas. The NFL should just have those teams win SB's under your paranoid master plan. LA doesnt even have a team.
  8. CJ Spiller is a good football player with games where he can be excellent. Unfortunately he has durability issues. In the end, he wasnt worth the draft slot we used on him. That being said, he's still certainly capable of having an excellent season so he'll continue to be coveted by some NFL teams. Seems like a great guy. I always liked him.
  9. Giants are an enigma to me. I have watched all their games. Their D has been surprisingly decent and i dont know how bc i feel i couldnt name you more than 2 players on that D. I can see this game going in any direction. Us winning close. Them winning close. Us blowing them out by 2td. The Giants have been completely unpredictable last couple of yrs
  10. LOL!! Dont make me bump that Colts thread back up.
  11. I think a couple of things: 1. We were up so much in the Colts game that the Colts racked up yards in garbage time. I know it's not an excuse, but it's a reality. 2. The Pats game was an abomination. 3. Much like the Colts, we were up so much on the Dolphins that the passing game for Miami racked up yards in garbage time. Again, not an excuse, but it was a reality yesterday. This defense is going to continue to get better, statistically. I think aside from the Pats game, the defense has been outstanding overall. Ironically enough, our offense has been so good so far this season that 2/3 games were over by half time. Awesome problem to have!!!
  12. BILLS have scored the 3rd most points in the NFL, only behind the Pats* and the Cardinals. Holy moly. I still remember a week 1 thread critiquing Roman.
  13. I hated going into the Pats game with the Pats having 1.5 weeks to prepare/rest. I hate going into this game with the Giants having 1.5 weeks to prepare/rest.
  14. Best QB play I've seen on the Bills since Kelly.
  15. I would rank the AFC currently: 1. Patsies ******** 2. Cincy 3. Bills 4. KC 5. Denver (Pitt woulda been 3rd but it's hard to put them in the top 5 w/o Ben...and yes Denver beat KC but I still think KC is the better overall team).
  16. Agreed. I wanted chip to succeed bc i like seeing college coaches make the jump to the NFL and be successful. But hes really making it difficult to root for him.
  17. 2010 Bills ranked 28th in pts/game against (26.6) 2011 Bills ranked 30th in pts/game against (27.1) 2012 Bills ranked 26th in pts/game against (27.2) 2014 Bills: 18.1 pts/game against 2013 Bills: 24.2 pts/game against It's not a coincidence we had our first winning season in forever last season when a QB not named Brady/Rodgers/Manning doesn't have to put up close to 30pts a game just to get a win. Fitz is what he is IMO: sometimes good; sometimes bad; overall - average. If the Jets are able to run the ball effectively and the defense plays at a top 10 level there is a very real chance they could finish 9-7/10-6 with Fitz at QB.
  18. the 2011 Bills had a defense that was atrociously bad, ranking 30th in pts/game (over 27/game). The Jets might very well end up in the top 10 this season, defensively. It'll be interesting to see how he does. Primary difference I see between Fitz's time here and after him leaving is that we now have a defense. What would our W/L record have been last season if we had to score 27-30 pts/game on offense?
  19. My enjoyment had we beaten him would have been greater than if we had beaten Jimmy G. So Brady tore us a new one? Meh. He also tore the Steelers a new one week 1 and look how they bounced back week 2.
  20. I like Bowels and Chan, but I hate NYJ fans so much - 2nd only to pats fans.
  21. Bills 27 Fins 17 Dareus has a dominating game.
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