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Jerry Christ

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Everything posted by Jerry Christ

  1. Avery is guilty period. Probably for a lot more stuff that we don't know about.
  2. My father died when I was young so there is no stories there, however, I have a 6yo and we tend to play a lot and other times he just tells me what I am going to buy him after he kisses me and tells me I'm the best and he loves me. He knows how to work me over.
  3. I don't smoke so I wouldn't even worry about that stuff. One thing that is interesting though. If you go out west, cruise, or out of the country it is an automatic drug test at my job.
  4. the cats out of the bag? man we have had this thread for the past decade on here each season. It's nothing new LOL.
  5. They play better when I don't watch them. I'll give them a break this year unless I'm seeing them in person.
  6. he scares me every time he makes an impact. Loved the guy though
  7. lot of self righteous folks up in here
  8. its kinda depressing to see people get excited over a crappy restaurant like this one when we've had one in B.F.E for years.
  9. Could have been my observation but he was kind of narcisstic toward some of the staff and fans. It made me not approach him personally so I took it from that. We aren't everyone's bottle of beer. It was a great night and even better game! Just find PINTO.......and its always fun. Any game anyhere.
  10. Did the Bills Bar that was there last time close down or is this it? I ran into Chris Brown there.......he's a douche. Also, the Budlight guy was there giving free beer away......its was a sweet night.
  11. Bills fans are the worst free agency identifiers ever. Only team I know that hates their own players. Fans that are only good when drunk.
  12. this is true........being from VA.......I don't see a lot of Bills fans but when I come into contact with a person wearing a hat or a decal on their vehicle.....I make an effort to approach them with a fist bump/high five.......yes, sounds weird......but for some reason its always reciprocated being a Bills fan is just different. I like parties sometimes......I throw a Halloween party every year and sometimes a mardi gras themed party but it does take a lot of time and effort and as I get older the effort doesn't seem to be worth it when people seem to be more homebodies and don't want free food/drinks and a good time.
  13. Of all the characters in SW movies...I think I might even like Jar Jar even more then Luke......Luke worst character ever. Sounds very bitter.......be a professional.
  14. I tend to buy mine secondhanded off alternative sites......will see what is out there and see what I will likely spend for a weekend trip in Charlotte.......got the room and I'll scan the tickets for the next month or so.
  15. I'm looking at tickets now. I loved the last time we played in Charlotte......actually it was when my 6yo son was conceived lol! We won and I won lol
  16. Id love a home game......someday.
  17. evans caught 3 tds as well.......we were loud at that game!
  18. Doubletree......just a close walk to the Bills bar and the stadium for the drinkers lol
  19. Comtemplating this one or Atlanta .........going to Carolina.
  20. already reserved my hotel. I love charlotte and it was fun the last time.
  21. Carolina. I reserved my hotel already. Contemplating either Atlanta or Cincy..........I just wished they were so close together.......makes it hard.
  22. too many old people in here complaining.
  23. I saw that commercial ad here in VA.
  24. I quit two weeks ago........I feel good physically but man I need something to deal with the stupid people around me.
  25. I wondered why the board wasn't working. crackur over there...............but Jerry Christ here =)
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