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Jerry Christ

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Everything posted by Jerry Christ

  1. so you are using your first post from over 5 or 6 months for this? Its all old stuff that everyone knew would happen Get a life ............jeez
  2. now we know wooooooooo party time
  3. JP is garbage. Always was, always will be.
  4. hell the way nascar drivers act, then she'll fit right in, bunch of overgrown babies that get mad and get out of their vehicle wanting to fight.... its a childish sport
  6. could you stop posting stuff like this on every bills board on the internet Isn't one enough? I believe you might be the new SKOOBY
  7. its pretty easy, did it like 11 yrs ago. I drink water, or water with lemon juice or just a slice of lemon
  8. ah the only one I truly respect is Jim, he's the only one who didn't go off to other teams...........sellouts
  9. Love it! Bout time we got rid of it, kill yourself in your own home please .....we should ban it from the entire state, the entire act, don't take me with you while you are killing yourself
  10. you are insane he had a cple yrs and still sucked........he doesn't deserve anymore
  11. he just won in a league of like 4 teams and full of people who couldn't make a practice squad, remember that......we got guys on our team that suck and these guys still couldnt beat them out...............think about it garbage........ufl.............leftover garbage
  12. cops suck
  13. TO SUCKS and we should get rid of him now....... and we might as well move to another state......I mean heck, we got so many ballwashing fans in buffalo! sheesh great to be a fan in another part of the country.
  14. benching trent was........check the news kiddos......speculation gets you killed haha
  15. it was nice and I was happy the entire time lol
  16. bills football is better than no football at all =P
  17. !!! I seen you as well haha.........I knew I should have but since I really have never spoken to one of you all and didn't know who was who from their username I guess I felt a lil ackward as well haha. I know that area stayed busy with the bowling ball shots the band being there and all the food you all were cooking. again, I had on the "crackur" jersey and was mostly talking to joe, the guy with the wing hat on haha. I go by Jerry christ on here now and it seems like I'm new but "crackur" (who I was on here for a very long time) was banned haha and I can't get the name back, although I tried...... =P But I do remember you now.
  18. true that.......and chanted as we walked down the walls/ramps and down the streets
  19. I saw you and knew who you was........I didn't know anyone else by there face. I suppose given your avatar lol
  20. almost makes you forget about all those off route, out of bound and underthrown passes of his........almost
  21. I was there too haha my wife got drunk LOL.......haha the buglight guy gave us free beer and I saw chris brown and he looked dumb as ever. Too bad I didnt know who was exactly there.......I only know a cple by their faces
  22. you did a great job, like I said in the other thread. I wished I would have tried harder and ignored all the people around haha I'll promise I'll make it to another one just to say "HI"
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