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Jerry Christ

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Everything posted by Jerry Christ

  1. well I knew aussie when I seen her so I suppose you was the other lady I seen haha I didn't know that or I would have came over. I was like 10 ft away at all times haha my first tailgate haha I seen that you all where so busy so I didn't want to bother you all. Just made a promise to myself to see you all again so I could say "hi" My wife and I did do a bowling ball shot.................wearing jerseys, #4 and #3 haha
  2. atleast he gets completion be it 1 yard or 10 I was there at the game, it was painful .....I was like just run the ball and punt, don't throw it out of bounds every play fitzy
  3. and all of Fitz' will be out of bounds =(
  4. watching the game, I didn't know who Fitz was throwing too.......I hope he plays well until Edwards comes back
  5. I was there, and Fitz couldnt throw a ball longer than 10yrds on point.......it was nasty and TO is garbage......he has not heart and he doesn't even sit with the team or associate with them.
  6. It was very nice weather, I went to the tavern on the tracks but its wasn't really a buffalo scene in my eyes. I went back to the Town tavern where it was swamped with bills fans, even the budlight guy "the grill and the cooler, a grooler" he gave us free beers. I also saw Chris Brown there, no I didnt speak to him because I think he doesn't know anything. I tailgated in lot 309, saw aussie but everyone was swarming around her. I did a bowling ball shot. Met a bills fan from another board, took several pics, and seen some crazy people. The game was nice, actually my first and I've been a fan for 20yrs, I just never had the money nor transportation before. I thought the experience was like getting a tattoo........haha makes you want more. I loved it. I got into an arguement with a panther's fan beside me when he started haggling me.........I just said, " look at the scoreboard, oh wait, panther fans can't count, you think your winning" lol so many bills fans there.......it was crazy, we took the place over.........the chants never stopped, from before the game, during the game and after. It was great...
  7. sounds like he is protecting his qb...............the end of time is here!
  8. thank God too or they would have been picked off on those God awful passes
  9. I was talking to my wife's uncle about the bills and he said he use to live in buffalo and ran a few companies. I said they have talked about moving them. He was like, they won't move that team, they got too big of following and fans there lol oh yeah, I'm from VA......so I was just asking, since I would like to come see a home game sometime
  10. I believe it was Bill Parcells that once said "You are what your record says you are."
  11. are you alive Hamdan?
  12. +1 Kyle been playing extremely well this year, I don't know what you guys are watching Even announcers notice his game play is good
  13. cookies? oh geez
  14. ur avatar is well..........you know
  15. let me get my people on that right now....
  16. ^ who likes the american flag anyway? haha I mean, I'm a fan of dark colors........besides the AFL whites, which I do like but those blues are hard to cordinate with. The dark is alot easier
  17. you have done time right?
  18. a nice guy or not, I want a person to get unhappy if things aren't right and change them, not stay the course and continue crashing
  19. our navy jerseys are not bad at all.......I likem, now the navy and white ones are GOD awful the blue ones look nice with alot of clothes........so do the white afl ones
  20. I just wouldn't worry about it and ride out the storm until I could go. I'm not one to run away but I have learnt that it is easier to avoid a worser situation that I can make if I can try to minus myself from it. SOmetimes u gotta man up, ride it out and then get out. You only control what you do, they aren't going to change, you can so do you, don't waste your time with them or around them
  21. I support his message, you all are full of crap to complain about it when you are the ones that b!tch and complain about it day in and day out on this board. Give it up to the kid, he did the walking, while you grown men, still are just talking.
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