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Jerry Christ

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Everything posted by Jerry Christ

  1. not around here
  2. *getting all teary eyed* JK Seriously, My wife and I paid for everything but the stuff our parents wanted to put into the wedding. We said we wanted the wedding a specific way so, therefore, paying for it meant we got to decide how it went with no outside opinions involved. It was great, I could have not planned it better.....I was suprised something didn't screw up .
  3. Chef didn't say that, he said move away so your wife doesn't become like your future mother in law......completely different lol
  4. that sounds kinda bad man, I mean seriously all you would have to say is, don't act like your mom I mean seriously, my mother in law kills me sometimes......but then again I don't back down, and my wife and father in law doesn't say anything back because they both know how she is. Sometimes you gotta grow balls.....and not run away from problems lol
  5. already got mine, but I did look on there as well.......
  6. he doesn't have to play hard anymore......he's done got the cash
  7. maybin white afl is on there already just like the mckelvin I'm about to do a 5 pcs I think, with a friend.......if I can get them in on it.
  8. who did u get urs from? I used Good-mart
  9. DHGATE has the white AFL throwback Jackson
  10. "They peed on the dude's rug"
  11. you fail leave
  12. you people kill me..... when you double cover both wrs.....you go where you can to win......he did this.
  13. hurts, its how we lost. When I seen 5mins on the clock I looked at my wife like I did in the dallas game and said, theres too much time on the clock....we need to run the ball. =( However I, for one, loved how we played the game. Like others I saw alot of BS calls and knew it was the home ref field patriots advantage. The offense showed us something we hadn't see in awhile, that they can move the ball effectively and not turn it over. However, our ST look like crap, I just thank GOD that its an easy fix. Hold on to the ball and tackle! With that said, I look forward to sunday to have a better memory of a game, and a win in the column
  14. He should have just went down and not try for an extra yard, he's not lynch. Also, we should have def put someone back there with him. I seen another team do that this weekend Can't wait to get lynch back!!!
  15. they did try, they didn't have enough time or we would have won. Look at it. We either needed 10-15 seconds or one more times out
  16. its good if you like more than the bills........ I don't lol
  17. if u read, i think we all agree with the bills lol
  18. it's not that .........bad I mean, I can't stand anything with a fruit taste when it comes to beer, just be beer.
  19. I had just woke up, took a shower and was getting ready for a class. I turned on the tv to see where the first plane had already hit one of the buildings. I was like "what the heck is going on and HOW could a pilot not see a building that big." It was still confusing me as I sat and watched and then.......boom, live on tv I see the second plane come across the screen and hit the other building and watched it collapse. I was sick, confused, I didn't know what was going on. Or how this could possibly happen. I had to motivate myself for class, so I left still sick and when I got to school, all the tvs where on everywhere and everyone was just standing watching. I think class was canceled, I don't even remember, I just stood there watching the tv, sick. To this day, I try to avoid seeing the towers fall, I remember but I just don't like seeing it.
  20. maybe we could have read this in all the other threads on here and on the main page of billsdaily.com
  21. not to put out 7-9 but I have more hope than that.......I see the team at the very LEAST winning 8 games. But I see more of a 10-6 or 9-7 until I see them actually play a game and give them another win or so
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