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Everything posted by bobobonators

  1. Id take him over Johnson. That way next time TT is injured and EJ decides to have an abomination of a half, his butt can be benched.
  2. Why are we arguing about EJ? That 2nd quarter was among the worst QB performances i have ever seen. Not againts the Steel Curtain but against the Jags. The Jags. The same Jags team that the texans put 30+ pts against the week prior. EJ is a backup so theres no point in arguing over his value to this team. Theres no QB debate. Hes the backup. He'll always be the backup.
  3. You can't be serious. You just can't. Yeh teams are just jumping over themselves to land a player that can't beat out TT and can't hit the broadside of a barn if his career depended on it (which it did).
  4. LOL...who mentioned that pass? I mentioned the pass to Gragg that should've been a TD had he actually hit him in stride like an NFL Qb. And then the pass in the end zone that went 20yds over the receivers head that should've been another TD. Oh, and then the pick 6. Oh, oh, and then the fumble for 6. Oh, oh, oh, and then the other INT. I really find it amusing that a QB who was drafted in the first round and is in year 3 and looks worse EVERY SINGLE YEAR and was beat out by TT during a legit QB competition should require any more chances.
  5. I agree with your post, but you haven't seen this before? I've seen this same nonsense with every QB we've had since Kelly. And we have all been guilty of it to some extent with either JP, Trent, Fitz (I was), RJ, Flutie, etc, etc, etc. You have to be kidding me.
  6. He's been injured and you know that. Lets see how it plays out. Percy/Watkins/Clay/McCoy have all underperformed for various reasons: injuries to them, or injuries to their QB, and/or injuries to the OL.
  7. Referring to McCoy as simply a "shifty back" that can be found for much cheaper is really ignoring the reality of what McCoy has accomplished in the NFL.
  8. JP Losman > EJ. Fact.
  9. Meh. How many times do we see teams go up BIG like the Jags did yesterday, and then the opposing team is able to come back. Pretty often. There were countless games just this weekend where teams were up big and the final score was closer than it should've been. Football is all about intensity and focus. The Jags got a little high on themselves when it was 27-3 and who can blame them? It was a clobbering of epic proportions at that point. Don't let that failed "comeback" fool you - EJ is a horrible QB. /End.
  10. I will give EJ credit for nothing. That 2nd quarter yesterday was some of the worst football I have ever witnessed by a QB - at any level. He's not even close to being a rookie to have such an abomination of a performance. 27 points the Jags scored in the 2nd quarter, and the large majority of that was directly due to EJ. EJ was not able to hit his TE in stride, which should've been a TD if he had. EJ had a wide open WR in the end zone, and threw it 30yds over his head...that should've been another 6pts. He had a pick 6. He fumbled it for another 6. And then he also had another INT. It is impossible to play any worse than EJ did. Who the hell cares what he did after that. We lost. The comeback should've never had to happen to begin with against a crap team like the Jaguars. Look how many points the Texans put up on the Jags the week prior. The Texans. EJ may be a great person but he is an abomination of a QB.
  11. injuries aren't normally an excuse, but they are an excuse in some cases. Look at the Cowboys with Romo/Bryant and then look at them without Romo/Bryant. Have TT/McCoy/Watkins been on the field together for more than 1=2 games? the injuries on the offensive side of the ball have simply been too much to overcome. sucks, but nobody's fault.
  12. It's the Jags. The Jags scored 27pts in 1 quarter. Embarrassing.
  13. well that's one less debate we need to have on this forum.
  14. defense looking better so far this week
  15. I may never have seen that either. that was surreal
  18. I'd rate my stream a 7 on a scale of 10. not bad. overall good so far.
  19. commercials are in super HD
  20. it's sad to see this season spiraling out of control. no WR. no QB. no offense.
  21. LMAO..i hate you.
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