I had just woke up, took a shower and was getting ready for a class. I turned on the tv to see where the first plane had already hit one of the buildings. I was like "what the heck is going on and HOW could a pilot not see a building that big." It was still confusing me as I sat and watched and then.......boom, live on tv I see the second plane come across the screen and hit the other building and watched it collapse.
I was sick, confused, I didn't know what was going on. Or how this could possibly happen. I had to motivate myself for class, so I left still sick and when I got to school, all the tvs where on everywhere and everyone was just standing watching.
I think class was canceled, I don't even remember, I just stood there watching the tv, sick.
To this day, I try to avoid seeing the towers fall, I remember but I just don't like seeing it.